Summer 2018

Strengthening Families Georgia (SFG) represents a multi-disciplinary partnership of nearly 50 national, state and local, and public and private organizations dedicated to embedding five research-based Protective Factors into services and supports for children and their families .  
These five Protective Factors are the foundation of the Strengthening Families approach. Research studies support that when these Protective Factors are well established in a family the likelihood of child abuse and neglect diminishes. Research also shows that these five Protective Factors build family strengths and a family environment that promotes optimal child and youth development.
Parental Resilience
   Parents Can Bounce Back
Social Connections
   Parents Have Friends
Knowledge of Child Development
   Parents Know How Children Grow and Learn
Concrete Support in Times of Need
   Parents Know Where to Turn for Help
Social and Emotional Competence of Children
   Children Learn to Talk About and Handle Feelings

For more information please visit us at:
State and National Resources For 
Family Serving Professionals

Prevent Child Abuse Georgia's 
1-800-CHILDREN Helpline Resource Map

It takes parents, caregivers and supportive RESOURCES to help children thrive. As family serving professionals you know parents are often in complex situations and may need professional and community support. 

Here's how you can help: 

1. Encourage families you serve to call the  1-800-CHILDREN 
(1-800-244-5373) Helpline  to talk to trained professionals to connect them with supportive programs in their area. 

2. Go online to use the  1-800-CHILDREN Resource Map, which contains over 3,000 local and statewide programs designed to assist and support families. See what services are available in the areas where you serve families. 

3. Access a  printable flyer (half page, prints on 8.5" x 11") for your organization or agency, a web button for your website, and more. 

Encourage families to use this FREE helpline. Additional information about Prevent Child Abuse Georgia is located at
  Parent to Parent of Georgia

Parent to Parent of Georgia is a statewide organization providing support, information and training across Georgia. They have offices, staff and volunteers working across all regions of the state and can be reached toll-free at 800-229-2038. 

Their Special Needs Database  is a user-friendly, online searchable resource that is available to individuals with disabilities, their families and professionals. It contains over 6,000 resources in over 140 categories and is available 24 hours a day.
Parent to Parent of Georgia is also Georgia's:
  • Parent Training Information Center (PTI)
  • Health Information Center (F2F)
  • Babies Can't Wait Central Directory
  • Parent to Parent USA State Affiliate
  • Region 3 Parent Technical Assistance Center          
For additional information visit their website at
Social-Emotional Development 
the First Three Years
Establishing the Foundations

This April 2018 brief from Pennsylvania State University offers 
multiple strategies to improve care-giving and the social-emotional  development of young children. 

Some examples of the strategies  are:
  • Home visitation programs that offer support and information to parents just before the baby's birth; 
  • Skill training aimed to strengthen parental responsiveness to improve the child's sense of security and social-emotional skills; and
  • Mental health consultation to support caregivers in early care. 
To access the brief visit: 

New Training Available
Let's Talk About...
Preventing  Child Neglect

The National Alliance of Children's Trust and Prevention Funds ( Alliance) and  CANTASD the Child Abuse and Neglect Technical Assistance and Strategic Dissemination Center  are excited to share an innovative new training series   Let's Talk About...Preventing Child Neglect.

The training content is presented in four short learning sessions to construct a knowledge-based plan of action:
  • Basic definitions and background about child neglect;
  • What the research says about preventing child neglect;
  • How protective factors can support and promote opportunities to prevent child neglect at each level of the social ecology; and 
  • Manageable and actionable steps everyone can take - since even one person can make a difference!
The training videos build upon each other and are designed to be viewed in sequential order. Each training video comes with a discussion toolkit that includes learning objectives, guidance for individual or group learning, a reflection journal, and links to additional resources.
Join Us at the Table 
Nurturing Communities 
Civic Dinners

April through June of 2018, over a hundred Civic Dinners will take place across Georgia with the aim of building a stronger social infrastructure among parents, families and communities all across Georgia. The stories, ideas and feedback collected from these dinners will inform a state-wide campaign led by the Prevention and Community Supports Section of the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services.

It's not too late to host a dinner. It's easy!  To get started, signup to host a dinner at They will send you the host guide with questions and a digital invite to share with friends. From there, you select the date, time, location, number of guests, and enjoy!


Funding Information

This project was supported in part by the Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Family and Children Services and the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Community Based Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CFDA 93.590). Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Family and Children Services or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Community Based Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CFDA 93.590).

For more information on Strengthening Families Georgia contact Jeanette Meyer, Strengthening Families Georgia 
Statewide Coordinator:
or visit our website at
In This Issue