To Seek & Save the Lost!
"The War Is Real!"
By Pastor Myckal
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual [hosts] of wickedness in the heavenly [places].." -- Ephesians 6:12
With sadness many of us witnessed bombs bursting and lives being lost in Ukraine this week! We are saddened and deeply disturbed by the loss of life and the instability this recent conflict has brought to so many families in Ukraine and how this war may affect families around the world.
Our prayers go out to each family being affected right now by all the fighting and the many Seventh-day Adventists who are caught in the middle of this war. We know that our God who delivered Daniel when Babylon was in a war with Medo-Persia, will stand with his faithful saints in Ukraine.
Although we may not be in the midst of fight ourselves, we can all take a spiritual lesson from international conflict. First, Jesus was right when He said that there would be an increase in wars as we approached His second coming! Second, as Christians we can not allow politics, wars, or decisions of world leaders to divide us into geo-political adversaries -- the Christian church must remain united and focused on our mission together. Third, we are reminded that there is another war going on that is just as real! It is a "Great Controversy" between Christ and Satan and the battlefield is your heart and mind.
In every conflict, whether it is internal, relational, or between countries, we can see behind the scenes a bigger battle being fought. Don't miss this! Satan stirs up nations! It is Satan that stirs up strife in families! It is Satan who produces war in the hearts and minds of men, and physical wars are only the outward scene on which a greater spiritual war is being played. The war between Russia and Ukraine has a mastermind behind the scenes!
This realization was meant to pull back the curtain, and signal to the true Christian the advance of the enemy and our need for divine assistance and help. Yes friends, the world is being marshalled together by Satanic forces. Our world is slowly approaching the point when Satan will use political powers to coerce Christians to abandon their allegiance to God! Now is the time to recognize the real war, and the real powers fighting behind it, so we can take our stand with King Jesus!
Sabbath School Information
Sabbath School is better when we can study the Bible for ourselves during the week. Check out all the Sabbath School resources and equip yourself for an even better Sabbath School experience by clicking below.
Worship Service Information
Matthew 24:6-14
"Russia, Ukraine, and The Battle of Armageddon"
Description: Jesus described the tumultuous events on this planet which would lead to His return. Nations would rise against nations. Global pestilences would spread around our world. All of this would lead to a final climactic war to end all wars -- "The Battle of Armageddon". Do we see prophecy being fulfilled today? What does the Bible say about the next prophetic events to take place?
Pastor Myckal Morehouse
Upcoming Sermon Topics
March 5 -- "Discipleship vs Discipline"
March 12 -- "Understanding Different Characters"
March 19 -- "Managing Emotions in the Family Circle"
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. Please knock hard if the door is locked, we will meet in the kitchen, thank you.
Prayer Group meets EVERY evening at 7:00pm PDT. Join the North America Prayer Group through zoom by clicking this link:
Password: 247247
For more great resources on prayer visit:
Local Church Announcements
Happy Sabbath and welcome as we worship together in spirit and in truth. Please be reverent in the presence of God. We request that you refrain from eating or drinking in the Sanctuary. Thank you!
Pathfinders -- Would you like to see Stone Tower start a Pathfinder or Adventurer club? Will you help us decide by filling out a short survey -- https://forms.gle/nApLYn3u6DQwiugz6
Second Readings of Membership Transfers - to Stone Tower: Araceli Anderegg from Beaverton Spanish Adventist Co.; Sharon Darroux from Your Bible Speaks SDA Church; Henry and Claudia Maciuk from Cañon City SDA Church, Canon City, CO; from Stone Tower: Patosina (Pat) Rusia to Lents SDA Church.
The Sabbath Fellowship Group: Is a new friendship group at Stone Tower with the goal of encouraging one another's faith through personal testimonies. It will launch its first meeting tomorrow at 2:00 pm in the fellowship hall. The first several meetings will include an important orientation experience. All are encouraged to attend. Please bring a sack lunch to eat before the meeting. More details are on the bulletin board and website: https://www.stonetowersda.org/sabbath-fellowship/ Please see Stephen Mundall with further questions.
