Greetings Presbytery Family,
As we prepare for spring, may the fresh blossoms of hope, renewal and vibrant faith inspire our presbytery community on this joyful journey of growth and transformation. This edition of Staying Connected shares important updates from around the presbytery.
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News From Around the Presbytery | |
Clergy Retreat Survey
As we work to make plans for a clergy retreat, we are asking for your input on what would make a retreat worthwhile. Click here to complete our survey. We have extended the deadline to complete submissions to this Friday, March 15.
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Directory Updates
Help us keep our directory up to date! If you or your church has had any changes, please send those changes to [email protected] so that we can update information in the directory.
Examples of changes may be, but are not limited to: email addresses, phone numbers, mailing address changes, worship service times, church office hours, staff changes, etc.
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Updates from the Lead Presbyter
The Lead Presbyter will be out of office March 18 through 21, to attend an orientation for mid-council leaders in Louisville, Ky.
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Congratulations, Rev. Dr. Olive Mahabir! | |
Prayer Corner
Please pray for the Lord to guide the following church (its staff and session) this week:
First Presbyterian Church of Gainesville
Mark Hults
Scott Stuart
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Women's History Month
The 2024 theme for Women's History Month is Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. "The theme recognizes women throughout the country who understand that, for a positive future, we need to eliminate bias and discrimination entirely from our lives and institutions. Today, equity, diversity and inclusion are powerful driving forces that are having a wide-ranging impact on our country." Learn more from the National Women's History Alliance.
Click here to read the history of Presbyterian Women.
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Gift Card Collection
Presbyterian Women will be receiving a gift card offering at the Gathering in St. Louis. If you would like to contribute to this offering, please mail Lowe's, Target, Walmart or Amazon gift cards, with at least $10 or more on each card, to Nancy Carlton, PW Moderator. The gift cards will be given to Bethel Hills and Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services.
Nancy Carlton
2511 Sam Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32216
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News From Montgomery Center | |
Camp Pastors Needed
Do you have a heart to reach young lives? Camp Montgomery is accepting applications to serve as Camp Pastor for a week of camp. This is a vital role in our camp ministry, ensuring a high quality, Christian camping experience. Camp Pastors provide leadership in the areas of Bible study, worship and spiritual growth. They start campers on their day by introducing the daily scripture and theme.
There is a need for a Camp Pastor June 23 through 28, and July 14 through 19. Please email [email protected] for more information.
Easter Respite
Find respite after the busy season of Lent and lean into the peace that passes understanding after the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Montgomery will host a time of Easter Respite April 1 through 4, with free lodging for pastors, Christian educators, music directors and other church leaders. You are welcome to stay for one day or as many as needed. Click here for more information and to reserve your spot.
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Family Fun Day
Save the date for Family Fun Day, at Montgomery Center, on June 1. Swimming and archery will be available from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. for guests, and camp tours will be available at 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. This is a FREE event.
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Summer Camp
Registration is open now for Summer Camp 2024.
For information about 2024 Summer Camps, click here
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As church leaders, you desire to invite everyone to a relationship with Christ. One big challenge is to know who is in your community so you can be relevant in your outreach. MissionInsite provides the information to understand the unique profiles of the people you need to reach both now and in the future. Click here to learn about the advantages of using MissionInsite.
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One Great Hour of Sharing
One Great Hour of Sharing is the single, largest way that Presbyterians come together every year to work for a better world. This year we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of this Offering, which started with a radio show in 1949. Typically received on Easter Sunday, which this year falls on March 31, the annual Offering supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program and Self-Development of People. All three programs work to serve individuals and communities in need to provide people with safety, sustenance and hope. Find resources here.
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Key Events
April 1-4 – Easter Respite at Montgomery Center
May 14 – Meeting of the Presbytery at Silver Springs Shores PC (In-Person Only)
June 1 – Family Fun Day at Montgomery Center
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Positions Available In Our Presbytery
Check out the many ministry opportunities throughout our presbytery here.
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Steve Crowley, Moderator of the Presbytery
Charlie Evans, Stated Clerk
David Rollins, Lead Presbyter
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Previous Staying Connected emails are available on our website.
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