Strawberry Lane Road and Trail Project

Strawberry Lane, Strawberry Court & Peach Circle Updates

A schedule adjustment has been brought to our attention: Friday October 20th , Saturday October 21st, and Monday October 23rd Concrete crews will be onsite to complete remaining concrete sidewalk. Final grading has been rescheduled to begin Monday October 23rd. Bituminous Paving Operations have been tentatively rescheduled to later in the week of the 23rd. All Scheduled work is weather dependent. Please see below for the updated outlook.

October 20-21

Concrete Sidewalk Installation: Concrete sidewalk prep and installation will continue in the afternoon today, Friday, October 20th. On Saturday October 21st, crews will be pouring concrete sidewalk along Strawberry Lane beginning at 8AM. Any concrete sidewalk that is not installed on Saturday, will be completed on Monday October 23rd.

Irrigation Repair: Irrigation repair will continue today, Friday, October 20th. Any remaining Repairs will continue to be completed beginning on Monday October 23rd.

Week of October 23-27

Concrete Sidewalk Installation: Remaining Concrete Sidewalk installation will resume on Monday, October 23rd along Strawberry Lane.

Gravel Installation and Final Grading:  Gravel installation and final grading of the roadbed area will be taking place project wide beginning Monday, October 23rd. The Earthwork Contractor will be back onsite to add and grade gravel along Strawberry Lane and Peach Circle in preparation for paving. Strawberry Court will also be affected as the top 4”-5” of gravel will be removed from the existing roadbed in preparation for paving. No on street parking will be allowed while these operations are taking place. This operation is expected to take place Monday through Tuesday, and potentially Wednesday. All residents with concrete driveways that were installed last week/ weekend, may now drive over your new concrete driveways.

Bituminous Paving: Bituminous Paving Operations have been delayed. Tentatively, paving crews will be onsite to pave project wide later in the week. While paving crews are onsite, please note that on street parking along Strawberry Lane, Strawberry Court, and Peach Circle will be Prohibited during working hours. Paving operations are anticipated to last approximately 2 days. Vehicle travel will be every slow and limited through the working area each day so please plan to give yourselves 10-15 minutes of extra travel time to come in and out of the neighborhood as equipment will be active in the area. Upon completion of bituminous paving, Crews will be onsite to begin removal of remaining driveway pieces, prep driveways for pavement, and begin topsoil installation and grading. An email update will be sent when the paving date has been confirmed.

Please remind guests, visitors, or your contractors to travel slowly and cautiously through the site.

FAQs & Project Related Topics

Completion Outlook

Currently, the construction project is behind schedule by about 7 weeks from the originally projected time of completion. Aside from just pavement and curb being installed, there are other miscellaneous construction activities that need to take place before the roadway can be open to through traffic. As Roadway Construction continues to progress, the roadway is scheduled to be open to traffic late October. Meanwhile, access will be restricted to local residents only.  


Water Service Hook Ups 

For those residents who are interested in the connection to City Water, please visit the city's website.

Turf Restoration

Turf restoration is scheduled to take place after the roadway is paved and general pavement and concrete repairs are completed. In the meantime, crews will be slowly excavating and removing miscellaneous debris and excess soils from the boulevard area as the road section construction is being completed. Turf seeding will take place this fall, but final turf seeding and touch ups will take place in the Spring of 2024.

Contractors will be responsible for watering lawns for 30 days, at which time residents will be notified that they are to take over maintenance (i.e. watering, mowing).

Tree Planting

Tree planting handouts will be provided in the coming weeks as the city is working on a supplier list of available trees for order. 

Irrigation Repair

Irrigation Repairs will begin to take place October 19th. If your system has been winterized, the irrigation contractor will re-winterize your system after repairs have been made.

Sidewalk Installation

Sidewalk is still anticipated to be completed this fall. Driveway aprons adjacent to the sidewalk will be prioritized prior to the completion of the entire sidewalk.

Driveway Repairs/ Installation

Driveway patching/ repair will be completed this fall after the roadway is paved.

Topsoil Installation

Not all current Boulevard conditions are finalized yet. Boulevard cleanup and imported topsoil will come in turn after curb is installed.

Roadway Mainline Paving

Roadway Mainline Paving is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 24th.


Residents Living along the East Side of Strawberry Lane will have mailboxes placed on the West side of Strawberry Lane. They are currently being coordinated to be multiple boxes on one post to minimize the amount of Mailbox posts on the West Side of the Street. The new Mailbox posts for affected residents are scheduled to be installed tentatively during the week of October 30th.


Please remove any landscape items that you would like to save that are within the city Right of way area. 

Please label your garbage cans with your address written on duct tape so that crews may be able to move garbage and recycling cans for pickup on days where the roadway will not be passable. We ask that you set these cans out on Tuesday afternoon/evening so that crews can quickly move them to available pick-up locations outside of the working area.

Temporary mailboxes are installed and located along the North side of Shorewood Oaks Drive near the intersection of Strawberry Lane and Shorewood Oaks Drive. This includes mailboxes for all residents living on the Strawberry Lane project and adjacent roadways. To alleviate congestion, ensure mail delivery is not missed, and provide safety measures, it has been placed just outside of the construction. See the below image of the location:

If you have package deliveries that need to be made, please have them sent to City Hall to ensure safe keeping. Delivery drivers will not have access to the neighborhood while construction is taking place. The address is: Shorewood City Hall, 5755 Country Club Rd, Shorewood, MN 55331

Equipment, materials, and supplies will continue to be staged in various locations of the construction area. 

Resident Project Representative


Tom Vidmar

Bolton & Menk Inc.


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