SAFE Newsletter 06/22/2021
SAFE works to ensure services will be available for ALL domestic violence victims; regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or ethnicity. Your donation will help to ensure that all domestic violence victims will have a place to go for help.

    SAFE is a 501(c)(3), tax exempt, non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Male Victims Of Domestic Violence
"...“I know that women and children do get abused in relationships. – I don’t want to take any help away from them. I just want to see more help available for males,” McPaike said..."
LGBTQ+ Victims Of Domestic Violence
"...Barriers to accessing services increase the risk for undocumented people, people with disabilities, children, members of BIPOC communities who feel unsafe interacting with law enforcement, and LGBTQ people, particularly members of the trans community, who face difficulties accessing gender-appropriate shelter services..."
Elder Abuse
"...Every June 15, the Nation commemorates World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. In this video message, OVC Acting Director Katherine Darke Schmitt discusses OVC's efforts to ensure that victims of elder abuse and financial exploitation are connected with trauma-informed services and helpful resources that protect the safety and confidentiality of victims..."
Sibling Abuse
"...Sibling maltreatment is often overlooked because 'fighting' is considered common in siblings. But when does normal rivalry cross over into bullying?..."
"... Some people laughed, and my son was clearly mortified. I felt frozen and unsure of what to do. And that feeling has lasted all week: I haven’t raised the issue with my son for fear of further embarrassing him, but I want him to know that I’m here for him..."

Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE) has a National Directory of Shelters and Services for underserved victims of intimate partner violence.

For information about scheduling a presentation for your company or organization please visit our Speaker's Bureau page
Become A Member!
Your membership/donation will help fund SAFE and enable our organization to continue our educational, media, and advocacy programs. Funding is necessary to help spread awareness on serious issues for victims who fall between the cracks of services available to them.

  Disclaimer: Stop Abuse For Everyone compiles information for distribution as a public service. The information distributed does not necessarily reflect the views of Stop Abuse For Everyone and Stop Abuse For Everyone does not necessarily endorse the views of any person or organization which may subsequently redistribute information received from Stop Abuse For Everyone.