Commitment Sunday This Week

THIS SUNDAY, we will have an opportunity to make our financial commitment for 2024 as part of Commitment Sunday.

We ask that you prayerfully consider your financial commitment to Piedmont Community Church for the coming year and indicate your support on a financial commitment card. If worshipping in person, you will be presented with a card and asked to come forward with the rest of your church family to deliver it as part of our service.

Those worshipping online will be asked to visit a page on our website to fill out a digital card. 


Ash Wednesday Dinner, Service

You are invited to dinner before our Ash Wednesday service on February 14 at 6pm in Guild Hall. Worship follows at 7pm. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your loved one before or after the holiday so you can enjoy a delicious dinner prepared by our Loaves & Fishes team and fellowship with your church family. Don’t forget to invite a friend.

Cost is $15 for adults, $5 for children under 12 in advance ($20 & $10 respectively at the door). Register below or contact Kathy Hurd at (916) 343-1519


Life Groups Return February 22

Easter is early this year, March 31. That means the pre-Easter season of Lent arrives earlier. And with the season, Life Groups will start again too. Life Groups are small groups that gather weekly on Thursday evenings from February 22 through March 21. 

The topic for discussion during Lent will be The Lord’s Prayer.

We start with a simple dinner at 6:15pm in Guild Hall. Then, we get together in groups meeting in various rooms at the church at 7pm for sharing, support and study. Any adult is invited to be part of a group, whether you’ve attended in the past or not. 

You can sign up using the link below, or after Sunday worship. Contact Don Ashburn at Don@PiedmontChurch.org


New Directory Sign-Up

Sign up today to be visible in our new database

If you haven't yet signed in to our new church directory, please do so today. You decide what information to make public and which to keep private.

You were sent an email a few weeks ago inviting you to join the new online directory. If you do not have this invitation, or wish to receive one, please write to Connect@PiedmontChurch.org

Please note that your information from our previous database is not visible until you log in and sign up with your updated information.

Deadline for Messenger articles is 12 noon Monday.

Items received after Monday will be considered for the next edition.


From Sunday, February 4 - It's Communion Sunday. Don Ashburn continues our sermon series, 'Why Church? - When in Doubt, Go!' Steve Schibsted leads our worship. Our Chancel Choir, Darren Fletcher and Stephen Main deliver music.



'Trusting God More' Class Continues

Piedmont Church is pleased to welcome back Dr. Kate Rankin, who taught the popular class on “Stages of Faith” last year. She will continue to lead a our class on “Trusting God More: How Interpersonal Attachment Shapes our Spiritual Life.” 

The class is an opportunity to begin to notice and loosen the power of the personal obstacles that keep us from more deeply trusting and connecting with God. All of us have mental habits, personality traits, and assumptions about how people will treat us that we have held our whole lives. 

In this course, we will begin to look more closely at how our habitual expectations of other people affect the way we see and relate to God. We will review interpersonal attachment styles and think together about how they influence the way we communicate and handle conflict with other people, and with God.

Classes will meet from 11:15am to 12:15pm on the four Sundays in February in the Kettlewell Room. 

Contact Don Ashburn at Don@PiedmontChurch.org

Online Bible Study

Don Ashburn leads a weekly online Bible Study. It takes place on Monday mornings from 10-11am. The study will be focused on the Old Testament Book of Jonah — which is about MUCH more than being swallowed by a whale! In fact, it has bearing both on how early Christians understood Jesus and on how we respond to his call today.

To participate fully, no previous experience in Bible study is expected or required. Just come with an open heart and mind and see where the Spirit leads you. Contact Don at Don@PiedmontChurch.Org

The Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83767472723


Project Peace Day of Service

Join your Piedmont Church friends on Saturday, March 16 from 9am to 12pm in supporting single women healing from trafficking, domestic violence and/or drug abuse by volunteering to help on the Project Peace Day of Service. 

We will be working to create a beautiful garden space for CityTeam's women's shelter, Turning Point, by weeding and cleaning up outside.

Volunteers 13 years and older are welcome. 

