TO: My MEGheads, Readers, Family & Friends:
These monthly newsletters are the best way for me to keep you updated on the progress of my books, movies, contests, and other projects – especially my next two novels; The LOCH-3: Heaven Lake and MEG-7: Purgatory.
Update: The LOCH-3: Heaven Lake
Of my eighteen published thrillers, none has taken me as long to write as LOCH-3, and pushing 500 pages, no Alten novel will be longer. Whether it is my best book to date will be yours to decide. I know everyone who pre-ordered the book back in Feb. 2019 wants to know when they can expect their SIGNED FIRST EDITION HARDBACK(S) in the mail? Working backwards, about 8 to 10 weeks after the final manuscript is sent to our printing house, you will receive your copies. WHEN WILL THAT BE? Part of that depends on my MEG-2: The TRENCH movie interview schedule (May thru August). Good news is that the first 400 pages are behind me, with another 40 pages ahead of me already written from a prior draft that I can add in few days after an edit. Once completed, I can focus on the big payoff finish. For now, my goal is to complete the first draft by June 1, 2023. Once done, I will invite about a dozen of my readers to read it and offer their opinions while my brain cools off by completing a never-before-read or released Angel of Death Novella-2 so it is ready for MEG: LEGACY Volume 3 (see below). I hope that helps; I appreciate your continued patience and understanding.
Update: MEG-7: Purgatory
My schedule has always been to work full-time on the last MEG novel once LOCH-3 was completed and that has not changed. With MEG-2: The TRENCH in theaters August 4, 2023, that start-up date may not be until October. Will it take me as long to write PURGATORY as LOCH-3? Heck, handwritten Torahs have been written faster. The difference is that I have the most of the research and characters from GENERATIONS to draw from, plus a mind-blowing series ending already written in my head (and beat sheet) that I can’t wait for you to read.
Update: MEG: Legacy Volume 1-7:
To everyone who has ordered either Volume 1 alone or the complete set of Volume 1 thru 7… MANY THANKS. Not only will Volume 1 be personally signed by me, so will the rest of the series as a special gift. This offer expired on April 16th, but I will extend it until April 30th.
From May 1st thru June 15th anyone who purchases their first copy of Volume 1 or an additional copy will receive a very unique bonus – to be announced in May’s newsletter. (To those who ordered the first wave of copies, I still love and appreciate you, but print discounts are based on specific minimums we haven’t hit yet. I know we will hit them, but I don’t want you to have to wait another six months or longer to receive your signed Volume 1 edition of these (faux) leather bound beauties. It took about two years to sell and ship 5,000 signed copies of MEG: Generations hardbacks back in 2018, but the novel was still being written at the time so there was no rush. Except for Volume 7 (Purgatory and special features) the novels, novellas, comics and special bonuses for MEG: Legacy are 85% ready to go… the 25th Anniversary Edition of MEG & Origins featured in Volume 1 being the exception (no one has seen that baby yet.) So, what is the special bonus? Maybe the better question would be: How many inches?
Enjoy the rest of the newsletter!
P.S. Anyone who ordered LEGACY Day One did not have a choice of colors – now you do. If you have not already done so, please email me at SUBJECT : LEGACY COLOR SELECTION. Then let me know: BLACK, RED, or OCEAN BLUE.