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Tip of the Week
Stretch It!
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash
Providing continual feedback to students is essential to creating a vibrant learning environment. Cavanagh (2016, p.133) points out teachers typically think of giving feedback when something goes wrong, what she calls discrepancy feedback . While this is certainly necessary, it should be balanced with progress feedback which is positive encouragement when students are on the right track. With a nod to Doug Lemov , Cavanagh explains a progress feedback technique called stretch it: When students respond with a correct answer, challenge them to go further with questions such as:

How did you come up with that answer? Why do you think that is the case? What might another possible answer be? What might be a better word, or a more precise explanation? Can you give me some evidence that backs up your answer? If I were to give you a different question, could you apply the same skills to answer it?

Unlike grades or more formal assessment, such feedback can be extemporaneous, adds challenge, and encourages students to expand their intellectual boundaries.
Dr. Cavanagh in action
You might recognize Sarah Rose Cavanagh from the second annual Conference for High Impact Instructional Practices (CHIIPs) recently at ETSU where she lead a workshop and gave the keynote address. Check out her books and advice guides in the Chronicle for more!
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