August 11
Storm sewer construction from Alexander Lane is scheduled to continue. If you work from home or need to leave throughout the day during these operations, you may be asked to park your vehicle outside of the day’s working area while crews are onsite. Construction staff will continue to help coordinate this with you. Please utilize the Cathcart Drive detour or utilize alternate routes accordingly. Residents living north of Shorewood Oaks Drive, please utilize the North entrance of Strawberry Lane for access as crews continue to work south.
Pipe utility crews will be shuffling materials around the site near the working area each day. Please be patient with construction vehicles when traveling through the neighborhood.
August 14-18
Storm sewer construction will continue from the Shorewood Oaks Drive intersection and continue south towards 62nd Street. The resident project representative will be coming around to help coordinate vehicle staging, if necessary, on a day -by-day basis. Please keep all personal vehicles out of the areas where crews are actively working.
Strawberry Court watermain installation will begin on Wednesday, August 16th and is anticipated to take the remainder of the week to complete. The water service installations for Strawberry Court will be taking place the following week after the watermain is installed. The construction project representatives will be coming around early next week to stake service locations and confirm the day-to-day activities.
Roadway excavation and construction has been rescheduled a few weeks out. An update will be provided once the roadway construction schedule is confirmed.
Please remind guests, visitors, or your contractors to travel slowly and cautiously through the site.
In the next few weeks...
The roadway contractor will be installing storm sewer, dropping off materials, and other miscellaneous items to the site. Trenches will be dug in the roadway, and equipment will be actively moving around onsite. Please note that all supplies and equipment will be staged in the boulevard locations of the project area during the end of each working day. If you are a resident traveling through the neighborhood; for your safety, please be patient with delivery crews and contractors on-site. The resident project representative Tom Vidmar will be onsite to help coordinate construction activities and communication with residents who will be affected on a day-by-day basis. We ask that you please use this email update as a primary source of project schedule information and updates on major construction work to come. Tom’s contact info is listed below.