The Steamboater Whistle


      Spring 2018

               Volume 57, Issue 2


North Umpqua River, Oregon


Announcements and Club Events


Call to Action: Urge Governor Kate Brown to Appoint Mary Wahl to the
ODFW Commission for Congressional District 4. You may use the following letter to either e-mail the Governor via, or send by mail to the address listed.

The Honorable Governor Kate Brown
Office of the Governor
900 Court Street NE, Suite 254
Salem, OR 97301-4047
Dear Governor Brown,
The Steamboaters, a fishing and conservation group on the North Umpqua River, with over 50 years of working with ODFW for the improvement of our anadromous fish resources, support the appointment of Mary Wahl to the ODFW Commission for Congressional District 4.
Mary Wahl is a fourth generation Oregonian with a long history of blending a conservation ethic with the practicalities of running a sheep ranch along the Elk River.  She has demonstrated a deep concern for Oregon's fish and wildlife and has first-hand knowledge of how government actions can affect landholders, especially in rural Oregon settings.
She served on the South Coast Stratum Citizens Advisory Committee for the Coastal Multi-Species Management Plan; she has served on the board of the Wild Rivers Coast Alliance.  She understands the need for considering all perspectives and working with partners in advancing Oregon's fish and wildlife objectives.
We feel she would be an ideal choice for the Fish and Wildlife Commission.
Thank You,

In This Issue


President's Message by Tim Goforth

Hello Steamboaters! Spring is here and my thoughts are turning to summer fishing and wading wet in our beautiful North Umpqua. I've also found myself enjoying time just sitting on a warm rock watching the otter, dippers, and kingfishers going about their river lives. Just day dreaming and being an observer is something that is good for me, I believe for everyone, just to clear out the cobwebs.
We had a good banquet at Umpqua Community College.  At closing time people had to be chased out. The annual banquet is a great time to see friends and meet some new Steamboaters. I like to make sure to ask what car they drive so I can say hi to them later in the summer. I hope if you couldn't make it this year you will attend next year.
I want to give a shout out to say thank you to the folks that donated to our silent auction:
John Matthews
Anne Ferguson
Dave Stone
Susan Rudisill
Joe Howell
Dean Sullivan
Dale Greenley
Kathy Kreiter
Hope to see everyone on the river this summer!


Photo Contest: A Sample of Member Submissions

Love letters to the river from our wonderful members! Send yours in today at

Photo: Clair Puchy

Photo: Robert Pollock
Rapids below Famous

Photo: Lisa Hansen

Photo: Tim Devine

Photo:  Joe Ferguson

Photo: Karl Konecny

Photo: Tony Wratney


From the Archives:  "Sunny Hollow", a history of the McDonald Homestead by Margaret McDonald Harwood

To Access the McDonald Trail:

From Roseburg, OR take OR-138 east / northeast Diamond Lake Boulevard. Continue until you reach milepost 34, and turn right onto Forest Road 4711. Drive 0.25 mile to the trailhead for the Mott Segment of the North Umpqua Trail. Hike 1.5 miles east on the Mott Trail to its junction with the McDonald Trail, which heads uphill.

The McDonald Trail climbs up a ridge, passing through second-growth and old-growth forests. This trail passes through an old homestead located on a small bench. Wildflowers are abundant during the spring.


From the Archives: "Our River" by Carolyn Cochran 


2018 Steamboaters' Banquet

Georgie and Lenny Volland with Frank Moore

Board Member Dillon Renton

"Colorado" Mike Hamberg

Alli and Charley Spooner

Anthony Szlachciuk and Janice Matthews

Presenter John Shewey and His Wife

Cathy Tronquet and Averi Wratney

Kyle and Tiffany Smith with Anne and Joe Ferguson

Long time fishing buddies Joe Howell and Dale Greenley

Susan Rudisill with the Fabulous Painting She Donated to the Auction
About Us
PO Box 396
Idleyld Park, OR

The mission of the Steamboaters is to preserve, promote, and restore the unique aesthetic values, the natural production of wild fish populations, and the habitat that sustains these fish on the North Umpqua River.

Board of Directors
               Tim Goforth, President               
541 496 0780
Jeff Dose, Vice President
541 673 2665

Karl Konecy, Secretary
Lee Lashway, Treasurer
541 953 4796
Averi Wratney, Board Member

Josh Voynick, Board Member
541 496 0077 
Dillon Renton, Board Member

Associate Directors

Chuck Schnautz

  Peter Tronquet
      541 261-5041
                                                                       Dick Bauer
541 688 4980
Joe Ferguson
541 747 4917
Dale Greenly
541 863 6213
Pat McRae
541 496 4222
Charles Spooner
541 496 0493

Lenny Volland
541 673 2246

PO Box 41266
Eugene, Oregon 97404

To join The Steamboaters go to:
and download the application

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