SAFE Newsletter 07/11/2018
Domestic Violence Articles

By Science Daily on 07/10/2018

"... Most studies examining domestic violence look at female victims in heterosexual couples or have only asked questions of one member of a male couple.

Nearly half (46 percent) of the 320 men (160 couples) in the study reported experiencing some form of intimate partner violence in the last year -- physical and sexual violence, emotional abuse and controlling behavior. ..."

By Patch on 07/10/2018

"... WIFR reported Remedies Vice President of Operations, Karen Gill says timing is everything in these situations, adding that Remedies has gotten a big increase in calls since the program was put in place last November, with 160 more calls made to their center in June through the cells phones, including more male victims and different languages than before. ..."

By Valley News Live on 07/09/2018

"... "I think that having a creative outlet seems to be really helpful for a lot of people," Vedvei adds. “We talk a lot about how we can’t control what these other kids are doing. Unfortunately, we can’t always control other people’s actions or behaviors towards us but we can try to control how we deal with their actions and how we respond to those.” ..."
Elder Abuse Articles

By Observer Dispatch on 07/10/2018

"... A recent report from county officials was disturbing. It found that more than 143 seniors facing some form of elder abuse had been referred to the Oneida County Office for the Aging & Continuing Care and its partners in the county’s Elder Abuse Coalition last year. ..."

By Post Bulletin on 07/10/2018

"... I live in Los Angeles, a little more than 100 miles from Palm Springs, and we kept in touch by phone at least once a week. I would visit him in person three or four times a year. The point is that I did not keep track of Pete day to day. ..."

By USA Today on 07/06/2018

"... The private struggle over the care and legacy of Marvel mastermind Stan Lee played out in public Friday in a Los Angeles courtroom as attorneys working with his daughter shoved aside a previous lawyer and reasserted that they represent the 95-year-old Lee. ..."
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SAFE  works to ensure services will be available for ALLdomestic violence victims; regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or ethnicity. Your donation will help to ensure that all domestic violence victims will have a place to go for help.

     SAFE  is a 501(c)(3), tax exempt, non-profit organization. All donations are  tax deductible .
 Visit Our National Directory Of Services

Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE) is in the process of building our online National Directory of Shelters and Services for victims of initimate partner violence who typically fall between the cracks and few services are available:  straight men, GLBT victims, teens, and the elderly.
SAFE offers several educational brochures on Dating Violence, Bullying, Elder Abuse, Sibling Abuse, and Domestic Violence.
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Your membership/donation will help fund SAFE and enable our organization to continue our educational, media, and advocacy programs. Funding is necessary to help spread awareness on serious issues for victims who fall between the cracks of services available to them. 
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  • Bullying 
  • Domestic Violence
  • Elder Abuse
  • LGBT Abuse
  • Sibling Abuse
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