Worship this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

In All Things - 1 Thessalonians 15:17-19

Dear Friends,

On Sunday, November 26, we will worship together and focus on the sermon theme, “In All Things” from 1 Thessalonians 15:17-19.

This message will walk us through something humanity has struggled with for thousands of years and was grappled with shortly after Jesus’ life and resurrection. How are we to be sure in the resurrection? As we wait for the resurrection, how are we supposed to rest in the hope that all things will be provided for? Paul wrote to the people of Thessalonica with a word of comfort and assurance that those who already died would go on to eternal life as Jesus promised, but they still struggled with how to live in the meantime. He teaches them how they are to treat one another and those outside the church. Paul preaches to them about wholeness. Wholeness is at the foundation of his understanding of "the good life." We are to rejoice, pray, and give thanks unreservedly. But how can we do that when the world is in such chaos? What do we do when it feels too overwhelming? Join us as we walk through this text together and give thanks - thanks for community, for Thanksgiving and abundance, and for Jesus Christ who provides us with a new perspective of living with one another. 

We will worship at 9:30 a.m. in-person and online, and at 11:00 a.m. in-person in the Sanctuary as we give thanks in all things. We will use this time to pause, give our petitions to God, and refresh for the week ahead. Sunday School for children and youth, and Nursery Care are available at 9:30 a.m. Nursery Care is available at 11:00 a.m.

I look forward to worshipping with you!

The Rev. Sarah Alexander

Deacon of Community Engagement & Student Ministries


Click a button below to watch worship online Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

Website - Watch Live
Facebook - Watch Live

Our Church Family

Altar Flowers

The Mission Candle is dedicated to the glory of God and in loving memory of Kim and Gertrude Fox, by Kerry and Kyle. 



Our prayers of sympathy and concern are shared with Chris Sachs and family and Al Lowery and family on the death of Chris’s wife and Al’s daughter, Shanda Lowery-Sachs, on November 14.

Our prayers of sympathy and concern are shared with Mike and Cora Glass and family on the death of Patty Glass, Mike’s wife and Cora’s mother, on November 15. The funeral will be held at Birmingham First on Friday, December 1 at 11:00 a.m.

Our prayers of sympathy and concern are shared with Jeffrey and Karen Marderosian and family on the death of Jeffrey’s father, Harold Marderosian on November 16. The funeral service was held at Birmingham First on Tuesday, November 21.

Submit a Prayer Request

Upcoming Events

We are excited to announce that the Sanctuary portion of Advent by Candlelight will be livestreamed via Facebook and our website, and will be available as a recording on our website after the event. You can view the livestream on our website by clicking the button below.

Advent by Candlelight

This four-week study explores the warmth of welcome at Christmas following interactions with the Holy Family, the shepherds and the Magi. This Advent we are offering the book Making Room, Sharing the Love of Christmas by Ed Robb, as a resource for impacting your faith through this season. Upcoming sermons at both campuses will be based on this book. Rev. Susie will be leading a discussion group at the Birmingham campus on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. on November 26, December 3, 10 & 17. Registration is not necessary. Come for 1 week or come every week. Books are available in the main office.

Copies of Heaven and Earth will be available in the Circuit Rider Bookstore!

Join Pastor Shawn for a four week Advent Study beginning Wednesday, November 29. Together we will read and discuss Heaven and Earth, Advent and the Incarnation by Author Will Willimon. Willimon is a retired United Methodist Bishop who now serves as Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Duke Divinity School. Prior to his election as a Bishop, Willimon was Dean of the Chapel at Duke Divinity School for twenty years. He will be speaking at Birmingham First on Friday, April 5, as the keynote speaker for our Annual Endowment Dinner. 

Sign up for the Zoom Link

Berkley First Worship

The Word Became Flesh

Gospel of John 1:1-18

On Sunday, November 26, Rev. Dr. Charles Boayue, Jr. preaches on the topic, “The Word Became Flesh,” taken from the Gospel of John 1:1-18. In this scripture lesson, John portrays the coming of Jesus Christ into the world. His portrayal provides some light into the mysterious birth of the Messiah and the mission of God to save the world.

