Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
God is our source of refuge. He leads us to GREEN PASTURES AND STILL WATERS. He RESTORES our souls and our cups OVERFLOW. But refuge does not mean stagnation. God is preparing us for a new thing. A time of growth in the bonds we share and the love we have for the world. After a devoted member offered to kick off a special fundraising campaign with a generous donation, your Church Council approved the implementation of a special project entitled:
“Campaign for Mortgage Freedom”
Our current mortgage balance is approximately $200,000. Our challenge is to raise this amount through special, dedicated gifts that are over and above regular offerings. This we hope to do in the months of September, October, and November, completing the “Mortgage Payoff” in December 2023. A team has been assembled to work on this challenge and communicate with us all in the weeks ahead. Initial gifts totaling $57,500.00 have already been received. Upon the news getting out through individual conversations, other gifts were promised totaling $35,000.00. We are almost halfway there.
Debt can limit how we live out the Good News of Jesus Christ. It can restrict our visions of the future. We have an opportunity to be free of those limitations and live in the hope of a bright, exciting future. This liberation will provide greater opportunities for new ministries.
So prayerfully consider aiding YOUR church in the elimination of this debt and the ways we can use this newfound freedom to build community and serve our neighbor. If you have any questions, please speak to any of the members of the team listed below. We invite you to send an email with your ideas for how we can serve our community as a result of eliminating the debt.
A special word to our extended family who have moved into a new phase of their life. Your mark has been left forever on the ministry of your congregation in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Many of you raised your families here. So because you are a vital part of who we are, we want to share what God is doing through Christ the Lord. We ask you to consider being a part of this special time in any way you feel called. We covet your prayers as we continue seeking God’s call in this ministry. On behalf of the entire staff and congregation, I thank you for being part of the legacy.
GOD’s PEACE be with you.
Michael Johnson – Stewardship Chairperson
Mortgage Team Members: Pastor Brad, Janice Aldridge, Adam Barnes, Jeff Coffey, Robin Eggleston, Kathryn Gibbs, Pat Olson, Sue Schroer, Brandon Witt