Stout Bowman Quarterly
Q1: 2017 
From "Brexit" to Trump, Experts Got 2016 All Wrong
In a recent online publication of Lord Abbett's "Market View", the investment management company recaps several surprises that met the markets in 2016.

"Politics and central bank policy set the pace for 2016, throwing some unexpected curves at the market.

At year-end 2015, amid the backdrop of a low-growth U.S. economy, stagnating corporate earnings, and slowing global demand, we surveyed the investing landscape for the year ahead and contemplated the outlook for key asset classes. The U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) had just raised (on December 16, 2015) the fed funds rate for the first time in eight years, while the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan were still engaged in quantitative easing, lending additional support to an already strong U.S. dollar. 

Our expectations for 2016 were for more of the same "muddle through" recovery we'd seen from 2010-15, namely low rates, low inflation, low growth, and strong returns from just a few places in the markets..."

Turning 65? Here Are Some Pitfalls When Signing Up For Medicare
First, rest assured that, if you enroll in Medicare when you turn 65 and sign up for both Part A (hospitalization) and Part B (doctor visits, equipment, etc.), along with a Part D drug plan, then the only "pitfall" might be choosing the wrong Part D or Medicare Supplement Plan for your specific medical needs.

Other pitfalls, however, can result in premium penalties that are tacked onto your Medicare premiums for the rest of your life. Failing to sign up for Part B when required can result in a 10% cumulative premium increase for each year you missed. The Part D penalty is higher, at 1% for each month.

Stout Bowman & Associates financial advisor Paul Vollmar highlights these Medicare pitfalls in a recent blog post. Click here to read more
List of Common Retirement Accounts & Their Maximum Contribution Limits for 2017

2016 Tax Year
2017 Tax Year

IRA contribution (under age 50)

IRA contribution (age 50 or over)


401(k), 403(b), or 457 salary-deferral limit (under age 50)

401(k), 403(b), or 457 salary-deferral limit (age 50 or over)

Source: Vanguard

See more account types

From all of our staff here at Stout Bowman & Associates, we thank you for your continued relationship as your financial advisors. We wish you a happy St. Patrick's Day and hope you enjoy the
Spring season!


Stout Bowman & Associates
In This Issue
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Should I Pay Down a Mortgage or Invest the Money?
"With interest rates at historic lows for the past several years, people have been wondering, 'Should I pay down my mortgage or would it make more sense to invest the money?'

While both options have their own unique benefits, the bottom line is either course of action can put you in a better position towards financial independence."

Mike Loo, a financial advisor in Irvine, CA compares options in this Investopedia article. Click here to read more
6 Tax Season Tips for Small Business Entrepreneurs 
Are you a small business owner? Be sure to check out these 6 tips from CPA Deborah Meyer in a recent article when filing taxes these season.

Financial Calculators

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Matthew A. Stout
Managing Partner
Marc E. Bowman
Managing Partner