Biden must stop Congress from outlawing pension funds that make investments to slow climate change
The US Senate passed legislation Wednesday to prevent pension fund managers from basing investment decisions on factors like climate change. The resolution was adopted 50-46 to overturn a Labor Department rule making it easier for fund managers to consider environmental, social, and corporate governance, or ESG, issues for investments and shareholder rights decisions.
Republicans are making the government interfere with private investment decisions claiming that when pension plan managers pursue climate change savvy investments it hurts performance. Many ESG funds did perform worse than the market with the current downward trending stock market. However, performing better than the market was a US-patented smart climate model, an analytic investment tool used by pension funds including the United Nations Pension Fund.
Banks are using the Entelligent Smart Climate Financial Calculator to turn a profit for investors who wish to slow climate change. When certain companies address climate change by decreasing fossil fuel use and improving efficiencies, they profit more than other companies.