Pleasant Grove Community Church

A Spiritual Formation Exercise

Staying at home does not have to mean stagnating at home. We have an opportunity to try some new “spiritual rhythms,” new ways (or at least new to us) of drawing into a deeper relationship with Jesus and allow him to continue doing his “good work” in us (Philippians 1:6).

So, we are going to start providing spiritual growth exercises that you can do at home. Some may not connect with you, but others will be a breath of fresh air for your soul.

Our first practice is called Lectio Divina. It is an ancient practice of prayerfully reading scripture in order to hear God speak personally to you. In the link below, my wife Linda will be your Spiritual Director and guide you using Psalm 63. It will take less than 15 minutes. But first, a little preparation is needed.

To prepare yourself you will want to find a quiet spot. You will need your Bible, preferably NIV because that is the version used in the video. You will need a notebook and pen for writing down your thoughts and observations. And you will need your computer to watch the video.

Lectio Divina is done in three movements and is different than Bible study. In Bible study, you are seeking to understand the entire text and learn lessons for application. Lectio is more reflective, you’re not attempting to understand everything about the passage. You are simply listening for God to speak a personal word through the passage; it could be a single word, a thought, or even an image in your mind. Lectio is not a replacement for good Bible study, it comes alongside study.

Linda will guide you through reading the same passage three different times. Each time you read Linda will ask you to focus on something slightly different from the time before. After each reading is a short time of silence for your own reflection and meditation. If you want more time, simply pause the video.

The first reading you will be noticing if a word or phrase captures your attention. Don’t try to analyze why, just notice.

The second reading you will focus on how the words of scripture speak directly into your life and current situation.

The third reading listen for how God might be inviting you to respond to Him.

When you are done, spend a little time writing down your thoughts and reflections. Close with a prayer of thanks.

Please leave a comment on the You Tube page about something you heard God say. Your reflection could bless another person.

Invite some others to do go through the Lectio as well and afterwards, call each other up and share your experience. In this way you will be connecting with God and God’s people.

Now, open your Bible to Psalm 63, start the video, and enjoy your time with God.

Blessings, Pastor Phil

To start your Lectio Divina, put your cursor on the words CLICK HERE and click.

Pleasant Grove Community Church
1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville, CA 95747
(916) 771-4447