The sermon will offer some simple and practical theological basis for the work of the Christian Church in the world today. Far from the notion that Christianity is indifferent to human suffering and the work of justice and equity, John offers insight into the purpose of the nativity of the Messiah and the requisite response of the faithful to this divine narrative. Please come and worship with us as we engage the scriptures and rediscover its meaning for the world and our purpose as followers of Jesus Christ in the world. As Advent approaches, let’s get ready!


Please come and let us worship the Savior of the world together.


Worship Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at Berkley First in-person or online via livestream, FacebookYouTube, or BerkleyFirst.org

Voice of Hope

Did you know that Andy McMillan, Judy Lowery, Steve Packard and Greg Labrake tape a weekly message for the Voice of Hope, at 248-646-1200 ext.2 ? If you are interested in joining the team and would like some training, please contact Judy at: loweryaj@ocsnet.net.

Greg Labrake’s Voice of Hope recording will begin on Sunday, November 26 and is titled, “Always Give Thanks.”

RSVP for Dinner by December 1

The Church Annual Conference will be on Monday, December 4. You are invited to connect with one another before the Conference and share a delicious meal prepared by Chef Hollie. The gathering begins at 5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall with dinner at 6:00 p.m. To RSVP for dinner click the button below. The Conference will begin in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. To attend via Zoom, email Kim Fitzgerald, office@fumcbirmingham.org.

RSVP for Dinner

Save These Dates

Sunday, December 3

A Festival of Carols with choir and orchestra at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. The familiar sounds of Christmas brilliantly come to life as the Chancel Choir leads us into Advent with dazzling and inspirational arrangements of Christmas Carols.

Sunday, December 10

The Heralds of Christmas at 3:00 p.m. The full breadth of the music ministry is on display at this annual concert featuring all of our choirs. From the voices of our 3-year-old Cherub Choir to our Chancel Choir, from the sounds of bells to the mighty organ, this concert is guaranteed to leave your heart filled with the joy of Christmas.

Sunday, December 10

Bethlehem Marketplace at 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Children and families will be able to experience the bustling Bethlehem Marketplace and discover what life was like when Jesus was born.

Friday, December 15

An Unsilent Night: A Benefit Concert for Cass Community Social Services at 7:00 p.m. Experience a night that is anything but silent as Alvin Waddles leads a concert featuring some of Detroit's legendary musicians to benefit the outstanding work of Cass Community Social Services.

Monday, December 18

A Service of Hope at 7:00 p.m. In the midst of the joy and hustle-and-bustle of the Christmas season, this reflective service carves out a bit of time to acknowledge and process those things that weigh heavy on our hearts and lead us to experience the quiet hope that entered our world in Bethlehem.

Sunday, December 24

Christmas Eve Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary at 2:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. We are making room for you this Christmas just as Jesus made room in God’s kingdom for us. This story of Christ’s birth will encourage us all to widen our borders and increase our sense of community—and make room for others.

Sunday, December 24

Children and Family Worship with a Christmas Pageant at 4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Witness this retelling of the Birth of Jesus Christ as told by our youngest members and their friends.

Sunday Social

Sunday Social Fellowship – Sunday, November 26. We will meet in Thomas Parlor from 12:15 – 1:45 p.m. Come for lunch and fellowship with your senior friends. Cost of the lunch will be $15.00. To reserve your place at the table, please make your reservation by today, Wednesday, November 22 with Mary Feldmaier, 248-646-6407, ext. 3142 or mfeldmaier@fumcbirmingham.org.

Connect and Serve

Hunger Ministry is sponsoring The Cookie Walk in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, December 10 following both worship services. This will be a great time to select a variety of different kinds of cookies for your enjoyment, or to share with others!

The proceeds go to support local agencies providing hunger relief in our community. We need lots of cookies and goodies for this event! Please click the button below to sign up to bake cookies and/or to help work at the Cookie Walk!

Sign Up!

Angel Tree needs your help to fulfill the wish lists of 100 children. You can also help by volunteering your talents during Angel Tree Preparation Days from December 4-December 8.

To sign up to purchase gifts or to volunteer, contact Liz Rito by email at ejrito@gmail.com or call 586-703-6495.

