Strategic Planning March Update

Dear Employees,

A draft of our strategic plan for the next five years, Momentum: 2023-2028, is ready for review and we are excited to share the following updates.
Thank You for Your Participation
Thank you for your participation and help in our Future Summit workshop held on the morning of January's Professional Day. Participants were asked to develop impact statements in response to the challenges presented in "Ed Talks". "Ed Talks" were presented on the following topics.
  • When students' sense of belonging lives in the classroom: a discussion of pedagogy
  • Future-Proofing academic programs: what is the look ahead?
  • Technology + Personal Touch + Increases with Retention and Completion
  • The Culture of Change: Driving Innovation at a Technical Community College

Your impact statements were synthesized into common themes. Strategic goals for each theme were drafted in our Scan to Plan and Advancing Strategic Goals workshops. A survey on our goals and vision was sent to all employees and feedback was incorporated. Objectives were drafted for each of our strategic goals by cabinet and the strategic planning task force.

Your help and participation are paramount and are guiding our work. Thank you.
Strategic Plan Draft 1 Review Webinar
We are proud to share with you the first draft of the College's new strategic plan, Momentum: 2023-2028, this Wednesday, March 29, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. via our Strategic Planning Zoom Webinar. This virtual event is open to all faculty, staff, and students. There will be an opportunity for all to give feedback and ask questions at the webinar and in a survey that will follow.
If you are not able to attend an engagement event, we encourage you to reach out to us directly with your thoughts and ideas. Where do you want to see STCC in five years? Is there any critical information or data we should consider? We invite anyone with questions or feedback to share to email us at We will get back to you to answer your question or acknowledge your input. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated.

For more information about the strategic planning process, please see our Strategic Planning web pages. Meeting agendas, minutes, and presentations; data sources; strategic planning guides; an archive of campus communications; and engagement event feedback can all be found on the Strategic Planning STCCNet Portal page linked below.