Volume 236, March 2, 2023

Biden must stop Congress from outlawing pension funds that make investments to slow climate change

The US Senate passed legislation Wednesday to prevent pension fund managers from basing investment decisions on factors like climate change. The resolution was adopted 50-46 to overturn a Labor Department rule making it easier for fund managers to consider environmental, social, and corporate governance, or ESG, issues for investments and shareholder rights decisions.


Republicans are making the government interfere with private investment decisions claiming that when pension plan managers pursue climate change savvy investments it hurts performance. Many ESG funds did perform worse than the market with the current downward trending stock market. However, performing better than the market was a US-patented smart climate model, an analytic investment tool used by pension funds including the United Nations Pension Fund.


Banks are using the Entelligent Smart Climate Financial Calculator to turn a profit for investors who wish to slow climate change. When certain companies address climate change by decreasing fossil fuel use and improving efficiencies, they profit more than other companies.

Slow climate change with your spare change.

The Ocean River Institute is tackling climate change with local actions that include ringing the bell at First Parish Church Cambridge for 11 minutes and standing before traffic holding signs on the eleventh of each month because this is the eleventh hour for climate change action.

We are tackling climate change regionally striving to establish a Massachusetts Slow Water Drought Relief Soil Building Carbon Offset Fund and a Let Forests Grow Carbon Offset Fund.

We are tackling climate change nationally with progressive legislation and harnessing market forces where businesses and their investors’ profit when addressing climate change responsibly.

Join us to contribute spare change. When transactions are made with your credit card, the change is rounded to the dollar amount. Gifts of such small amounts make a big difference when many participate. They add up to meaningful amounts.  

Spare change to slow climate change.

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"Slowing Water For Greener Neighborhoods." The Environmental Magazine, December 18, 2022

"Speak for the trees: President Biden should protect public forests." Illuminem, December 18, 2022

"Slowing Water for Greener Neighborhoods." Illuminem, December 9, 2022

"Top Gun at COP27. It's not the plane. It's the pilot." The Environmental Magazine, November 29, 2022

"Biden’s game-changing administrative actions for climate at COP27." illuminem Voices, November 19, 2022

"Taking action to improve plight of right whales." Boston Herald, November 9, 2022

"Revival Coffee in Somerville takes up the Natural Lawn Challenge." The Somerville Times, August 27, 2022

"For eco groups, less lawn fertilizer is key to water crisis." By Dustin Luca, Salem News August 12, 2022

More carbon capture, better water retention and greener emerald bracelets for Dedham.” The Dedham Times, August 12, 2022.

“Emerald Bracelets to Solve Three Of The World’s Greatest Environmental Problems.” by Rob Moir, The Environmental Magazine, June 21, 2022

"Of Mousy and Elephantine Cycles, Managing the CLIMATE CRISIS after Glasgow COP26." The Eden, March 2022

“Lincoln resident promotes natural lawn care,” Concord Journal, Aug 3, 2021

Zumi’s host Natural Lawn Care for Healthy Soils Challenge,Ipswich Chronicle Transcript, Aug 10, 2021

Peabody peak capacity generator need not burn fossil fuels,” The Salem News, Aug 5, 2021 

30% preserved or restored by 2030,” The Salem News, Sep 29, 2021

Pogie deaths, a Mystic River mystery,” Boston Herald, Oct 4, 2021

Remember the right whales with a special day,” CommonWealth, Oct 29, 2021

Retreating Arctic Sea Ice, Sea Ice Formation, and the Stronger Flow of the Gulf Stream” Seven Seas November 2021

"Rob Moir, PhD, Science Advocate," Bloomberg Business, April 11, 2022

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