UPSs are big batteries that you plug your equipment into and they automatically turn on when there is a power failure, preventing your computer from shutting down improperly. They also give your equipment a consistent voltage, protecting your equipment from power surges, thus the “Smart” UPS.
The software for the UPS resides on your computer or server and shuts down your computer by using the software shutdown mode to protect your computer and data.
Choosing a battery backup is done by adding the number of watts you want protected. Add the number of watts required by each device – computer, monitor, and any other hardware. Then add another 200 watts to that total to allow for growth. A 1000-watt battery backup should be sufficient for most single desktop computers and monitors.
In addition, I cannot say enough about backups. Too many times backups are an afterthought, or are put off never to get done, putting you in danger of losing days, months and possibly years of your hard work. Talk to your IT provider about ways to automate backups, saving you time and potentially saving your precious data.