Strawberry Lane Road and Trail Project

Strawberry Lane, Strawberry Court & Peach Circle Updates

June 29, 2023

We want to thank everyone for being patient with the construction progress as private utility companies have finally completed their work. Now that roadway construction has begun, we encourage everyone to pay close attention to the weekly construction update as we progress towards project completion. No work is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of next week. The remainder of this week and next weeks’ update is provided below: 

Key Takeaways For This Week & Next week’s Construction Schedule Update (Roadway Utility Construction Week of July 5th):

  • Strawberry Lane will be officially closed to thru traffic starting June 30th. Please utilize alternate routes when traveling in the area. Only emergency personnel and residents living within the project area will be allowed access to the neighborhood. Private residential contractors will be required to keep equipment out of the roadway and construction area if they are scheduled to be working on your home. 

  • Roadway construction crews will begin driveway removals and ramping. They will also be hauling out excess soil and prepping the site for the upcoming Holiday Weekend.

  • July 5th-7th: Watermain construction from Smithtown Road to Alexander Lane is scheduled to begin after the Fourth of July. On Wednesday July 5th the eastbound lane at Smithtown Road and Strawberry Lane will be closed during these operations. Flagging crews will be onsite to help direct traffic around the work zone on Smithtown Rd. If you work from home or need to leave throughout the day during these operations, you may be asked to stage your vehicle outside of the day’s working area while crews are onsite. Construction staff will help coordinate this with you. Please utilize the Catchcart Drive detour or utilize alternate routes accordingly. Watermain Construction is scheduled to continue throughout the remainder of the week and for a few weeks to come.

Other Important Items to note:

  • Please label your garbage cans with your address written on duct tape so that crews may be able to move garbage and recycling cans for pickup on days where the roadway will not be passable. We ask that you set these cans out on Tuesday afternoon/evening so that crews can quickly move them to available pick-up locations outside of the working area.

  • Temporary mailboxes are installed and located along the North side of Shorewood Oaks Drive near the intersection of Strawberry Lane and Shorewood Oaks Drive. This includes mailboxes for all residents living on the Strawberry Lane project and adjacent roadways. To alleviate congestion, ensure mail delivery is not missed, and provide safety measures, it has been placed just outside of the construction. See the below image of the location:

  • If you have package deliveries that need to be made, please have them sent to City Hall to ensure safe keeping. Delivery drivers will not have access to the neighborhood while construction is taking place. The address is: Shorewood City Hall, 5755 Country Club Rd, Shorewood, MN 55331

  • Equipment, materials, and supplies will continue to be staged in various locations of the construction area. 

Continue reading below, for more detailed information…

In the next few weeks, the roadway contractor will be mobilizing equipment, materials, and other miscellaneous items to the site. Trenches will be dug in the roadway, and equipment will be actively moving around onsite. Please note that all supplies and equipment will be staged in the boulevard locations of the project area during the end of each working day. If you are a resident traveling through the neighborhood; for your safety, please be patient with delivery crews and contractors on-site. The resident project representative Tom Vidmar will be onsite to help coordinate construction activities and communication with residents who will be affected on a day-by-day basis. We ask that you please use this email update as a primary source of project schedule information and updates on major construction work to come. Tom’s contact info is listed below. Have a great weekend everyone!


Tom Vidmar

Bolton & Menk Inc.


[email protected]

The Strawberry Reconstruction Project was awarded by City Council on October 24, 2022. The first step of the construction phase will be tree clearing. City staff has been marking up the trees anticipated for removals with a dot of pink paint at the base of each tree. If residents have any questions on trees please contact City Engineer, Andrew Budde. The trees will later be marked with a large “X” a few days prior to the actual removal. It is anticipated that trees near the power poles will be trimmed for safety in the next few weeks. This trimming work will be done by Asplundh, coordinated by Xcel Energy. The full tree clearing work will be completed shortly following the trimming work. This clearing work will be done by Precision Landscape & Tree.

Proposed Schedule:

May thru September 2023: Construction

Please contact city hall if you have questions, 952.960.7900.

Project contacts:

Andrew Budde, City Engineer, 952.960.7910

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