


Teresa Brandenburg,

KSA President

Policy Perspective

I want to extend thanks to a few folks that are so critical to the work we do at the Kansas Soybean Association. First, thank you to Gary Reser, our policy consultant. Gary spends so much time at the statehouse during the legislative session building relationships with the legislators on our behalf. His knowledge and expertise in following and advocating on bills is invaluable.

A big thanks goes to all of you, our members, as well. When you engage with KSA and share your needs and opinions it helps shape the way we advocate for various bills passing through the Statehouse. It’s your benefit as a member to have a voice in policy through KSA’s work.

It has been wonderful to develop connections during this year’s legislative session and I am looking forward to continuing valuable partnerships moving forward.

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2022 Kansas legislative session wraps up

The 2022 Kansas legislative session officially adjourned for the year May 23. The Kansas Soybean Association monitored a number of bills throughout the session, including:

HB 2530/SB 261 – KSA joined other state commodity organizations to advocate for the bill related to “prohibiting the use of identifiable meat terms on the labels of meat analogs when such labels do not include proper qualifying language to indicate that such products do not contain meat.” It was approved by the Governor May 5.

HB 2106 – This bipartisan bill was signed by the Governor May 11, effectively eliminating the state sales tax on groceries. The legislation lays out a plan to phase out the tax by 2025.

HB 2686 – This is a water-related bill “requiring groundwater management districts to provide certain reports to the legislature and distributing a portion of the sales and compensating use tax to the state water plan fund.” The Kansas Agricultural Alliance opposed the legislation, stating it “would create a single water and environment agency which draws upon too much power, guided by a political appointment that will change with every administration,’’ and it never made it to vote in the House after approval by the House Water Committee.

H.B. 2239 – This bill was a conglomeration of 29 different initiatives that would ultimately lead to a $90 million tax cut. This was passed by Committee ahead of the April 1 adjournment and included two proposals supported by KSA. The first KSA-supported initiative was sales tax exemptions on purchases of materials for fencing destroyed by natural disaster between Jan. 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. The second initiative was property tax abatements for property destroyed by natural disaster and permanent sales tax exemptions on all purchases for agricultural fencing after July 1, 2022. Another part of the bill related to creation of an agricultural grassland property tax classification. The Governor signed the bill April 14.

Questions related to bills or others may be directed to the Kansas Soybean Association office.

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National Notes

American Soybean Association releases 2023 Farm Bill priorities. Check them out.

#SoyHelp campaign seeks to destigmatize discussion on mental health. Read the stories.

Do you receive the e-Bean newsletter from the ASA? Check out the May 26 edition.

Thank you to all of our corporate partners who support KSA's efforts.

Kansas Soybean Association Board of Directors

District 1 Brett Neibling, 2nd Vice President

District 2 Brice Bunck, Treasurer

District 3 Gail Kueser, Secretary

District 4 Matthew Atkinson

District 5 Michael Musselman

District 6 Kim Kohls

District 7 Teresa Brandenburg, President

Atchison Co. Scott Gigstad, 1st Vice President

Brown Co. Greg Strube

Cherokee Co. Roger Draeger

Doniphan Co. Josh Falk

At-Large Jared Nash

At-Large Brandon Geiger

KSRE Sarah Lancaster, Ph.D.

KSU Agronomy Raj Khosla, Ph.D.

Processors Jessie Smith

Commission Bob Haselwood

ASA Charles Atkinson

ASA Andy Winsor

Young Leader Jeremy Olson

Young Leader Kendall Heiniger

Young Leader James Moreland

Young Leader Adam Phelon

Chairman Dwight Meyer