Volume 2, Issue 4 | April, 2022
Women are the storytellers of the family. Our blog allows us to share our stories with people all over the world.

Feel free to forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in reading the stories or joining the class.

If you are not interested in joining the class, but love to write, we are happy to have guest bloggers send us their stories. Email [email protected] if you would like to be a guest blogger.
Do you have stories to share?
You don't have to be a great writer, just someone who has stories to tell. If you are a woman 55 or older, you’ve lived a rich and interesting life. You have a litany of memories to share that other women would love to read. Join our fantastic group of interesting women just like you.
Our class meets on Zoom, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 p.m. 
For more information visit our page on the Myerberg website or email [email protected].
Here are some recent stories from the blog.
We hope you'll love them as much as we did.
Bugs Bite
Bugs bite, 
eat me.
I do not 
eat them
especially mosquitoes. 
are not 
my friend.
Russian War against the Ukraine brings back memories of World War II
On February 24, 2022, Russia began an attempt to invade Ukraine. For the last 47 days that country has been subject to constant vicious bombardment. Whole cities have been put to ruin; millions of civilians have fled the country seeking asylum abroad. The bombing has not been concentrated on military installations. Hospitals, churches and civilian buildings were and still are targeted.
The slap heard ’round the world
continues to unfurl
endless times on TV.
How many times must we see
the downfall of “Richard the King?”
Will we ever learn this simple thing
that from violence comes only sad,
that a good life’s reduced to bad?
Through the Years with Mom
I came home after a meeting,
where my husband had this greeting:

“My mom passed away sometime tonight.”
I hugged him tight saying, “It’s alright.”

Though Mom didn’t remember, she still knew
we were her family and loved her too.
The Story of the Scrapbook Cover
Dear Josh,
I started working on your scrapbook right after I gave Emily hers for her bat mitzvah, six years ago. After your sister Emily and I looked at it together and discussed all the different memories, Danielle, said, “Oh Grandma! Will you make one for me?” Well, since you and Danielle are twins, I thought you would like a scrapbook also for your b’nai mitzvah. And that’s how it began. So happy I was correct.
Becoming Parents — Kid #1
Becoming parents isn’t always as easy as you think.
The call
It was early September 1982, just after Labor Day. I was at Sinai Hospital, post-op four days bowel resection due to a blockage. Nasal gastric tube down the throat, fuzzy-headed from anesthesia and doped up on pain meds. That’s when Ken received the call. Much of what happened the next few days, weeks and months is a blur.