Steve Alten April Newsletter
TO: My MEGheads, Readers, Family & Friends:

These monthly newsletters are the best way for me to keep you updated on the progress of my books, movies, contests, and other projects – especially my next two novels; The LOCH-3: Heaven Lake and MEG-7: Purgatory.

Update: The LOCH-3: Heaven Lake

Of my eighteen published thrillers, none has taken me as long to write as LOCH-3, and pushing 500 pages, no Alten novel will be longer. Whether it is my best book to date will be yours to decide. I know everyone who pre-ordered the book back in Feb. 2019 wants to know when they can expect their SIGNED FIRST EDITION HARDBACK(S) in the mail? Working backwards, about 8 to 10 weeks after the final manuscript is sent to our printing house, you will receive your copies. WHEN WILL THAT BE? Part of that depends on my MEG-2: The TRENCH movie interview schedule (May thru August). Good news is that the first 400 pages are behind me, with another 40 pages ahead of me already written from a prior draft that I can add in few days after an edit. Once completed, I can focus on the big payoff finish. For now, my goal is to complete the first draft by June 1, 2023. Once done, I will invite about a dozen of my readers to read it and offer their opinions while my brain cools off by completing a never-before-read or released Angel of Death Novella-2 so it is ready for MEG: LEGACY Volume 3 (see below). I hope that helps; I appreciate your continued patience and understanding.

Update: MEG-7: Purgatory

My schedule has always been to work full-time on the last MEG novel once LOCH-3 was completed and that has not changed. With MEG-2: The TRENCH in theaters August 4, 2023, that start-up date may not be until October. Will it take me as long to write PURGATORY as LOCH-3? Heck, handwritten Torahs have been written faster. The difference is that I have the most of the research and characters from GENERATIONS to draw from, plus a mind-blowing series ending already written in my head (and beat sheet) that I can’t wait for you to read.

Update: MEG: Legacy Volume 1-7: 

To everyone who has ordered either Volume 1 alone or the complete set of Volume 1 thru 7… MANY THANKS. Not only will Volume 1 be personally signed by me, so will the rest of the series as a special gift. This offer expired on April 16th, but I will extend it until April 30th.

From May 1st thru June 15th anyone who purchases their first copy of Volume 1 or an additional copy will receive a very unique bonus – to be announced in May’s newsletter. (To those who ordered the first wave of copies, I still love and appreciate you, but print discounts are based on specific minimums we haven’t hit yet. I know we will hit them, but I don’t want you to have to wait another six months or longer to receive your signed Volume 1 edition of these (faux) leather bound beauties. It took about two years to sell and ship 5,000 signed copies of MEG: Generations hardbacks back in 2018, but the novel was still being written at the time so there was no rush. Except for Volume 7 (Purgatory and special features) the novels, novellas, comics and special bonuses for MEG: Legacy are 85% ready to go… the 25th Anniversary Edition of MEG & Origins featured in Volume 1 being the exception (no one has seen that baby yet.) So, what is the special bonus? Maybe the better question would be: How many inches?

Enjoy the rest of the newsletter!


P.S. Anyone who ordered LEGACY Day One did not have a choice of colors – now you do. If you have not already done so, please email me at  SUBJECT : LEGACY COLOR SELECTION. Then let me know: BLACK, RED, or OCEAN BLUE.
In the news…
We begin with a wild story sent to me by Paul Monello. For those of you who are just beginning to read my novels, I create storylines and scenarios after spending countless hours doing research… all of which blurs the lines separating fiction from fact (I call it FACTION).

MEG readers are introduced to the Panthalassa Sea in MEG: Hell’s Aquarium and on thru the next four novels (climaxing with MEG-7: Purgatory). I recently posted research articles dealing with massive aquifers found beneath the sea floor – matching the backstory of my proposed TV series, WHERE SEA MONSTERS ROAM (see
This story opens up all new possibilities…
Massive ocean discovered
beneath the Earth's crust
It feels like there have been staggering science stories emerging every other day recently, all of which have blown our tiny little minds.

First, there was the discovery of a terrifying black hole pointing right at us, then there was a huge hole found in the sun and a missing continent found after going missing for 375 years.

Now, people are only just realizing that there’s a massive ocean hidden under the Earth’s crust.

Who knows what is in Lake Vostok?
Zachary Wallace knows, along with everyone who read VOSTOK, part 2 of The LOCH. (Many thanks to long-time MEGhead and friend Kelly Rollyson for sending this in.)
Dunk was a mix of
Great White & Amazonian Catfish
Many thanks to John Webb for sending this…

An armored sea beast that roamed the oceans 400 million years ago was a cross between a Great White shark and an Amazonian catfish, according to new research.

Dunkleosteus terrelli had the most powerful bite of any fish that ever lived - bringing its jaws together with a force of more than 1,100 lbs.

DID YOU KNOW: At you can go cage diving with Dunks.
May ZOOM call with Steve Alten:
Zoom call with Steve Alten

Saturday May 20, 2023 at 3pm ET.

Reserve your spot with Barbara Becker at
Living Tips:
Foods for the Brain
Just as there is no magic pill to prevent cognitive decline, no single almighty brain food can ensure a sharp brain as you age. Nutritionists emphasize that the most important strategy is to follow a healthy dietary pattern that includes a lot of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Try to get protein from plant sources and fish and choose healthy fats, such as olive oil or canola, rather than saturated fats.

Research shows that the best brain foods are the same ones that protect your heart and blood vessels, including the following:

SEA MONSTER COVE April - May happenings:
On our March 5 zoom call, we had an exciting update from our computer game wizard, Paul Knott who was busy “handling the last bugs.” He is pushing to get the game done in in April. Here is the short video Paul sent in case you missed it.
Music Video of the Month:
Rolling Stones, Loving Cup
(1972, live in Montreal).
So good – I could listen to this all day.
Recipe Of The Month:
Healthy Granola Bars
2 cups rolled oats
¾ cup packed brown sugar
½ cup wheat germ
¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup all-purpose flour
¾ cup raisins (Optional)
¾ teaspoon salt
½ cup honey
1 egg beaten
½ cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Generously grease a 9x13 inch baking pan. In a large bowl, mix together the oats, brown sugar, wheat germ, cinnamon, flour, raisins and salt. Make a well in the center, and pour in the honey, egg, oil and vanilla. Mix well using your hands. Pat the mixture evenly into the prepared pan. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes in the preheated oven, until the bars begin to turn golden at the edges. Cool for 5 minutes, then cut into bars while still warm. Do not allow the bars to cool completely before cutting, or they will be too hard to cut.

*IF YOU HAVE A RECIPE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at Put RECIPE in the subject line.
Funny video of the month:
Wedding Crashers: “Just livin’ the dream.”
*IF YOU HAVE A JOKE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at Put JOKE in the subject line.

Your monthly dosage of my Father’s three favorite wise men… Playin’ the Ponies. (play it with the Closed Captions – hilarious.
Appreciate you,

Steve Alten
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