March 22, 2022
Alderman Reilly Reports
Streeterville Community Meeting

Green & Bransford, LLC has filed a Special Use application to operate an Adult Use Cannabis Dispensary at 212 East Ontario Street. The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) will hold a public hearing on a later date to consider this application. In advance of this hearing, the applicant must hold a public community hearing to explain their proposal and gather community feedback.
Please attend the community meeting tonight at 6:00 PM to learn more about the proposal:
In Person:
212 East Ontario Street
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 943 8962 6045
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,94389626045# US (Chicago)
Alderman Reilly has raised concerns about the applicant’s security and loading plans for this particular site. Although local Aldermen may choose to offer an opinion on the proposed Special Use to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), the ZBA ultimately approves or denies Special Use applications based on the criteria in the Chicago Zoning Code. The ZBA is an independent, quasi-judicial body that will consider all public input and is not obligated to give special consideration to comments from the Alderman or Police Commander.
The Streeterville Organization for Active Residents (SOAR) have also raised concerns about traffic, parking, safety and security in the neighborhood. SOAR will publish a position statement after the community meeting.