Call for AHIMA Convention Volunteers
Are you attending the 2017 AHIMA Convention in Los Angeles? CHIA is still seeking volunteers for open slots.
CHIA is looking forward to welcoming members and attendees to AHIMACon17 and is taking the lead in soliciting and scheduling volunteers for many available roles at this year's event. If you are planning to attend, please consider volunteering your time.
Becoming an AHIMA Convention volunteer is a great opportunity for CHIA and AHIMA members to network and volunteer with other HIM professionals from around the United States and demonstrate their passion for health information.
Volunteer assignments are limited so sign-up early. View the available opportunities online to choose the task, day and time of the assignments you desire.
While at the AHIMA Convention,
you’re invited to the CHIA Hospitality Suite. Stop by and visit with other attendees, put up your feet, relax and recharge before your next session.
Enter for daily drawings, with a $400 grand prize drawing on Wednesday.
2018 CHIA Convention & Exhibit Proposals due October 13
CHIA is currently accepting presentation proposals for #CHIACon18 being held in San Diego, California on June 2 - June 6. This the most popular HIM event on the West Coast and includes more than 30 educational sessions and several pre-convention tutorials. With hundreds of HIM professionals in attendance, this is a presenting opportunity you don’t want to miss.
CHIA Webinars on Demand - Offering Education at Your Fingertips
Did you miss a recent webinar? No problem! CHIA offers a convenient solution for the busy HIM professional.
View all CHIA Webinars on Demands, including these latest additions:
- IPPS FY2018 Updates
- Affordable Care Act (ACA) Risk Adjustment Audits
- SHIG: Sharing Behavioral Health Information in California
- CMS Emergency Preparedness Requirements
- HIPAA Hot Topics and Current Events
- Governing Health Information for Better Health
Learn from Lynn LIVE! ICD-10-PCS Update - Get 5% Off
October 19, 2017, Irvine (Costa Mesa), CA | 6 CEUs
FY2018 is another record year for changes to the ICD-10-PCS code set. Don’t miss this opportunity for live, hands-on training with nationally recognized ICD-10-PCS trainer, Lynn Kuehn. With guideline additions and changes, body part additions and revisions, new device technology additions and added approaches, the code set continues to grow and many procedures require a review. This face-to-face, instructor-led training program incorporates these changes into case studies for applied learning and describes the rationale for the changes. Attend to get your questions answered.
California Residents: Get a special 5% discount! Simply enter coupon code
at checkout.
Beverly Hills Health IT Summit November 9-10, 2017
Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills | 8.5 CE credits
Join top executives, physicians, practice management and IT decision makers from North America’s leading provider organizations and physician practices in Beverly Hills, CA for a two-day executive Health IT Summit. We've developed a concise program where leading healthcare thought leaders interact with their fellow executives and solution providers to discuss the latest strategies and tactics to address a wide range of issues and topics, including: data security, population health, data analytics, accountable care, telemedicine, and more. This exclusive, high-level program is a great opportunity to stay ahead of the challenges we all face and to network with other healthcare leaders and colleagues.
RHIT to RHIA Exam Proviso
Updated provided by CHIA Academics Committee
Effective July 1st, 2017, The Commission on Certification for Health Informatics and Information Management (CCHIIM) has amended the eligibility criteria to sit for the RHIA certification exam for individuals who hold the RHIT.
Registered Health Information Technicians (RHIT) who meet the following eligibility requirements will be eligible to sit for the RHIA examination during the timeframe of July 1, 2017 through 2021:
- Have at least a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution or nationally recognized accreditor; and
- Have received their RHIT credential on or before August 31, 2018; and
- Have complied with the Standards for Maintenance of the RHIT credential.
When applying for the exam, ‘Proviso’ is an option in the drop down menu for the directory of schools. On the Exam Application form, in the ‘Eligibility’ section (#12), there is a checkbox for ‘RHIT who meets the HIMR Proviso conditions’. School name/EPC is not needed. Official transcripts of baccalaureate (or higher) degree need to be mailed to CCHIM.
Quarterly Update to the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Procedure to Procedure (PTP) Edits, Version 24.0, Effective January 1, 2018
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS); Sep 29, 2017
CMS developed the NCCI to promote national correct coding methodologies and to control improper coding that leads to inappropriate payment in Part B claims.
Version 24.0 will include all previous versions and updates from January 1, 1996, to the present. In the past, CCI was organized in two tables: Column 1/Column 2 Correct Coding Edits and Mutually Exclusive Code (MEC) Edits. In order to simplify the use of NCCI edit files (two tables), on April 1, 2012, CMS consolidated these two edit files into the Column One/Column Two Correct Coding edit file. Separate consolidations have occurred for the two practitioner NCCI edit files and the two NCCI edit files used for the Outpatient Code Editor (OCE). It will only be necessary to search the Column One/Column Two Correct Coding edit file for active or previously deleted edits. CMS no longer publishes a Mutually Exclusive edit file on its website for either practitioner or outpatient hospital services, since all active and deleted edits will appear in the single Column One/Column Two Correct Coding edit file on each website.
Confidentiality: Protecting & Releasing Health Information in California
Wednesday, November 15 - Garden Grove
Thursday, November 16 - Dublin
Unbundling the Madness: CPT Updates, E&M Codes and OP CDI Processes
Tuesday, December 5 – Irvine
Wednesday, December 6 – Sacramento
Two-Day Advanced ICD-10 PCS/CM Coding Workshop
February 2018 – Southern CA Location TBD