Hello Liz,
It's the end of May and the year is passing quickly. I have been busy. I recently traveled to Florida to help my Dad recover from spine surgery and to Boston (see story below). Take a minute with me to breath deeply and smell the roses. Speaking of flowers, wait till you see the May Newsletter Giveaway at the end of this email. It's so pretty!
Before I share a story, a journaling tip, and a favorite song, I'd like to congratulate Melissa Waters the winner of the April Newsletter Giveaway (a journal & "Enjoy Every Minute & Other Ridiculous things We Say to Moms" by Becky Baudouin).
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It just so happened that my oldest son Jon Luke was assigned a theater elective in 8th grade, much to his chagrin. As we watched the final class performance, I turned to my husband and said, “I think we need to foster this talent.” He agreed. Turns out our son could act.
He ended up enjoying theater and auditioned as a high school freshman for Diviners. He got the role of Buddy, a lead. He was shocked, happy, and terrified because he had almost no experience and a ton of lines. He did great and I don't think he missed one line.
By graduation Jon Luke was in eleven high school plays, either acting or on crew. He had many lead roles, while getting straight A’s in AP classes so he could earn scholarships for college. He was a National Merit Scholar Finalist and won numerous awards like “Thespian of the Year.” I share this not to brag, but to make a point, so hang with me.
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In 2019 he decided to major in theater. As parents, we were skeptical. Acting is not exactly a secure career. But we wanted him to have his shot.
Theater majors not only have to get into college academically, they also must audition, so they apply to many schools. While auditioning for Emerson College he made a good impression with a key contact and kept his business card.
As Jon Luke researched this Boston school, he learned they offered a Bachelor in Fine Arts for Theater Education & Performance. That meant he could teach too. Unfortunately, the price tag was ridiculous.
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The college was kind enough to grant him an annual Honors Scholarship, but it wasn’t nearly enough.
He said, “Mom, I did everything right. I got perfect grades, was very involved, won awards, volunteered, and I still can’t afford to go where I want to go for college.” It made me so sad to see him discouraged after working so hard. I continued to pray for him and the situation.
Around that time an older, experienced theater mom stopped by our house. We got talking about college costs. She advised us to ask for more money right before May first, the final decision date. Apparently, students who were promised money select other schools, leaving funds unclaimed.
Jon Luke wrote an email to his contact, while I wrote an email to financial aid a few days before May first. My son thought it was a waste of time, but I insisted.
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After thanking them for the Honors Scholarship, he said Emerson was one of his top choices, but was out of reach financially. The next day they offered him another big chunk of money annually. We were thrilled, but it still wasn't enough. I felt the Holy Spirit's nudge to ask again for more money. My son balked. I said it couldn’t hurt.
Jon Luke wrote a second email saying how grateful he was for the additional funds, that this school was his top pick, but he still needed more money to make it possible. He got a return email offering another chunk of money annually!
Combined with the Honors Scholarship, that made the final price close to the price we were prepared to pay for a state school. He offered to work a job to make up the difference.
Coincidence or God Moving? You decide.
Our family just flew out to Boston to be there with Jon Luke as he graduated on Mother's Day without a penny of debt.
He did his part and worked hard, in the midst of many challenges the last four years. He was a Resident Assistant (RA), acted when shows were up, and worked a few jobs along the way. He learned all aspects of theater. It turns out he is good at the management and production side of things too. He just got a letter from the college awarding him the Theatre Education Area Award.
God provided a wonderful opportunity and Jon Luke gave his all and made the most of it. For both of those things we will always be grateful!
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Journaling Prompts: What are some opportunities God has given you? Did you make the most of them? If you had a do over, what would you do differently? What did you learn from that experience?
Liz’s Lesson Learned: Don't underestimate God. After all, he owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50).
Sidebar: God not only blessed my son, He blessed me too. The financial provision protected me from getting a paying job so Jon Luke could attend his top choice school. It allowed me to continue doing ministry the last four years.
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I love hearing your "God Moving" stories that clearly illustrate God's guidance, provision, and care. If you have any, please hit reply and share them. If I choose your story for a future newsletter, you get a free journal! | |
A few weeks ago I attended an IF Gathering Local morning retreat. The theme was Psalm 23, the good shepherd.
Sadie Robertson Huff's shared that last fall she was serving God. Each time she did something good, something bad happened to her. This series of bad things included their little girl being very ill and hospitalized.
She was wondering, where was God's protection that He promised? Worn out from one thing right after the other, Sadie said something like this to God, "I don't know if I can keep doing this, especially if the cost of ministry will hurt my family."
She heard the Holy Spirit speak to her heart, "I understand." In that moment John 3:16 took on a deeper meaning. She finally got the true heartbreak of the father as he sacrificed His only son to save us.
Sadie went on to say we hold God to something He never promised because God's Word said we would have trouble in this world too, but to take heart because He has overcome the world (John 13:33).
Her message and my biggest takeaway was that GOD HIMSELF IS THE PROMISE. God is with us in the highs and lows. The worship team closed the retreat with "Highlands (Song of Ascent)" by Hillsong UNITED.
| | To listen click here on the "Free Resources" page and scroll down till you see the yellow "Songs I'm Loving" graphic. |
Set realistic expectations around journaling! Many people put pressure on themselves to journal daily, and when they can't keep up, they give up. From the start, they set themselves up to fail.
I often notice a surprise on people's faces when I share that I only journal once or twice a week. That is realistic for me and this season, and allows me to examine my heart deeply each week.
What if every Christian was examining their lives with God deeply fifty two times a year? What is realistic for you?
| Spiritual Circle Journals make great graduation gifts! Help someone learn how to connect deeply with God and learn to notice His guidance at a critical time in their life. It might help put them on the path they were meant to take much sooner! |
The May Newsletter Giveaway is this lightweight, spring scarf and a Spiritual Circle Journal. I told you I was having fun finding items for you!
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To enter by email:
- forward this newsletter to a few friends (counts as 2 entries per friend)
- hit reply and tell me how many you sent it to.
To enter by social media (see social links below):
- tag friends under the May giveaway post (each friend is one entry).
The drawing will always take place on the last day of the month.
I have not seen the movie Sound of Freedom yet, but the trailer will grab you like nothing you have ever seen before. Jim Caviezel is the lead actor and it's based on the true story of a former U.S. government agent who quits his job to devote his life to rescuing children. I pray children all over the globe are helped through the efforts of this movie. Don't hesitate if the Holy Spirit nudges you. Here is the trailer.
Please don't forget to pass along your "God Moving" stories and forward this newsletter to a friend who might enjoy it.
Also, thank you for sharing the Spiritual Circle Journal with leaders who might want to use it with Bible Studies and sharing it with shop owners who want to sell them in their gift shops. Most of all, thanks for your ongoing prayers and support of this ministry.
Many Blessings,
Liz Lassa
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