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September 12, 2022


Learning Communities Starting in September

Invitation to the New Testament "Lunch & Learn"

Mondays, Sept 12 - Nov 14, 11:30 am - 1 pm, Bartula Family Life Center Room 2A

Women’s Book Study - You Were Made for This Moment "Lunch & Learn"

Tuesdays, Sept 13 - Nov 15, 11 am - 12:30 pm, Odgen Fellowship Hall

Enneagram Journey: Introduction to the Enneagram

Tuesdays, Sept 20 - Nov 22, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Bartula Family Life Center Room 2A

Enneagram: Parenting, Family Systems, and Family Secrets "Lunch & Learn"

Wednesdays, Sept 21 - Oct 5, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm, Bartula Family Life Center Room 2A

Complete list & registrations:

Network Shelves are Empty

Donations of canned meat, fruit, dried and canned beans, jelly, peanut butter, and bread would help restock Network’s Food Pantry. Drop off at FUMCR or at Network during their hours.

Grief and Divorce Recovery Groups

Do you have a friend or family member who could benefit from Help for Hurting Hearts (beginning Sept 19) or Becoming One Again (beginning Sept 25)? These seminars are open to the community and might be just what someone needs to move forward on a path of healing.

New Members

We are pleased to welcome Colin & Katie Hart and Lisa Johnson as members of our church family, and we look forward to walking alongside them in faith.

Connecting Adults & Families


Common Ground Adult Sunday School Class

Sundays, 9:45 - 10:45 am, Room 214

Come join other married and single parents of teenagers and/or young adults looking for ways to connect with each other and grow in Christian faith.

Afternoon at the Movies

Tue, Sept 13, 1:30 pm, Worship & Arts Center

Senior Adult Ministry invites you to a showing of Paper Moon. Popcorn and water will be available. Friends are welcome.


Sat, Sept 17 & Oct 15, 8 - 10 am, Canyon Creek Park

Dads, bring the kids for more monthly installments of SaturDADs. Donuts, coffee, and fellowship offered. Friends and neighbors welcome! Learn More

Modern Worship Choir

Sun, Sept 18, 12 noon, Orr Music Suite

Do you love to sing contemporary songs? We're looking for singers (9th grade to 99 years) who would like to become members of our new Modern Choir. Learn More

Pancake Flip

Sat, Sept 24, 7 am - 1 pm, Coleman Family Hall

Come enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes with your church family at the 49th annual Pancake Flip! Purchase tickets online, on Sept 11 or 18, or at the door. Learn More

Women's Ministry Sunday - Sept 25

Lunch – 12 - 1:30 pm, Coleman Family Hall

We are excited to gather with women of all ages to connect and build community! FUMCR celebrates women in ministry through UWF, small groups, worship, and service. Join us for lunch and learn more!

Senior Adults Autumn Renewal

Oct 3 – 4 at Prothro Center

One- and two-day options available for worship, fellowship, Bible study, and relaxation. Register by Sept 23.

Connecting Children & Youth

Acolyte Training

Sun, Sept 18, 12 - 1 pm, Sanctuary

Children in 5th or 6th grade are invited to light the candles for 8:45, 9:45, and 11 am worship services. Learn More

Youth Handbell Choir

Sundays starting Sept 18, 3 - 4 pm, Orr Music Suite

Open to all 7th-12th graders - beginners and experienced - who would like to make music playing handbells in rehearsals and in worship. Learn More

Camp Bible

For 3rd - 5th Graders, Sept 24 - 25 at Bridgeport Camp

This overnight experience includes worship, small groups, games, crafts, and fun! Register by Sept 12.

logo-breakaway image

Breakaway Hangout

Sun, Sept 25, 4 - 5:30 pm

5th and 6th graders are invited to meet once a month for a mini-UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) experience. Snack supper will be served.

Caring, Serving & Giving

Becoming One Again

Mon, Sept 19 - Nov 7, 7 - 8:30 pm, Room 205

Divorced/divorcing persons are invited to take intentional steps toward healing and wholeness. Learn More & Register

Help For Hurting Hearts

In Person: Sundays, Sept 25 - Oct 30, 2 - 4 pm

A 6-week grief recovery seminar for those experiencing grief. Learn More & Register

Network Pantry & Clothing Closet Needs

Drop off donations at FUMCR or at Network, 1500 International Parkway, Richardson.

  • Pantry Needs: canned meat, fruit, dried and canned beans, jelly, peanut butter, and bread
  • Clothing Closet Needs: gently worn baby, child, and teen clothing and shoes, packages of new socks and underwear, men's clothing and shoes
  • Donate through NETWORK's Amazon wish list.
  • Sign up to volunteer at
  • Monetary contributions may be made via FUMCR online giving or directly to Network.
Ways to Serve
Prayer List

Worship - Sunday, September 18

Sermon Series: Believe

Why does it matter that we are Methodists? Whether we’re new to this faith or we’ve been here for years, the foundational beliefs of our church help shape our relationship with God and our relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and the world. Join us in this series as we remember what we believe and why it matters.

"How Do We Love?"

Matthew 22:34-40


8:45, 9:45, 11* - Sanctuary

*Live Stream

Dr. Clayton Oliphint


9:45 am & On Demand

Dr. Clayton Oliphint


11 am - Worship & Arts Center

Rev. Allison Jean

Quick Links

Traditional Worship

Modern Worship

Online Worship

As Scheduled:

On Demand:

Audio: 972.219.6058 anytime during the week

We are a Stephen Ministry Church

Our listening ears and Christian presence are here to walk beside you in times of need.

First Connections Magazine

Read Current Fall Issue

Social Media Channels

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Fellowship One: Your Groups, Registrations & Giving

Log in to connect with groups, verify registration, plus give, schedule, and track donations. | 972.235.8385 |