Strawberry Lane Road and Trail Project

May 12, 2023

Storm Sewer Construction Startup - Smithtown Ponds to Strawberry Lane Beginning Monday, May 15

Storm Sewer Construction will be starting between the Smithtown Pond area and Strawberry Lane on Tuesday, May 16th. The Construction activities will be taking place in the cleared area between 5855 Strawberry Lane and 5915 Strawberry Lane. The Contractor will be dropping off pipe materials and equipment on Monday, May 15th. Storm Sewer construction activities from the Smithtown ponds site to Strawberry Lane will begin on Tuesday May 16th.

Please be cautious as heavy equipment will be operating in areas along Strawberry lane at times. See below for a snip it of the area where construction activities will be taking place:

We thank you for your cooperation and patience. The remaining roadway construction will be starting in the coming weeks. Please stay tuned. 

The Strawberry Reconstruction Project was awarded by City Council on October 24, 2022. The first step of the construction phase will be tree clearing. City staff has been marking up the trees anticipated for removals with a dot of pink paint at the base of each tree. If residents have any questions on trees please contact City Engineer, Andrew Budde. The trees will later be marked with a large “X” a few days prior to the actual removal. It is anticipated that trees near the power poles will be trimmed for safety in the next few weeks. This trimming work will be done by Asplundh, coordinated by Xcel Energy. The full tree clearing work will be completed shortly following the trimming work. This clearing work will be done by Precision Landscape & Tree.

Proposed Schedule:

May thru September 2023: Construction

Please contact city hall if you have questions, 952.960.7900.

Project contacts:

Andrew Budde, City Engineer, 952.960.7910

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