16 September 2022

Dear Tory,

Peace and Greetings to you!


I invite you to join us THIS Sunday for worship at 11:00am, at Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, as we come together for worship. This Sunday we CONCLUDE our Series titled: STORY TO LIVE. Come engage with us as we consider the journey into your own story, within the overarching story of our whole lives are individual story, defining moment which make up an entire life. Join us as we think through our own stories, past but especially the present, defining the Hero (You as the Hero), the Problem, the Guide, the Plan, the Call, the Consequences, and the Decision. Sunday, we conclude the series with "THE GOD WE LOVE."


I’m very excited that plans are underway for our 7th Annual Anniversary Gala “A Night of Cabaret!” on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2022We are excited to be having our event at the fabulous Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, in their newly renovated Serenity Ballroom. I personally invite you to consider doing a Sponsorship and/or getting tickets to help support our annual event. Proceeds from our gala will once again to toward funding our programming that is offered to our community of faith and community. These programs include our HIV/AIDS Peer Support Gathering, our Transgender Support Gathering, our Prison Ministry, along with other educational programming that we offer throughout the year.  We are also excited to have our three Hostesses with the Mostess, Maple Veneer, Dita Von and Karen Valentine join us once again, along with some other fabulous entertainment. Details and information on sponsorships, tickets and other information for this fabulous annual fundraising gala can be found further down in this week’s WEEKLY!


As always, please take a moment to scroll down for these announcements and the many other special announcements, in the life of our congregation and community, as we continue to be the vibrant, inclusive and progressive community of faith that we are.


In Christ,

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28

May the God of peace make you perfect in holiness. May you be preserved whole

and complete—spirit, soul, and body—irreproachable at the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. The One who calls us is trustworthy: God will make sure it comes to pass. Sisters and brothers, pray for us. Greet all the sisters and brothers with a

holy kiss. My orders, in the name of Christ, are that this letter is to be read to

all the sisters and brothers. The grace of our Savior Jesus Christ be with you.


this Sunday 11:00am

We CONCLUDE our Series:

This Sunday we CONCLUDE our Series STORY TO LIVE.

Engage with us as we consider the journey into your own story, within

the overarching story of our whole lives are individual story, defining moment which make up an entire life. Join us as we think through

our own stories, past but especially the present, defining the Hero

(You as the Hero), the Problem, the Guide, the Plan, the Call, the Consequences and the Decision.

Join us this Sunday as we conclude our series with:



You can also connect with us for Virtual Worship on our Facebook Page or YouTube Channel, Sunday afternoons through our

links below to our Facebook and YouTube pages.

Facebook  YouTube

Join us for


Sunday, September 18, 2022

following worship at CENTRAAL Grand Café

& Tappery

Join Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church,

every THIRD Sunday of the month at 12:30pm, as we gather at

Centraal Grand Café & Tappery

2306 S. Kinnickinnic Avenue

Milwaukee 53207

Join us for some good food,

exciting conversations and awesome

fellowship with one another.

A reminder that Centraal Café has parking across the street

from the restaurant or on the street.

Order and Shop with SCRIP and Make it a WIN-WIN for Both You and Our Congregation!

Continue to shop with SCRIP, making it simple and easy to shop virtually.

By purchasing and shopping with SCRIP Cards, you can continue to shop in your normal way, whether in person or virtually, while continuing to support Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church.

Order forms can be obtained by clicking below on the SCRIP ORDER FORM LINK below. You can mail your payment to the church by using one of your tithing envelopes or going online and using our online giving portal, noting in the comments that your payment is for SCRIP Cards. SCRIP Orders will be mailed to you once received.

This month's ORDER DEADLINE is:

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Drop your forms and payment in

the basket on Sunday mornings, or you can send them in the mail to

the church.



Pack the Pantry


September 25, 2022

Remember, every Fourth Sunday of the month has been designated as


Pack the Pantry Sunday is a time for

you, the people of the church to come together and help support our partnered organizations Food Pantries.

Our Pack the Pantry donations

will go towards supporting:

VIVENT Health Care Food

Pantries & Courage House MKE

Bring your items SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH and place them on the pantry table in the Narthex.

