SAFE Newsletter 10/09/2018
Meet Our New Public Relations Intern, Vanessa!

Meet our Public Relations Intern, Vanessa Chicaiza! She will be writing press releases, scheduling/coordinating speaking appearances and compiling contact lists for SAFE. She is currently working on contacting experts to expand our Advisory Board and on a press release for our upcoming fundraiser. She joined this internship because she wants to be involved in her new community while dedicating her time to a great cause. While interning, she hopes to gain valuable skills that will assist her in future endeavors. She plans to graduate from CSUB in 2020 and enter the Master’s Program to earn her MPA.

FUN FACT: Vanessa is known as her neighborhood’s “crazy cat lady” feeding about 7 stray cats that she likes to call her “foster cat family”.
SAFE Welcomes New Advisory Board Member -- Dr. Kate Roberts!

Dr. Kate Roberts is a psychologist and bullying expert with over 25 years of experience. Based north shore of Boston in Wenham and Salem, she is a well-known expert in the field of child and school psychology, and individual empowerment. She has published a number of articles in professional journals. Dr. Kate writes a bi-weekly parenting column in the Salem News; Dr. Kate’s Parent Rap. Dr. Kate’s coaching model offers practical, targeted strategies that guide parents through the unexpected glitches of today’s ultra-crazed, fast paced everyday life.

Her focused solutions take the stress out of overscheduled families and bring a smoothness to even the bumpiest transitions. Dr. Kate Roberts, Ph.D., completed her undergraduate degree in psychology from Boston University in 1985 and her doctorate in clinical psychology from University of Rhode Island in 1992. Dr. Kate
has worked as a consulting psychologist to school districts throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts and as an expert advisor helping government agencies develop youth related policy in Rhode Island. She has held a faculty position at the Brown University Medical School, Department of Psychiatry as a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry. Dr. Kate is a well-known expert in the field of parenting and has done over 40 interviews with newspapers and the local television news affiliates of NBC and CBS.
Welcome Our Newest Advisory Board Member -- Janet Froeschle Hicks!

Janet Froeschle Hicks, Ph.D., LPC   is a licensed professional counselor and certified school counselor who currently serves as Professor and Director of Mental Health Counseling at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. She was inducted into the American Counseling Association Fellows in 2015 and is listed as an expert on the  Psychology Today  website where she authors a professional child and family focused blog entitled, “Raising Parents.” She has served as a media expert at national and state levels on topics related to child, adolescent, and family counseling and serves professionally through many volunteer activities. For example, Dr. Hicks served as Special Events Chair for the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors, Research Committee Co-Chair for the Texas Counseling Association, and currently serves as By-Laws Committee Chair for the Tennessee Counseling Association.
Dr. Hicks has researched and written over 60 publications and presented numerous times on topics related to child, adolescent, family, and school counseling with a special emphasis on bullying and internally and externally-focused aggressive behaviors. 

By Bakersfield Now on 09/28/2018

"... Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE) is partnering with the Bakersfield Police Department and the Kern County Sheriff’s Office for a Trunk-or-Treat event on Oct. 27. ..."
Domestic Violence Articles

By Slough Express on 10/05/2018

"... While this is often the case, male victims risk being overlooked and are faced with social stigmas when talking about their abuse, as reporters James Hockaday and Stephen Delahunty learned from professionals and victims from the area. ..."
Connect With Us
Contact Us
SAFE  works to ensure services will be available for ALLdomestic violence victims; regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or ethnicity. Your donation will help to ensure that all domestic violence victims will have a place to go for help.

     SAFE  is a 501(c)(3), tax exempt, non-profit organization. All donations are  tax deductible .
 Visit Our National Directory Of Services

Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE) is in the process of building our online National Directory of Shelters and Services for victims of initimate partner violence who typically fall between the cracks and few services are available:  straight men, GLBT victims, teens, and the elderly.
SAFE offers several educational brochures on Dating Violence, Bullying, Elder Abuse, Sibling Abuse, and Domestic Violence.
  Become A Member !
Your membership/donation will help fund SAFE and enable our organization to continue our educational, media, and advocacy programs. Funding is necessary to help spread awareness on serious issues for victims who fall between the cracks of services available to them. 
SAFE Resources Page
  Find resources on:
  • Bullying 
  • Domestic Violence
  • Elder Abuse
  • LGBT Abuse
  • Sibling Abuse
  For information about scheduling a presentation for your company or organization please visit our Speaker's Bureau page
SAFE Store
Stop Abuse For Everyone compiles information for distribution as a public service. The information distributed does not necessarily reflect the views of Stop Abuse For Everyone and Stop Abuse For Everyone does not necessarily endorse the views of any person or organization which may subsequently redistribute information received from Stop Abuse For Everyone.