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Thursday, December 7, 2023

From the Association Minister of Faith in Action

Nesting for Hope
A message from Minister of Faith In Action Reverend Michael Anthony Howard
Click to download and read pdf
Download the Message

OCWM and 5 for 5 Giving Deadline

Thank you for giving to Our Church's Wider Mission. Your generous gifts to OCWM ensure the continued ministry of the Association. Thank you and thank you. Please note that you do not have to wait for the deadline in order to give. We appreciate receiving your gift anytime. The sooner the better!

The deadline for 2023 OCWM and 5 for 5 giving is December 31, 2023. Please be aware that for these donations to be counted for the 2023 year it must be postmarked by January 2, 2024. You can also make your donations online through our website giving link to meet that deadline.


5 for 5 Giving is credited to the year in which it is received regardless of when it was collected in your church. If you are normally a 5 for 5 church and want to be sure that you have given to all 5 during 2023, please send an email to, and our Association Bookkeeper, Machelle Miller, will be glad to verify that for you.

SPIRE Center Learning Opportunities

Winter 2024 - Registration Open!

SPIRE Center Website
Download the Flyer
Bulletin Insert
Give to the SPIRE Center


Welcome to:

Emily Howard, who's ministry at Grace UCC in Uniontown began December 3

Local Church Jobs & Announcements

Looking for a job? Here are the opportunities and other announcements in our churches!


Director of Music & the Arts, Community Church of Chesterland

Organist & Director of Music & the Arts, Plymouth Church UCC, Shaker Heights

Office Administrator (PT), St. Paul UCC, Navarre

Worship Leader, Archwood UCC, Cleveland

Director of Music Ministries, Lakewood Congregational UCC

Organist/Accompanist, Lakewood Congregational UCC

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Living Water Association Pulpit Supply List

Need someone to fill in on a Sunday? Check out the pulpit supply list! Recommended compensation: $150 for one service; $200 for two services; mileage at $0.655 or current IRS rate.

Pulpit Supply List

At Church of the Redeemer UCC, Westlake

Caesar Augustus has called us to register; come and join us for a night in Bethlehem at Church of the Redeemer UCC (23500 Center Ridge Road Westlake)! Our December 10 Messy Church will have the usual characters - the shepherds, angels, King Herod, and two expectant parents - and there will be some surprises along the way. You are invited on this reimagined Journey to Bethlehem from 4-6 p.m. Messy Church is FREE for all ages and a meal is included at the end. Questions? Contact Rev. Kim Nagy at or check out

At UCC Congregational in Medina

Medina United Church of Christ, Congregational, 217 E. Liberty St., Medina, will host A Jazzy Christmas featuring the Gateway Jazz Band on Friday, December 15 at 7 PM. To support the choirs of the church, a freewill offering will be taken, and at intermission there will be a bake sale, a chance to talk to Santa, and a raffle for Christmas delights including a chance to win a home visit from Santa! 

"Gateway Band has a unique musical style that has entertained audiences in the greater Cleveland area and the East Coast for some 20 years now. The band's musical arrangements are fun, energetic, sentimental and will get your toes tapping and your heart in the mood for Christmas." -Singer Jennifer Cochran

You're invited to A Jazzy Christmas featuring Gateway Jazz Band
Bake Sale and raffle at intermission with a chance to win a home visit from santa to support the church music department

Please join Medina United Church of Christ, Congregational's Chancel and Bell Choirs on Sunday, December 17 at 10:30 AM for a service filled with beautiful music of the Advent and Christmas season. The Alleluia Ringers will offer a rousing version of "Good Christian Friends, Rejoice" by arranger Lloyd Larson. The Chancel Choir will sing five musically stirring pieces from "What Sweeter Music: A Christmas Cantata," arranged by John Leavitt. The cantata will be accompanied by instrumentalists, the Alleluia Ringers, and narrators.

What Sweeter Music
A cantata for Christmas

At First Church in Oberlin

The Music at Bath Concert Series presents: “Home for the Holidays!”, an evening with the Burning River Brass - twelve brass and percussion players who made their debut in Tremont, OH in 1996 and were touring nationally two years later. Their repertoire includes fresh arrangements of classic literature along with original works composed for this group. Come enjoy their holiday program Saturday, December 16 at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary at The Bath Church UCC (3980 West Bath Road in Akron). Free admission; a free-will offering will be taken. Visit or call (330) 666-3520. 

The Music at Bath Church series presents Burning River Brass
Home for the Holidays
Free admission
Saturday December 16 at 7 30pm

The Music at Bath Concert Series presents: “Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols” performed by the Bath Church Chancel Choir. The service of Bible readings and carols was first introduced on Christmas Eve 1918 at King's College Chapel in Cambridge, United Kingdom to bring a more imaginative approach to worship. It was first broadcast in 1928 and is now broadcast to millions of people. Please join us on Sunday, December 17 at 3:00pm in the Sanctuary at The Bath Church UCC (3980 West Bath Road in Akron). Free admission; a free-will offering will be taken. or call (330) 666-3520.

