Hi, Church,

As state and local governments ease restrictions concerning social distancing, we are taking a step by step approach to reopen our worship space at First UMC.

On May 3, Sunday, 10am, we will once again have online worship only. You can participate at www.facebook.com/festusumc

The following weekend, May 9/10, we will open the Sanctuary, in a limited capacity, to gather for in person worship with several safety protocols in place.

You are welcome to attend worship, provided you:

1)        Wear a mask at all times
2)        Stay 6 ft from anyone not in your household
4)        Reserve your seating in advance

There will be no Sunday Social in the Fellowship Hall. There will be no nursery, kids Holy Moly, youth, choir, communion, or Sunday School groups. The office will be closed. This is simply an opportunity to enter the sanctuary for worship.

I understand that some of you are excited and happy for the opportunity to gather again while others are anxious and concerned about coming back together too soon. I encourage you to use your own best judgment. Online worship will still be available.

We need to know how many people plan to attend worship in the sanctuary May 9/10 so that we can determine how many worship services are needed to maintain social distancing.

** Therefore, if you plan to attend worship the weekend of May 9/10, you must reserve your seat . Either call the Church office, (636) 937-6205, or email judyz@festusumc.org by Noon, Wednesday, May 6, and tell us how many in your household will be in attendance, and if you prefer Saturday evening or Sunday morning.**

We will plan the number of services based on the number of people who wish to attend. Final worship times will be announced Wednesday, May 6, by 5pm. Plan to wear your own mask, or let us know if you need one provided for you.

Take time to pray and watch for God to work good out of this strange and difficult time (Romans 8:28). I look forward to worshiping with you again, whether in person or online.

First United,

Pastor Tish      

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Other Ongoing Ministry News...

We have three groups meeting weekly through Zoom video chat. Download the Zoom app on your phone, or go to zoom.us , and join a meeting with the related meeting ID. The password for every meeting is zoom.

Monday 6pm - Room 107 Mental Health Group - Mtg ID 778 074 4540
Wednesday 7pm - Theology on Tap with Pastor Tish - Mtg ID 196 246 831
Thursday 7pm - Youth Group - Mtg ID 221 644 712

If you want to host a Zoom or Conference Call small group to help keep us connected, contact Pastor Tish for detailed information.

Our Food Pantry is open regular hours Tuesday, 8:30am - 11:30am, with curbside service only. Come by for help with food, household items, or hygiene products. You may also donate to the Food Pantry, or drop off your Church tithes and offering, through the curbside service.

The physical office is not open but we are working remotely and checking phone messages and emails several times daily. We will return your calls and emails.

You received a letter in your mail about completing the 2020 US Census. Your friendly Festus Mayor Sam Richards reminds us of the importance of completing the census. In short, it translates into calculations for our community's portion of money and other resources for the next decade! I completed our census online (there is a code on the letter for you to enter online) and it literally took less than ten minutes. Even if you don't have your code, go to www.my2020census.gov to complete the questionnaire.

While this time is difficult for all, it will pass. It is a temporary situation to which we should respond with great faith and practical steps. I invite you to meditate on these two Scriptures about prayer, peace, and a mind stayed on Jesus:

Philippians 4:6-9
  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Isaiah 26:3-4
You will keep in perfect peace
    whose mind is stayed on You,
    because they trust in You.
Trust in the Lord forever,
    for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.

God bless you. Peace and health to you and your household.

First United,
Pastor Tish