Deacons Meeting is rescheduled to Sabbath, March 5 immediately after church in the Primary classroom. If you are serving as a Deacon then this meeting is for you. Please mark your calendar, we look forward to seeing you there.
Investment Labels translates into cash! Do you have Flav-R-Pac, Santiam, Westpac, Heritage Health, Loma Linda, or Worthington labels that you regularly toss? STOP! Bring them to church and deposit them in the Investment box in the foyer. Lois Mundall will sort, count, and redeem them to help with mission projects. Thank you in advance for your support!
Church Budget for the calendar year 2022 was approved in Business Session on Sunday, February 6 in the amount of $221,520.00. We are grateful to God for His many blessings to this church family. If you have questions regarding the budget, please see Jed Lee, Finance Committee Chair.
Adventist Book Center's Case, Food & Book Sale is February 27 to March 13,
2022. You can view the sale flyer by going to www.abcflyer.com and click the
sale flyer link.
Scott Michael Bennett, an international recording artist will be sharing his
musical talents at Stone Tower on March 12th at 5::00 PM. CD's will be available
to purchase after the concert.
Greeters are needed! - If willing, please contact Sharon Houser by email rshouser7@yahoo.com. or call her at 503-860-8842. She would be delighted to have you join the greeter team.
Announcements From
Around The Oregon Conference
ABC SALE -- The Adventist Book Center’s Spring Case Food & Book Sale is February 27 – March 13, 2022. Sale prices are also good for all delivery locations. For all the details go to the Oregon Conference Website and choose the Ministries tab, then click on Adventist Book Center. You will see a link for Sales Flyer. You can also go to www.abcflyer.com and click the sale flyer link.
Oregon Conference Prayer Conference - March 25-27, 2022, featuring Pavel Goia. Please feel free to register early or call if you have questions. To Register please visit https://bit.ly/OPC2022 or call 541-401-2521 (Tawny).
Big Lake Camp Employment Opportunity - Make a difference this summer, "Level Up" by working at Big Lake Youth Camp! Big Lake is now taking applications for a variety of summer staff positions at https://biglake.org/employment/apply/ (or scan the QR code). Make a difference in the life of a child and make memories that will last your life! Apply today!
Gladstone Campmeeting 2022 -- The Oregon Conference is planning an in-person 2022 Gladstone Camp Meeting! This year, Spanish language meetings will happen July 14-16, English July 19-23. What makes camp-meeting work though is the volunteers! Children’s ministries, hospitality, InfoBooth, blood drive, kitchen/dining room, media center, safety, and many other places will need volunteers to make camp-meeting happen! Learn about the positions available, what type of job you might have, and how to sign up at https://bit.ly/campmeetingvolunteering. The summer maintenance crew is also being hired. (Summer maintenance crew positions are paid.) If you are interested, please email athena.gray@oc.npuc.org or matthew.ballard@oc.npuc.org. Thank you for helping to make camp-meeting happen this year!
"The Oregon Conference Adventist Community Service (ACS) & Disaster Response Department will be hosting two training seminars. Join us on February 27 at 10:00AM to learn how to begin a new ACS ministry. Has God placed a burden on you to start a new ACS ministry? This class will walk you through simple steps to build successful ministries. Attendees will not only have a better understanding and knowledge of ministry at the end of this class, but they will also have created their action plan for beginning something new in their community. The only prerequisite for this class is a willingness to serve! At 1:30 PM, Sheltering and Donations Operations will be taught. This is a Red Cross certification that will discuss the opening and closing of a public shelter. The Donations Operations class is an overview of handling donations that come into a facility and what is done to house and distribute these goods to those affected by the disaster. This class will give the participant an understanding of the responsibilities of working within a shelter and how ACS members can prepare themselves for working within an ACS shelter. Register at https://bit.ly/ACStraining2022. If you have any questions, contact Andy Villanueva at Andy.Villanueva@oc.npuc.org."
