Lakeside Stewardship 2024
"I came that you might have life, and have it abundantly."
+ John 10:10
October 18, 2023
Greetings from the Lakeside Stewardship Team!

The world needs more community, more compassion, more justice and love – and that’s exactly what Lakeside sets out to provide each and every day.
We are a community on a mission! Following Jesus, we’re called to thrive and to help our neighbors thrive, creating a beautiful, delightful, abundant life for all. Over the next few weeks, we’ll explore what this “abundant life” looks like, and celebrate some of the ways Lakeside Presbyterian Church participates in God’s graceful love for the world.

Let’s start with community. For 60 years, Lakeside has been a beacon of community in northern Kentucky: a gathering place, a refuge, a house of joy and welcome, and a wellspring of service for neighbors down the street and around the world.
Through programs like “Lakeside Cooks” or Illumination Youth Ministries, we build community by gathering and connecting. Our choirs and musicians build community through the arts. And our children’s ministries and adult programs build community through learning. Through contributions to the Children of Ludlow After School Program and collaborating with our partners at Kentucky Refugee Ministries or providing meals in Covington, we build community by serving.
Moreover, the heart of Lakeside’s community is worship. Every time we gather, pray, listen to God’s good news, support, sing, and celebrate, we build up the Beloved Community with joy and beauty. And God knows the world needs more joy and beauty!

As part of this email, you'll find a brief video from Carla Smith about the power of community at Lakeside. We hope you'll listen to her thoughts on God, community, and the abundant life we're building together.
In coming weeks, along with more videos and stories from members of this community, look out for a pledge card in the mail and save the date for our Commitment Sunday on November 12th. During worship we will collect these pledge cards; then following worship, you are invited to our first "Time and Talents Fair" - an opportunity to learn about and commit to serving opportunities with and through the church. We look forward to that Sunday, a day when we’ll joyfully, beautifully celebrate our mission of creating life-changing community in an often lonely, disheartened, fragmented world.
Thank you in advance for being a part of this important, delightful work!
With joy in abundance,

Tom Feronti, Andy Adams, Jim Eck, Jonathan Hart, and Jeff Hurley, Stewardship Committee
Louisa W. Umphres, Pastor
A Giving Prayer
Find a quiet moment, center your heart, notice the steam rising from your cup of tea or the breeze moving through the trees, and pray this giving prayer for Abundant Life...
Gracious God, thank you.

Thank you for all the gifts we notice, and all the gifts we don’t.
Thank you for the ever-flowing river of your grace, your justice,
your compassion, and your love.

Let our gratitude overflow into generosity. Let your gifts to us overflow into gifts we give to others. As your children, made in your image, let us be creators of abundant life for all.

In the joyful, generous name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
How your giving allows us to worship, learn, and serve...
All of our giving supports our mission to “worship, learn, and serve.” Some of that giving goes directly out the door to missions like the Children of Ludlow After School Program – a program that creates a safe, fun, and educational environment for our younger neighbors. But some of that giving supports our mission in more indirect ways...
  • Our buildings and grounds budget covers the costs of maintaining our ‘thin space,’ a sanctuary where we encounter God.
  • Our personnel budget covers the costs of a small, dedicated, and talented staff that bring together weekly worship not only through music ministry and preaching, but through behind-the-scenes details like audio-visual technology and volunteer coordination.
  • The youth and personnel budgets helped kick-start a new multi-church youth initiative, bringing together the youth of eight Presbyterian, Disciples, and UCC churches called "Illumination Ministry"
  • Children’s Discipleship funds curriculum and materials while personnel supports our growing Celebration Choir, a VBS director, and administrative help for our invaluable volunteers.
  • The maintenance of our building allows Lakeside to be open to our community seven days a week, 365 days a year. We host support groups, mental health groups, music events, and more.
  • Administrative costs ensure we can communicate emerging needs and regular volunteer opportunities like quarterly dinners served to Covington neighbors, the Birthday Blessing ministry, or Kentucky Refugee Ministries.
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