Don't have time to shop? No worries! Make a monetary donation toward

Pack the Panty and we'll do the shopping for you!

If you forget to bring something this Sunday, you can bring your items on any other Sundays as well! You can

also make arrangements to drop things off at the church by contacting the church office to set a drop-off time!

Click below to obtain a list of Pack the Pantry items:

Click Here for Pack the Pantry Shopping List

Big Night Out 2022

Step out & Stand Up

Friday, October 7, 2022

This year our Big Night Out gala will be held on Friday, October 7, 2022 from 5:30-10 pm at Discovery World.


Step Out and Stand Up with your friends at the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center as we party

with a purpose. The proceeds of this gala will make a difference through providing funding for life changing programs, such as Aging and Disability Programs, Transgendered & Gender

non-conforming Programs, Youth Programs, and Recovery & Victims Services. Together, we are truly transforming our community. 


Get ready for a night of music, singing, awards, a fantastic meal, and ending in an amazing drag show. This is not an event to miss!


There are still sponsorship opportunities available as well as individual tickets! For more information, click on:

Big Night Out

Cream City Host Business Equality Luncheon

Friday, October 7, 2022

Cream City Foundation is excited to announce that Mayor Johnson and Elle Halo will speak at this year's Business Equality Luncheon, being held on Friday, October 7, 2022,

at the Pfister Hotel.

This year they come together as a community to discuss ways to improve the business sector for LGBTQ+ communities of SE Wisconsin. If you’d like to

attend the event, visit https://creamcityfdn.org to learn more about sponsorship and tickets.

Money Pox Vaccines Now Available

for the LGBTQI+ Community

With the high outbreak and reported cases of Monkey Pox in the State of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) currently

recommends vaccination for people with known exposure to someone with monkeypox, and people with certain risk factors who are more likely to be exposed to the monkeypox virus. 

Vaccine is open to individuals 18 years and older who live or work in Wisconsin and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • People who had skin-to-skin contact with an individual diagnosed with monkeypox in the past 14 days.
  • People who attended an event or venue where there was known monkeypox exposure in the past 14 days.
  • Gay, bisexual, trans, and any other men who have sex with men, who had multiple sexual partners in the past 14 days.  


If you do not meet these criteria, please do not make an

appointment as you are not eligible to be vaccinated at this time.

Monkeypox can spread person-to-person through:

  • Close physical contact (e.g., hugging, kissing, cuddling, massage)
  • Sexual or intimate contact (including oral, anal, and vaginal sex)
  • Touching objects, fabrics (clothing, bedding, or towels), and surfaces that have been used by someone with monkeypox

Monkeypox does not spread person-to-person through:

  • Walking past someone with monkeypox
  • Casual conversation with someone who has monkeypox

You are not eligible for the vaccine if you have any of the

following symptoms:

  • Fever or chills
  • Swollen glands
  • New skin rash or lesions

If you have symptoms of monkeypox, call your healthcare provider even if you do not think you had contact with someone who has monkeypox.

You can register and check for appointments at either of the two sites below:

City of Milwaukee Health

City of Cudahy Health

A Night of Cabaret

Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church's 


Saturday, November 12, 2022

Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church’s Annual Gala Fundraising event: A Night of Cabaret will be held on Saturday, November 12, 2022, in the wonderful Serenity Room at the fabulous Potawatomi Hotel and Casino.

Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, being the third oldest LGBTQI+ organization, here in Milwaukee, first established in 1971, continues to be a Vibrant ~ Inclusive ~ Progressive Community of Faith, as we begin our 51st year of ministry in the Greater Milwaukee area. Under the umbrella of Metropolitan Community Churches Worldwide, we are the first faith community in the world to accept and support all, regardless of how one identifies their race, gender or sexuality.

With your help, Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church can continue to build bridges and strengthen lives through the ministries that we offer, not only within the LGBTQI+ Community, but beyond, while providing a welcoming, safe, secure and loving environment to ALL God’s Children here in Milwaukee.

