Infection Prevention eNews Letter:
Stop the war on vaccinations! 
Activate Hand Hygiene!
I f parents would teach their children to wash their hands and follow the 4 Principles of Hand Awareness we wouldn't have these problems! And if adults would wash their hands more regularly and "Do not touch their T zone" we would not have half of the infectious disease!
I am exhausted of hearing this blame game and behavior of calling people out, Instead getting active and being part of the solution by training yourself and others handwashing techniques at critical times and helping the children by being consistent. 
You simply have to care , it is not rocket science! 
One more time, R emember the 2009 H1N1 pandemic year that was an extremely  healthy year for our country because everyone was practicing much better hand hygiene behaviors!  
Yes the Pandemic year that never happened in the US because the US set a record in Hand Hygiene behavior!!
The vaccine had NO impact as it was NOT broadly available!
The "big box stores" could NOT keep soap, sanitizer, wipes and paper towels on the shelves that year! The companies that produce those products had banner profits that year!
Why do I know this?? Because the relationships with private and public organizations/agencies and practicing as a physician I have created over the past 20 years many have shared public and confidential information that is motivating me to continue to find the catalyst that makes this top 3 discussion in True Public Health and become intentional about training this life skill for all children in a programmatic method! Remember many of these children will be healthier, less chronic disease and better prepared for careers in healthcare, food production/service, education, public health and others that require good hand hygiene behavior! 

Help Dr. Will "Spread the word not the germs"! Just for the Health of it!
And if you would like to take a leadership role in this effort please contact me!

And of course don't forget our

Infection Prevention Triad:
1. Do Not Touch the T Zone!
2. Handwash Regularly!
3. Don't hesitate to vaccinate!
Remember, t here are MANY chronic diseases that can be initiated by viral infections; hypothyroid, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, fibromyalgia, MS, just to name a few. And several types of cancer, as well!

In the   Science of Habit , Dr Jelena Vujcic discusses the two critical components around habit : first, creating a good habit and second, is sustaining the habit. However, sustaining the habit is the more difficult component to achieve!
An article about HCPs (physicians, nurses and others) going to work sick with ILI(influenza like illness) that do not have vaccines.

T Zone Poster
Give them the Tools!
Visual cues and reminders always help change behavior! Yes even healthcare professionals!!

Have Henry the Hand Champion Handwasher "hang around" your healthcare facility nursing or medical school to improve compliance. A culture of accountability works for everyone! 
Help others "Break the habit"! Just for the Health of it!
Vinyl repositional wall posters
  to help reinforce the message!
Examples: Henry the Hand 4 Principles posters, Do not Touch the T Zone poster, Germs on Your Hands poster, Classroom Weekly Handwashing Charts and Handwashing Instruction Guide posters ALL available!

FREE Posters: Click HERE

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