Volunteer News | August 25, 2022
Strength in Community
Dear CRC Volunteer,

This August I have been reminded of the importance of community. I had a somewhat “major” surgery done early in the month, and I am currently recovering from it – not able to lift or drive, some discomfort and fatigue. When I am healthy and fully functioning, it can be easy for me to become a little army of one, getting done what I need to get done and forgetting the value of “us.” While on the one hand it is challenging to allow others to do the work that I wish I could do, it has also been an incredibly sweet experience to do so.

When we let people in, we are greater than the sum of all parts and it is a beautiful picture of how humans can support one another. 

CRC volunteers are not an “extra” bit of free labor for our organization. You are a part of our mission and a valuable collaborator in the work that we do. This month, volunteers have represented us at community events, have stepped up to provide added labor at the Resale Stores, and have taken on extra shifts at the Food Pantry. Holiday Baskets Captains are already meeting to plan our December 10th distribution, and interns are hard at work providing services alongside of staff. 

Thank you all for your past and current support of CRC - we truly are powered by the work that you do, the expertise that you provide, and the encouragement you give. This August issue is dedicated to you and the many ways you make CRC stronger. As we head into the Fall season, we are grateful to do so with each of you! 

Sara Rosenbaum
CRC Volunteer Manager
Volunteer News
Volunteer Encouragement: "Shout Outs."
Sometimes it is easy to overlook the big and the little ways that we all can make a difference. Thank you to those who took the time to do "shout outs" to our volunteer team, and to the volunteers who continue to do amazing work!
From resale store Manager Robert: Encinitas had our best sales month to date in this location, and possibly ever. We attribute this to getting the donations in and put on the sales floor as soon as we can. We currently have an amazing volunteer base. If we did not have their support, we would not be doing as well. Thank you for staffing us with great volunteers!

From volunteer Duke: I have noticed an increase in individuals from Ukraine and Russia (in our Food Pantry). One gentleman came in to CRC for the first time awhile ago and used his phone to translate his native Ukrainian language into English. Just this last week he voiced his greeting to me in English, and as we went around the nutrition center he named a couple of items in English. When he completed his shopping and was ready to go, he said with a big smile, “Have a nice day. God bless you.” Another woman, also from Ukraine, spoke some English, and when finished shopping, she said, “You Americans are so kind hearted. Thank you for all you do.”
From volunteer Laura: I just wanted to pass along a nice experience I had with two volunteers at the resale store. I called Saturday to see if they would take a flat screen TV and they said yes. I brought it down and a young man took it out of my car, and asked for the remote. I didn't have it, but he still offered his thanks and was super nice.

I found the remote and brought it into the store Monday. An older man came out of the back, asked if I was the one who was in Saturday, and thanked me for taking the time to come back with the remote.

I know it's not a big deal, but they made me feel valued and were both so nice.
CRC Event—You're invited!
Check out more information on joining us here!
There will be a limited number of volunteer spots available for this event. We will communicate them in the next month.
Volunteer of the Month
Congratulations Sue Dowd!

Sue was nominated by both Food and Nutrition Manager Yanira Alonso and Fresh Rescue/Facilities staff person Omar Baltazar.

Omar writes, “Sue is in bright and early each day working hard organizing the pantry to make it easier for her team and fresh rescue delivery. Her hard work, leadership and good energy do not go unnoticed. Sue is a pleasure to have Tuesday morning."

Yanira writes, "Sue is an excellent lead for her volunteer team, always making sure her she has a full team of volunteers to support the day’s operations ahead. She has taken the initiative to learn about all the FNC roles and is able to jump in wherever when needed. She cares about serving our participants in a dignified manner and has formed caring relationships with many CRC clients." 
Get Involved

40-Hour Domestic Violent Advocate Training: Learn from experts presenting on the dynamics, danger and effects of intimate partner violence in our society and how to support and empower survivors in their healing. This valuable training takes place on 5 consecutive Fridays in September and October. For more information and to sign up, visit the Registration site here.


Resale Store Volunteers Needed in San Marcos and Carlsbad: Contact CRC's Volunteer Manager for more information.

The CRC Food Pantry Needs Personal Care Items! For a list of those items and how to donate, visit our website.
September is Hunger Action Month

Started in 2008 by Feeding America, Hunger Action month is when people everywhere help raise awareness of hunger and help feed those who face going through the day without enough to eat.

Many times, providing someone with a meal or groceries will give them hope for a brighter tomorrow.

We invite you to support CRC's Food & Nutrition Program, and all of CRC's wraparound services that help our neighbors with healthy food, stable housing and safe relationships.

If you have a good story of volunteering, please share with me at I can include those stories in future newsletters as an encouragement to our team.  
If you know of anyone in need of food, housing or shelter, please pass along this link to information on how we can help:
Community Resource Center
(760) 230-6501| |