SAFE Newsletter 10/23/2018
SAFE Had A Great Turnout At The John's Incredible Pizza Fundraiser!

SAFE's recent fundraiser was a huge success! Our interns spent the night talking to local community members about SAFE's mission and goals while raising some dough! We handed out educational brochures and flyers and talked to families about our anti-bullying program. We would like to thank everyone who showed up to support our fundraiser and to our wonderful interns and volunteers who helped make the fundraiser a success. 
Getting Ready For Our Upcoming SAFE Trunk-or-Treat Event!

Our interns are working hard on creating games and props for our upcoming Trunk-or-Treat event that will be hosted by the Bakersfield Police Department and the Kern County Sheriff's Office. We will have a booth that will have a pumpkin toss game and a raffle basket that includes donations from The Bakersfield Condors, In-and-Out Burger, Rubio's, and many more!

Domestic Violence

By Dallas Observer on 10/18/2018

"... Historically, it’s been predominantly women who have sought The Family Place’s expertise, but the rising number of men seeking help had reached a point where the organization needed to adjust their approach. To accommodate men recovering from abuse, The Family Place opened up a shelter exclusively for male victims. ..."

By Health Line 

"... While we might think this type of violence is rare, 33 percent of women and 25 percent of men have experienced some form of physical abuse by their partners during their lifetime,  NCADV reports. ..."
Domestic Violence Against Men.

The Black Man on 10/18/2018

A woman slaps a man’s face on TV, in the movies and in real life. The man is expected to simply be the bigger person and walk away. He is expected to be strong enough to take it. But people forget that strength of the male is not the determining factor as to whether or not a crime of domestic violence has been committed. Whether or not the man is the bigger person and walks away after being abused is not the determining factor either. Even the act itself is not the determining factor, as clearly defined by law. So let’s look at what they are not telling you about the big picture.
Campus Sexual Assault

By ABC News on 10/18/2018

"... “An email came from the Office of Student Affairs,” Roberts recalled. “’You are hereby summarily suspended and if you step foot on campus, you get the threat of expulsion and arrest.’ A couple minutes later, there was a campus-wide email alert with — my picture was almost like a mug shot. ‘If you see me — immediately report to Public Safety.’” ..."
Connect With Us
Contact Us
SAFE  works to ensure services will be available for ALLdomestic violence victims; regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or ethnicity. Your donation will help to ensure that all domestic violence victims will have a place to go for help.

     SAFE  is a 501(c)(3), tax exempt, non-profit organization. All donations are  tax deductible .
 Visit Our National Directory Of Services

Stop Abuse For Everyone (SAFE) is in the process of building our online National Directory of Shelters and Services for victims of initimate partner violence who typically fall between the cracks and few services are available:  straight men, GLBT victims, teens, and the elderly.
SAFE offers several educational brochures on Dating Violence, Bullying, Elder Abuse, Sibling Abuse, and Domestic Violence.
  Become A Member !
Your membership/donation will help fund SAFE and enable our organization to continue our educational, media, and advocacy programs. Funding is necessary to help spread awareness on serious issues for victims who fall between the cracks of services available to them. 
SAFE Resources Page
  Find resources on:
  • Bullying 
  • Domestic Violence
  • Elder Abuse
  • LGBT Abuse
  • Sibling Abuse
  For information about scheduling a presentation for your company or organization please visit our Speaker's Bureau page
SAFE Store
Stop Abuse For Everyone compiles information for distribution as a public service. The information distributed does not necessarily reflect the views of Stop Abuse For Everyone and Stop Abuse For Everyone does not necessarily endorse the views of any person or organization which may subsequently redistribute information received from Stop Abuse For Everyone.