Pictured - a choir in green robes

At Community Congregational in Amherst

At St. John's UCC in Massillon

From Bethany UCC in Cuyahoga Falls

A Partnership forged in War and Prayer
Bethany UCC and the Stradch Church in Stradch Ukraine
Click to download and read
Read Full Article

At Brecksville UCC

HB 51 Post Card Writing Event

The U.S. saw more mass shootings in 2023 than any time in history. Gunfire is now the leading cause of death of children in the U.S. If you believe it is time to take action to reduce gun violence, please come to a postcard writing event on Monday, December 11 at 6:30 PM at Brecksville United Church of Christ.

The Ohio Statehouse is now considering HB51. Astonishingly, HB51 would actually ban Ohio from enforcing federal gun safety legislation. HB51 reads like a states’ rights, anti-United States government proclamation that likely will fuel anti-government sentiment and inspire increased gun violence in Ohio.

We believe the answer is common-sense, evidence-based gun safety laws that keep communities safe. HB51, would suppress the rule of law as passed by the Federal government.

This event will provide writing supplies, assistance finding your state legislators’ address, and more information. And of course, you’ll meet like-minded friends in your community.

Presenters include:

·        Rep. Richard Dell’Aquila - State Representative – House District 15

·        Connie Schultz - Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, columnist and author

·        Rev. Michael Howard – Living Water Association of the UCC

·        Laura Pulliam – Moms Demand Action

·        Rev. John King – Brecksville United Church of Christ

To read HB51, click here.  

To see a Plain Dealer article about HB51, click here.

For more information, contact Brecksville United Church of Christ

Streaming/Online Worship

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Download the List


Clergy Retreat Survey

It has long been recommended that the spiritual practice of sabbath-keeping involve a daily habit (time for prayer and meditation), a weekly habit (worship), and then occasional longer breaks in our schedule for retreats.

We are three colleagues who feel a call to work together to plan clergy retreats. We are aware that the clergy of the Heartland Conference have different needs, and different abilities to pay for retreat/continuing education events.

We have created a short survey to help us plan events that would be most helpful for our clergy community. Thank you in advance for giving this survey a few minutes of your attention.


Kelly Brill, Luke Lindon, and Brian Shields

Participate in the Survey

Spiritual Life Retreat for Ministers

Led by Carrie Newcomer

January 31st – February 2nd at Camp Christian

A Great Wild Mercy:

Sustainable Hope & The Practice of Presence

This retreat led by singer songwriter, Carrie Newcomer, will use music, poetry, reflective writing, small and large group conversation to explore the practice of presence, the experience of daily awe and wonder, balancing our inner lives with our outer work, and exploring what might be calling at our growing edges (personal, vocational & spiritual).

Information & Registration

Lay School of Religion Spring Class

... in the WIDER CHURCH

An urgent appeal: Help UCC give humanitarian aid to people amid war in Gaza, Palestine and Israel

The United Church of Christ, through Wider Church Ministries, is issuing a special appeal Oct. 20 for humanitarian aid to people affected by the

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Pray with the Dominican Republic, December 10, 2023 - Global Ministries

Lectionary Selection: Isaiah 40:1-11 Prayers for the Dominican Republic Prayer for Children Lord God, who is Father and Mother, I thank you, I bless you, I praise and glorify you for having taken me by the hand to tread a difficult ... Read more

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Continuing Education Opportunities

Click on the logos below for information and registration details for upcoming continuing education and lifelong learning opportunities provided by our partner schools and centers of learning!

UCC Webinars


Webinar Information and Registration

Association Staff

Rev. Nayiri Karjian

Association General Minister

Machelle Miller

Office Manager & Bookkeeper

Rev. Mike Bone

SPIRE Center Support

Rev. Michael Howard

Minister of Faith in Action

Kellie Ramirez

Information Management and Media:

Search and Call Secretary

Committee on Ministry Registrar

Newsletter Editor

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If you'd like to share information about an upcoming or past event sponsored or co-sponsored by a church in our Association, please send your article of 100 words or less in a paragraph by Tuesday noon to

Be extravagantly welcoming by including the name, location, address, date, time and contact information of the event. Items will run for two consecutive weeks.

Flyers may also be provided in addition to your article. If you include a flyer, please provide it in PDF format that is less than 5MB. Photos also may be sent in addition to your article in PNG or JPG format and should be less than 5MB.

Download Submission Guidelines

Thank you for subscribing and welcome to the Streams of Connection newsletter from the Living Water Association, Ohio Northeast, Heartland Conference, United Church of Christ

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This newsletter is brought to you by your OCWM contributions.

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