Spread the Word: We’re open!
All seven branches of the Bucks County Free Library are open for business.

You can find our hours of service on our Locations page.

Our collections are fully available for browsing and checkout. We’re keeping everyone safe by offering hand sanitizer, socially distanced seating and computer access, and making sure everyone wears masks.

Stop by! We’d love to see you!
Advocate for State Funding: Why do you love the library?
This past summer Pennsylvania approved an interim budget, giving libraries five months of level funding for the year. Our elected officials will meet in November to finish the budget and decide how much more funding to add to the 5/12. You can help make sure our libraries stay strong. Please connect with your legislator and let them know why you love the library. Ask them to fund public libraries for the whole year!

Donate to Bucks for Books: Will you help us buy new books for the community to share?
When your everyday life feels like fiction, a great book can help you make sense of what’s happening—or help you escape.

Please help us meet our fundraising goal of $44,000 to keep ourcollection strong. 
What Does Quarantine Mean?
You returned your book to the library but when you check your account it’s still there.

What? It’s accruing fines! How did this happen? Don’t worry! You did everything right. We’ve got this! Your book is being quarantined. Here’s how it goes:

  1. You return your item to an outside book drop.
  2. Staff empty the book drops a few times a day. Your item is put in a bin labeled with the date you brought it back.
  3. It stays in its labeled bin for four days and nobody touches it.
  4. After four days, staff change the date our computer system to the date on the labeled bin. This magically turns back the clock to the date you actually returned the item. The item is checked in.
  5. It’s removed from your account. Your estimated fines disappear.

Our goal is to check in everything exactly at four days, but sometimes we get behind if a lot of books have been returned. It’s not unusual for your item to stay on your account for up to a week after you returned it. Don’t worry!

If this persists more than seven days give us a call and we’ll be happy to set things right!
Our Top 5 This Fall

Apply online for a library card. Get instant access to the library’s e-collection. Pick up the card curbside or in the library next time you're here.
A new e-collection of magazines you know and love. Browse more than 75 titles, including bestsellers like People, Bon Appetit, and the Atlantic. Includes a vast selection for kids and teens. Ready to read on your computer or by using the app on your mobile device.
Get job hunting help from qualified experts using one of our most popular online tools. Submit your resume to the Resume Lab for editing. Get live online job coaching every day from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Funded by the Hamilton J. Disbrow Trust.
Storytime On The Go
Host your own at-home storytime with books, songs, and rhymes curated by our staff. Storytime On the Go bags are available for checkout first-come first-serve in every BCFL branch.
You don’t need to come in to the library to get help learning how to download e-books or use our e-collections. Book an appointment online and a friendly, staff member will be glad to help!
Bucks County Free Library | 215.348.0332 | www.buckslib.org
We grow stronger with your support! To make a tax-deductible gift
to Bucks County Free Library, visit www.buckslib.org/donate.