We ask that you please consider one of these following sponsorship options in providing sponsorship to Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church for our Fundraising Gala:

Platinum Sponsorship – $5,000

Includes placement and mention in all social media marketing, signage, and top recognition on the day of the event, special recognition in the program booklet. Platinum Sponsors will receive 10 tickets to our Annual Gala Fundraiser, along with 10 complimentary drink tickets.

Gold Sponsorship – $2,500

Includes placement and mention in all social media marketing, signage, and top recognition on the day of the event, special recognition in the program booklet. Gold Sponsors will receive 8 tickets to our Annual Gala Fundraiser, along with 8 complimentary drink tickets.

Silver Sponsorship – $1,000

Includes placement and mention in all social media marketing, signage, and recognition on the day of the event, special recognition in the program booklet. Silver Sponsors will receive 6 tickets to our Annual Gala Fundraiser, along with 6 complimentary drink tickets.

Bronze Sponsorship – $500

Includes placement and mention in all social media marketing, signage, and recognition on the day of the event, special recognition in the program booklet. Bronze Sponsors will receive 4 tickets to our Annual Gala Fundraiser, along with 4 complimentary drink tickets.

Friend of Milwaukee MCC  $250

Recognition on the day of the event, special recognition in the program booklet. Friends of Milwaukee MCC will receive 2 tickets to our Annual Gala Fundraiser, along with 2 complimentary drink tickets.

Individual Ticket(s) – $45

Individual ticket(s) can be purchased at $45 in advance, or $50 at the door the night of the event.

The evening will begin with doors opening at 6:00pm and include a fabulous Silent Auction, Light Hot d'oeuvres, Food Stations, No Host Bar, along with some fabulous entertainment from Milwaukee's finest, featuring our Hostesses with the Mostess.  


 Click Here to Purchase Ticket(s) or Sponsorships Online


Click Here to Print Ticket/Sponsorship Form for Payment by Mail


by clicking here for more information

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


Potawatomi is offering a special room rate at $139/night for those guests who might want to stay the night and not drive home after a fun night at our fundraiser.

To make reservations, go to www.paybig.com and select Book a Room and enter MMC11122022 in the Group Code box or if you prefer call the hotel at 414-847-7400. In order to receive the discounted rate you must ask for the A Night of Cabaret - Milwaukee MCC Annual Fundraiser room block.

If you auto-give, through your financial institution, or already give online, we THANK YOU. But, if you have typically placed your gifts in the offering plate each Sunday, we also offer other options when giving to the church.

There are several ways YOU can make either a one-time donation or even a recurring donation. Here are the ways you can make that happen:

  1. Through our Secure Online Giving Portal, or either of our two PayPal links. You can go to our Secure Online Giving Portal and/or our PayPal Giving Link for your regular offering or one time giving. You can also go through our regular PayPal Link if you’re wanting to start and set-up a recurring monthly giving for your offering. Click on either of the links below to make that happen.
  2. You can mail your offering via check or credit card by using one of the pre-printed offering envelopes that have been distributed to all our members. Simply insert your check in the envelope or complete the information on the inner flap, should you choose to donate by credit card, and return it by mail. If you are in need envelopes, please contact the church, either by leaving us a message or emailing us at info@milmcc.org. We will be happy to send some to you.
  3. You can send your offering via check in a regular addressed envelope to: Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, 1239 West Mineral Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204.
  4. You can go to our website at www.milwaukeemcc.org/giving to do your giving.

Click link above to do a regular

offering or one time gift through our Secure Giving Portal

Click link above to do a regular

offering or one time gift

Click link above to set up a monthly recurring gift

Current Sermon Series

Click Here to Visit Our Web Page

STAY CONNECTED with us on Facebook and YouTube

Facebook  YouTube


It’s easy to give to Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church online. We accept CHECK/ACH, MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover cards through ONLINE Giving.

Just click on one of the Donate now button below now

to get started:


Reverend Tory V. Topjian (Moderator)

David Huibregtse (Vice-Moderator), Mark Mickelson (Clerk),

Allan Hauth, Dan Nelson, Chris Stockdale and Britt Saunders (Members at Large)

Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church

1239 West Mineral Street

Milwaukee, WI 53204

414-383-1100 • info@milmcc.org

Website - www.milwaukeemcc.org

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