Strategic Planning December Update

Dear Campus Community,

The Strategic Planning Task Force (SPTF) is currently working to craft our strategic plan for the next five years (2023-2028) and is excited to share the following updates and engagement opportunities.

Since April 2022, the Strategic Planning Task Force has been researching and diving deep into who we are as an institution by gathering data via presentations, tours, reports, and community engagement events. We engaged the STCC community for feedback with a SWOT survey, a Trends in Higher Education workshop, a Defining the Student Experience workshop and survey, a student focus group, and an Employees Value workshop. Using data from our engagement events, new Student Experience and Employee Values Statements are in development and will be available along with strategic planning meeting agendas, minutes, presentations; data sources; and strategic planning guides on the Strategic Planning STCCNet Portal page.
Sub-group Findings and Presentations
Task Force members were assigned to sub-groups and were given broad topics relevant to informing the development of strategic goals and objectives to research. On December 7th, sub-groups shared presentations of their research, findings, and recommendations. These presentations represent the cumulation of all of the research the Task Force has done thus far. Presentations were on the following topics:

  • Students/Stakeholders
  • Resources
  • Process/Functions/Operations
  • Equity
  • Partnerships & Innovations
  • Technology/Technical

Please join us at Professional Day on January 19 as the Task Force will present their findings and recommendations in a breakout session at 11 a.m.
Upcoming Event
Thank you to everyone who participated in our previous events. Your feedback is valued and is guiding our work. We hope you will join us for our last engagement event.
Future Summit

January 19
Building 2, Gym
8:45 - 11:50 a.m.

As part of our January Professional Day, this half-day mini-conference brings together internal and external stakeholders to learn about future trends associated with key opportunities identified in the SWOT survey. Stakeholders will be engaged in “Ed Talks” to garner baseline knowledge on topics to be considered by STCC as it looks toward the future.

All employees and students are invited to attend as well as select community partners.
If you are not able to attend an engagement opportunity, we encourage you to reach out to us directly with your thoughts and ideas. Where do you want to see STCC in five years? Is there any critical information or data we should consider? We invite anyone with questions or feedback to share to email us at We will get back to you to answer your question or acknowledge your input. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated.

For more information about the strategic planning process, please see our Strategic Planning web pages. Meeting agendas, minutes, and presentations; data sources; strategic planning guides; and engagement event feedback can all be found on the Strategic Planning STCCNet Portal page linked below.