Stories That Give Hope for 2022
As you close out 2021, please carve out just a minute to read about Brittney’s journey sent to us by Jen Mock, Director of Academic and Career Readiness, Alamance Community College.

We wanted to thank United Way for a terrific year of support not only to our students that benefit from grant funding but support to us as colleagues in the community together. It’s been a hard year for everyone. We appreciate you! 

Brittney’s Story

I wanted to share a great story of not only how United Way of Alamance County helped a student but the power of community and collaboration.

Brittney was recruited, instructed, and supported by Beth Snow (part of her position is funded for outreach) to join the ACC’s Dream Center class. Beth worked through many barriers that Brittney had. Need for assistance (UW grant helped), need for child care for her two year old (provided by Dream Center), need to strengthen parenting and literacy skills (participated in our family literacy class funded and supported by Impact Alamance and Elon University), her need for education to get her high school diploma (ACC), and finally addressing her need for belonging (Dream Center).

Last week Brittney took her last test (test fees paid by the United Way grant) and passed! She is a graduate! This almost didn’t happen because of fear. Fear of failing, fear of succeeding, and fear she would loose her community.

Dream Center (UW funded partner) has provided a sense of community and belonging where Brittney is now a part of and where she plans to volunteer. 

Next Step

Her credentials will push her further in her educational journey and career goals. Brittney is signed up to enter our RISE class that helps students transition to the college and be ready academically in English and Math to be successful! She will begin in January.

Her experiences and opportunities to talk about parenting and get support may have a lasting impact for generations to come.

Without the right teacher, environment, access to assistance, formative programing, and financial assistance, this story could look very different. 

Thank you to United Way and all of our collaborative partners!

When you give today, you'll make a life-changing impact for our community members like Brittney!

Our Mission
To radically decrease the number of families in poverty by advancing social equity practices that promote social mobility and provide opportunities that build a resilient community
Our Vision
Reimagining Alamance County:
We envision a community that comes together to break down barriers, eliminate inequities, and end poverty.

Will you give hope by making a donation today? 
Thank you for all you do to make our community a better place!