Sign up in the Courtyard after worship, or contact Suzanne Latham at suzlatham3@gmail.com

Church Member Seeks Housing

A young mother and her 10-year-old son seek a 2 bedroom house, in-law unit or cottage to rent in Piedmont or surrounding area. The child attends Havens Elementary, so proximity is key. If you are able to extend assistance to this family, contact Steve Schibsted at Sschibsted@PiedmontChurch.org


Valentine's Cookies and Crafts

Frost and decorate cookies. Cut and paste Valentines. We want to make Valentine's treats and crafts with you. Come to the C.E. Building after worship, check your kids out of their classrooms and be prepared for a fun time. Free of charge. Register online or RSVP to Leslie Leslie@PiedmontChurch.org by February 8 so we have enough supplies ready for you.


February Middle School Retreat

Our Middle School Retreat, February 9-11, is a high-energy, two-night event in the beautiful redwoods at Westminster Woods in Occidental, California. It’s structured specifically for middle school students and is packed with fun experiences, competition, powerful worship, teaching from God’s Word, and valuable moments with their small groups. Cost is $325 per student.

We will depart from the church on Friday, February 9, at 4pm and return to church Sunday, February 11, at 3pm.

All meals and activities are included with the exception of dinner at In-N-Out on the way to the retreat on Friday evening. Please be sure that your student has a debit/credit card or sufficient funds to cover the cost of their meal. Contact Scott@PiedmontChurch.org



Pickleball Sundays, 1-3pm

Join in on the craze that's sweeping the nation: pickleball! We play on Sundays from 1-3pm in the indoor gym, second floor of the Christian Education Building. All are welcome. Equipment is provided and no experience is required. Contact Maureen Recker at maureenrecker@gmail.com. See you on the court!

'Breathe' Wednesdays, 1:30pm

Join with others who seek the refreshment of meditation and the opportunity to enhance their spiritual growth through the concept of sangha or sitting in silence within a group.

Sit tall, take a breath and find your path. Contact Sara Hirsch at sara1.hirsch1@gmail.com

Seniors Gathering Opportunity

Seniors Seeking Conversation and Coffee meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month in Guild Parlor, 9:30-11am.

All seniors, aged 65-110 years, are welcome. Contact Ann Chandler at

(510) 444-0280


Reaching Out in Service

Following worship on Sunday March 3, the Board of Mission of Piedmont Church will host a forum in the Guild Parlor.

The purpose is three-fold: 1) to introduce the members of the new Board of Mission to the Congregation; 2) to share about what the Board plans to do, and; 3) to get feedback from the congregation on what sorts of service projects would be good to pursue.

The Board invites anyone with an interest in mission and service to attend and to share ideas. Contact Board Chair Mike Bandrowski at mike.bandrowski@gmail.com, or Don Ashburn at Don@PiedmontChurch.Org for more information. 

Download The Church Center App

The Church Center App is the fastest way to get information about your church, check-in your family for events, give donations, browse and join groups, register for events and get involved throughout the week. If you haven't already done so, be sure to add your contact information to the Church Center App's directory. It's the only way to get into the directory.

Go to your mobile App store and download 'Church Center' App.


Church Office Hours

The church office is now open Monday through Thursday, 11am - 1pm.

For your convenience, we now accept Venmo mobile for making donations using your phone. We are @PiedmontChurch


The Messenger

Piedmont Church’s online newsletter, The Messenger, is the primary source of communication. The Messenger is published digitally and distributed via email weekly.

Deadline for articles to appear in The Messenger is 12 noon each Monday. Articles submitted after deadline will be considered for the following week.

Michael Barber edits copy and designs the layout of each Messenger with careful consideration of article placement. Placement is determined based on relevance to the congregation and the wider community. 


Sunday Bulletin

Sunday bulletin and worship announcements are decided by Michael based on Tuesday discussions with Staff and lay leadership.

Print deadline for Sunday Bulletin is Tuesday, 12pm.

Church Calendar

All information regarding the church calendar, including event dates, setup times and meetings, should be sent to Jay Foreman at Jay@PiedmontChurch.org


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2 - Search ‘piedmont community church.’ 

Please consider making an online offering by clicking below, or give while watching Sunday services on our website.
Phone: (510) 547-5700  
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