Welcome to another week of spiritual growth and connection within our presbytery family. This edition of Staying Connected highlights a presbytery communication update, updates from Montgomery Center and events going on in our presbytery.
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News From Around the Presbytery | |
Presbytery Communication Update
As I go through my weekly duties, I am impressed, time and again, with the high quality of ministry being conducted within our presbytery! Sharing this good news with one another can lift us up as we serve Jesus Christ.
As a presbytery, we can help promote these works within our presbytery by way of our newsletter. If you would like to send us an item to distribute, please use [email protected] to share pictures, announcements, events, etc. with the Presbytery Office.
God bless,
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Black American History Tour
Memorial Presbyterian Church is proud to offer a Black American History Tour of St. Augustine on Saturday, September 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. MPC will have dedicated guided tours at Fort Mose’ and The ACCORD Civil Rights Museum. Attendees will also go to The Lincolnville Museum & Cultural Center.
This event is first come, first served. MPC is planning to use a 15-seat bus for transportation. Once the seats are filled, a waitlist will become available for the next tour later this year. The cost is $25 and includes bus transportation, tours, bottled water and snacks. Please call or text Michelle Jennings at 914-310-2001 if you have difficulties registering.
The deadline to register and pay is September 2, 2023.
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FISH 2.0
Join us for FISH 2.0 (Fresh Ideas Start Here) -- a leadership development opportunity at Montgomery Center September 22 through 23. This event is co-sponsored by the Presbytery of St. Augustine, the Central Florida Presbytery and SOAP APCE. FISH 2.0 is for Sunday school teachers, Bible study leaders, pastors, deacons, elders, youth leaders and Christian educators. Workshops will offer tactical tools that can be used in your ministries.
Learn more here.
Register here.
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Meet Our Mission Partners
There will be three opportunities to visit with our Cuban mission partners from Matanzas, Cuba. Come out and learn more about the work that they are doing.
- Wednesday, August 30, at noon, at Palms Presbyterian
- Wednesday, August 30, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., at Hodges Blvd. Presbyterian
- Sunday, September 3, during both the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services, at Memorial Presbyterian
Click here for more information.
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Mutual Mission: Cuba Mission Trip
The 2024 Cuba Mission Trip will take place February 8 through 15, 2024. This year, we are taking our collaboration to new heights by immersing ourselves in the vibrant Cuban culture and living side-by-side with our Cuban partners. During this journey, we will have the privilege of staying in their towns, sharing their homes, experiencing the life of the church and worshipping together. This unique opportunity will allow us to forge stronger bonds, gain a deeper understanding of their traditions and exchange valuable insights that will enhance our partnership.
Learn more here.
Download the application here.
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2023 Border-to-Border Delegation
Coffee, Migration & Faith
Memorial Presbyterian Church and the Presbytery of St. Augustine have the unique opportunity to travel to learn about the interconnection of coffee, migration and faith November 10 through 18. Join with people on both sides of the border for a pilgrimage from the U.S./Mexico border to the Mexico/Guatemala border, exploring different connections.
View the flyer and learn more!
Register online here.
Please contact Julie Reffel with any questions you may have.
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2023-2024 Presbyterian Planning Calendars
It’s time to pre-order your 2023-2024 Presbyterian Planning Calendar through the presbytery office! The discounted rate is $12.00 each. Or only $10.00 each if you pick-up at the presbytery office. Click here to order your calendar(s).
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Matthew 25 Church
PC(USA) has released a brand new video to help Matthew 25 congregations and communities with next steps. Learn more about next steps here.
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Presbyterian Women Summer Gathering
Save the Date for the Annual Presbyterian Women Summer Gathering and 2023-2024 Bible Study Kick-Off. The event will be held this Saturday, August 26, at Montgomery center, from 9:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Bible Study will be lead by Rev. Dana Riley and Emily Heeg.
Please make checks out to Presbyterian Women.
View the flyer here, and share it with your congregation.
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The Kay Beckman Scholarship Fund
The Presbyterian Women have a seminarian Scholarship known as The Kay Beckman Scholarship Fund that is awarded annually to qualified seminary students who have completed at least one year at an approved PC(USA) seminary.
Scholarship Guidelines and Details
The applicant shall:
- Be enrolled in a PC(USA) seminary
- Have completed the first year of Seminary.
- Have been recommended by a congregation in the St. Augustine Presbytery
- Have been recommended by the Presbytery’s Call Commission
- Complete and return the application by the stated deadline and make arrangements for the necessary letters of recommendation to be received by the application deadline.
The scholarship will be granted to the most deserving applicant(s) as determined by the PWP Coordination Team. Students are eligible for up to two years of scholarship support, when recommended by the Call Commission. Applications must be completed annually.
To begin the process, contact Lois Morse, PW Scholarship Coordinator for the Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of St. Augustine, and an application and guidelines will be emailed to you.
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News From Montgomery Center | |
Montgomery Board of Trustees
Does Camp Montgomery hold a special place in your heart? Do you want to gain experience in the world of camp ministry? Montgomery is now accepting applications for service to their board of trustees! Commitments are for one, two or three years.
For more information, and to apply, visit the Montgomery Center website.
Trunk or Treat
This year's Fall Fest, on October 28, will feature a Trunk or Treat. Businesses and church members of the presbytery are invited to set up their Trunk or Treat stations from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Tractor Fund Challenge
Montgomery Center recently purchased a tractor to help maintain the road, keep the beaches clean and handle some of the heavy work on their 167 acres. To cover the entire cost, Montgomery Center is challenging the presbytery to help raise the remaining $1,050.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed already. $29,950 has been raised so far!
To make a donation to the Tractor Fund, click here.
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Positions Available In Our Presbytery
Check out the many ministry opportunities throughout our presbytery here.
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Susan Rose, Moderator of the Presbytery
Charlie Evans, Stated Clerk
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Previous Staying Connected emails are available on our website.
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