Tuesday, September 5: Roadway Section Construction Begins
Roadway section construction is scheduled to begin at the intersection of Strawberry Court and Strawberry Lane and continue north towards Smithtown Road. Construction crews will be removing and reconstructing the road base a few hundred feet at a time each day. If you need to leave throughout the day during these operations, please park your vehicles south of the Strawberry Court and Strawberry Lane intersection during the working hours of 7AM to 7PM. As road section construction continues, construction staff will coordinate with you for vehicle staging on a daily basis. Vehicle travel will be prohibited through the working area each day. Once the area between Strawberry Court and Smithtown Road is complete, roadway crews will begin constructing the roadway section south of Strawberry Court. Driveway and resident vehicle access will be maintained outside the contractor’s working hours.
Tuesday, September 5 – Wednesday, September 6: Strawberry Court Water Service Installations
The watermain utility crews will be working to complete all water service installations between Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. During this time, vehicle access to Strawberry Court will be prohibited during the working hours of 7AM to 7PM. If you need to leave throughout the day, please plan to park your vehicle south of the Strawberry Lane and Strawberry Court intersection. Once this work is complete, there should be no need for Strawberry Court residents to stage vehicles during the working hours in the near future.
The intersection of Smithtown Road and Strawberry Lane will be closed while construction crews are onsite during working hours. Please utilize neighborhood access from Shorewood Oaks Drive or 62nd Street while the Smithtown/Strawberry Lane intersection is closed. All traffic on Smithtown Road will be maintained throughout the road section construction.
A temporary water outage is scheduled to take place in the Shorewood Oaks neighborhood later next week. A handout will be dropped off later this week for those who will be impacted.
Please remind guests, visitors, or your contractors to travel slowly and cautiously through the site.