Church & Society Ministry is sponsoring an all-church Christmas Wish List fulfillment drive as part of our ongoing support of the Pontiac-based nonprofit Multicultural Family Center (the Center). They have provided us with a Christmas Wish List that they are hoping Birmingham and Berkley First can fulfill. Our goal is to provide the Center with at least one of each item on the Christmas Wish List. You can find out more information by clicking the button below.


More Information

The women’s mission team is holding an online auction until Monday, November 27 at 10:00 p.m. This auction will help us raise enough funds to be able to give the people of La Corroza the hope of access to clean water by providing them with a well. Donors for the auction include Meadowbrook Hall, the Fisher Theater, Interlochen Arts Academy, Trader Joe’s, Hollywood Feed, Beyond Juice, cabi, Neiman Marcus, Green Lantern, Catching Fireflies, and Yellow Door. Hop online for some holiday gift shopping or to treat yourself or a loved one all while supporting our mission partner in Honduras!

More Information

Help support the Scouting Program at Birmingham First by purchasing your Holiday Greens from the Scout fundraiser. There is still time to PRE-ORDER after the service on Sunday, November 26. We will have a drive-through pickup of orders in the church parking lot on Saturday, December 2. For more information or to download a price sheet, click the button below.

More Information

Lest We Forget!—Stories of Those Who Served is now available through Amazon Books. The book can be ordered as a paperback, a hardcover book, and as a Kindle book by scanning the QR code or by clicking the button below.

Order Book

Employment Opportunities

Children and Family Ministries is seeking a Childcare Coordinator and Childcare Workers. For full job descriptions click the button below. For questions, contact Director of Children and Family Ministries, Kim Bowyer by email at kbowyer@fumcbirmingham.org.

Job Postings

Children and Family Ministries

On Sunday, December 10, Children and Family Ministries is excited to present a family-friendly Bethlehem Marketplace event from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. following the Herald's of Christmas Concert. To make this event successful we are asking for volunteers to prayerfully consider helping us host a marketplace shop, play a character role and help with set-up and take down. To sign up, please contact Kim Bowyer at kbowyer@fumcbirmingham.org.

The 4:00 p.m. Family Christmas Eve Service needs children and adult caregiver volunteers to retell the story of Jesus’ birth. Children in Pre-K through 5th grade will have small speaking parts. Musicians are also needed to perform Christmas songs on their own instruments. We will have a mandatory rehearsal on Saturday, December 23 at 9:30 a.m. For more information or to sign up, go to our website by clicking the button below.

Sign Up

Rolls of wrapping paper and bags of bows are needed for the Cass Gift Wrap Kits mission project! Children & Family Ministries will be collecting donations through December 10. Donation boxes wrapped in Christmas paper are around the church to collect donations in the following locations: outside the CFM office, (under the table) and near the Main Entry door. 

We will celebrate babies born in 2023 on Sunday, December 10 at the 9:30 a.m. worship service. RSVP your baby for this special day and submit a photo by Sunday, November 26 to Director of Children and Family Ministries, Kim Bowyer by email at kbowyer@fumcbirmingham.org.

Christian Life Center

Unite 3 on 3 basketball is looking for a few more 3rd to 5th grade girls for our 2024 season! Come and burn some energy on a Saturday morning from 10:30-noon this January-March.  Unite is a skill-based, fun league! Bring some friends and create a team! Spread the word to your neighbors, daughters, granddaughters and friends! Only $110 for 8 weeks of fun, faith and basketball! Questions? Reach out to Beth Torrey at btorrey@fumcbirmingham.org.  

Register Now


Sign up for Ladder Leagues!

Sign up now!

New CLC Class

Women+Weights with Instructor Caryn Ciagne


Women+Weights is offered on Tuesdays beginning November 28 from 6:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. in the South Studio in the Christian Life Center (CLC).  Let’s get stronger together! Enjoy the benefits of resistance/strength training complete with targeted stretches via a safe, mindful approach. Benefits include preserving bone density, improving strength, balance and joint stability. An added bonus is a boost in metabolism and mindset!

Click the button below for more information.


Watch Worship from Sunday, November 19

Watch a recording of worship from last Sunday by clicking one of the buttons below.

Birmingham First Worship Recording
Berkley First Worship Recording

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