RCAC News & Updates -May 6, 2021
Chairman Sam DeMarco, III

Dear Friends,

We have discussed in this space the two important ballot questions seeking to prevent any future Governor from acting like a king, as Tom Wolf has this last year. We've talked about the great team running for Allegheny County Council in Joe Wise, Jennie Brown, Meredith Dolan, and Eric Casteel. We've conversed about the importance of electing Judge Kevin Brobson to serve as a Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice. Now, let's take a few minutes to talk about the Republican Candidate for Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas, Joseph Patrick Murphy.

Joseph Patrick Murphy graduated from Duquesne Law School in 1998, with distinction. As a law school student, he interned under Justice Russel Nigro on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and has been in private practice for over 20 years, where he gained an enormous amount of actual courtroom experience. 

Unlike the cross filed Democrat candidates who are trying to out-liberal each other, Joe will be a strong conservative on the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas. Joe is married and has two young sons. He is recommended or endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, Firearms Owners Against Crime, and LIFEPAC.

However you plan on voting, make sure you vote for JOSEPH PATRICK MURPHY for Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas. Click below to learn more about Joseph Patrick Murphy.

Over the last few weeks I have tried to highlight some of the great local Republican Committees we have here in Allegheny County. Each of these committees are made up of dedicated volunteers, salt of the earth people, who spend their free time going door to door, meeting their neighbors, and spreading the Republican message all while working and raising their families.

I am grateful for each of them and I am most grateful for the incredible work they are doing RIGHT NOW as we enter the final push towards election day on Tuesday, May 18, 2021. Be sure to read up on the Plum Boro Republican Committee below.

Finally, I have been asked by many for some guidance on how to vote for Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas. Keep your eyes peeled for a 2021 Allegheny County Court of Common Please Special Edition newsletter in the coming days. I hope to be able to provide some clarity and direction for Republican voters in Allegheny County.

As always, thank you for everything you do for the Republican party!
GOP Featured Local Committee
The Plum Boro
Republican Committee

Chairman - Steve Schlauch
Vice Chair: Patricia Cook
Secretary: Lisa Lagnese
Treasurer: Nathan Polacek

With their 40 committee members, the Plum Boro Republican Committee continues to be one of the most active committees in Allegheny County.
They have a full endorsed slate for local offices in 2021:

  • School Director: Devin Adams, Angela Anderson, Megan Chuderewicz, and Ron Sakolsky
  • Council: Paul Dern, Mike Doyle, David Seitz, and Steve Taylor
  • Mayor: Harry Schlegel
  • Tax Collector: Lisa Lagnese
  • Constable: Nathan Polacek

As a testament to their strong work effort, the Plum Republican committee is hosting a special candidate meet and greet with Republican Supreme Court candidate, Judge Kevin Brobson. See below for more information.

The Plum Republican Committee typically meets on the third or fourth Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Plum Community Center.

Please click below to visit the Plum Boro Republican Committee online to learn more and to get involved!

2021 Lincoln Day Dinner

As I announced last week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be the special guest for the 2021 Lincoln Day Dinner, being held at the Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh, on Thursday, May 20, 2021.

Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, we are currently focusing on sponsorship level ticket sales. RCAC is running a wait list for when restrictions will allow us to sell tickets to the general reception and dinner.

As I noted in an email last week, I share your frustration that this is how we must run what is typically the largest fundraiser of the year for RCAC. I assure you, the moment we are allowed to expand seating, we will IMMEDIATELY contact those of you on the wait list.

Please click the red button below to contact RCAC Executive Director Kevin Tatulyan to be placed on the general recaption and dinner wait list. Be sure to let Kevin know how many tickets you would like to purchase when they are available.
Keep In Touch With State
Representative Rob Mercuri

Frequent readers of this newsletter know that Rob Mercuri was part of the stellar team of candidates RCAC supported for State House and State Senate seats in 2020. Rob won his election by working hard throughout a difficult election year.

After the November 2020 General Election, Rob hit the ground running in Harrisburg as the new State Representative for the 28th Legislative District.

Take a minute to click the graphic below and get signed up on his e-newsletter to keep up to date on everything he is doing on behalf of his constituents.