Event Info:
The Oregon Conference Adventist Community Service (ACS) & Disaster Response Department will be hosting two training seminars:
10:00 am – 12:00 pm - Beginning a New Adventist Community Service Ministry
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm - Lunch
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm - Sheltering & Donations Operations
Beginning a New ACS Ministry: Has God placed a burden on you to start a new ACS ministry? God has called many to service, but sometimes starting is the hardest part. Successful ministries uplift and empower those who are served, are sustainable, and, most of all, glorify God. This class will walk you through simple steps to build successful ministries. Attendees will not only have a better understanding and knowledge of ministry at the end of this class, but they will also have created their action plan for beginning something new in their community. The only prerequisite for this class is a willingness to serve!
Sheltering & Donations Operations: A Red Cross certification that will discuss the opening and closing of a public shelter. The Donations Operations class is an overview of handling donations that come into a facility and what is done to house and distribute these goods to those affected by the disaster. This class will give the participant an understanding of the responsibilities of working within a shelter and how ACS members can prepare themselves for working within an ACS shelter.
Portland Adventist Community Services Announcements
PACS Food Pantry Drive-thru OPEN - Mon-Fri from 9:00 – 11:00 am with an after-work option once a month from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm every third Thursday of the month. We are still operating with social distancing and social responsibility. If you or someone you know needs food, please tell them about us. If you cannot make it to PACS please send a note with someone and they can get you food. Any questions please call PACS at 503-252-8500 or email pacsfood2020@gmail.com. Located at 11020 NE Halsey St, Portland OR 97220.
PACS Thrift Store is OPEN – Sun 11 am – 4 pm, Mon-Wed 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Thurs 9:00 am – 7:00 pm & Friday 9:00 am – 2:30 pm. Our donation drop-off center is open and needs your donations! Mon – Thurs 9:00 – 1:00pm and Sun 11:00 am – 2:00 pm. If you have any questions about what items we accept, please give us a call at 503-252-8500. Depending on volunteer availability, we offer pick-up service for a small fee. If you have furniture or larger items and no way to get rid of them, give us a call and we’ll do our best to help you out! Located at 11020 NE Halsey St, Portland OR 97220.
Gateway Grace Dental Clinic at PACS is OPEN - Gateway Grace Clinic at PACS is open and accepting uninsured patients for low-cost preventative dental care. If you or someone you know needs to schedule an appointment with us, please call 503-907-6768 or email dental@pacsonline.org.
Volunteers Needed at PACS - PACS’ thrift store, food pantry, and dental clinic all need volunteers. We have lots of fun and exciting jobs ranging from customer facing cashiers and greeters, to pricers and truck drivers behind the scenes. No experience or age requirements to volunteer, we’re happy to train you and welcome the entire family! If you’re interested, please contact our volunteer manager Gerelisa at gerelisa.eisele@pacsonline.org or call 503-252-8500 x1130.
Empty Egg Cartons? PACS Needs Them! - If you have any 12-count empty egg cartons we would love to take them off your hands to use in our food pantry! Please drop them off at our Office or Donation Receiving. Thank you in advance!
This video corresponds with My Bible First Kindergarten and Primary Lessons
Jackfruit Tacos
Published: Updated: by This post may contain affiliate links These vegan BBQ pulled jackfruit tacos take taco night to the next level. The main attraction is the BBQ jackfruit; it's loaded with flavor with an amazing 'meaty' texture. Wrap it up...
Read more
Upcoming Events & Church Meetings
Prayer Meeting: Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM
Deacons Meeting - March 5
Concert with Scott Bennett - March 12 @ 5:00 pm
Elder's Meeting -- March 8 @ 7:00 pm
Finance Committee Meeting -- March 15 @ 5:30 pm
Church Board Meeting -- March 15 @ 7:00 pm
Oregon Conference Camp Meeting -- July 19-23
Unsealing Prophecy Series (Brian McMahon) -- September 10 - October 8
Oregon Conference Constituency Session -- September 18
Stone Tower Seventh-day Adventist Church | (503) 232-6018 | 3010 NE Holladay St., Portland, OR | StoneTowerSDA.org