June 28, 2023

Dear Presbytery Family,

We greet you with warm, Summer greetings today. This edition of Staying Connected features information on the new Book of Order and provides updates from around the presbytery.

News From Around the Presbytery

What Have You Written?

Some of our Presbytery ministers have written books about their spiritual journey and what they have learned. Others have written studies and guides to assist believers in their faith journey as Christians. There are also those who have written books on different subjects altogether. We want to learn from these texts. We wish to compile, and then to disseminate by email, titles of books written by our Presbytery ministers.

If you have published a book, click here to read the instructions on how to submit your work.

Thank you to everyone who has already submitted materials!

Sabbath By the Pool

A Women in Ministry Event

Are you ready for a day of rest and renewal before the end of the summer? Join us for Sabbath by the Pool at the home of Synod Executive Valerie Young, in Jacksonville, Fla., on July 31, between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. This is a drop-in event and lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided. 


We are considering reserving a hotel block close to Valerie's home to allow women from throughout the Synod to attend. Travel grants may also be available.


Please register by Wednesday, July 25. The address will be sent by email on Friday, July 28. 

Update From the Coordinating Council

As we await the arrival of a new Lead Presbyter, please contact the Stated Clerk, Charlie Evans, who will direct you to the appropriate person, ministry, committee or team to assist with your question. Our Presbytery Moderator, Susan Rose, and/or the Moderator of the Coordinating Council, Jerie Lukefahr, can field questions as well. For pastoral care matters, please contact your Area Relationship Coordinator. The presbytery website provides current contact information.

News From PC(USA)

NEW Book of Order 2023-2025

The new Book of Order, 2023-2025, is now available. This Book of Order is up to date with the latest amendments from the last General Assembly.

To preorder your copy from The PC(USA) Store, click here.

You may also download copies by clicking below:

Matthew 25 Church

PC(USA) has released a brand new video to help Matthew 25 congregations and communities with next steps. Watch the video below and learn more about next steps here.

So now you're a Matthew 25 Church
News From Montgomery Center

Tractor Fund Challenge

Montgomery Center recently purchased a tractor to help maintain the road, keep the beaches clean and handle some of the heavy work on their 167 acres. Several individuals and churches have donated to help offset the cost of the purchase. To cover the entire cost, Montgomery Center is challenging the presbytery to help raise the remaining $12,000. To make a donation to the Tractor Fund, click here.

Share this flyer with your congregation!

Summer Camp is Underway!

Upcoming Events at Montgomery Center

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Summer Gathering
Save the Date for the Annual Presbyterian Women Summer Gathering and 2023-2024 Bible Study Kick-Off. The event will be held on August 26, at Montgomery center, from 9:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Bible Study will be lead by Rev. Dana Riley and Emily Heeg.

View the flyer here, and share it with your congregation.

Key Events

Share Your Events
We would be happy to publish your event in the coming weeks! Email [email protected] with the dates and details.
Susan Rose, Moderator of the Presbytery
Charlie Evans, Stated Clerk
Previous Staying Connected emails are available on our website.