South Miami City News & Updates
Jun 25, 2020 | Issue 13
City votes to enforce public health & safety rules
With incidence rates of COVID-19 disease sharply increasing throughout South Florida, it is clear that the virus and the impact it is having on our community is still very much with us.

The best way to work through this current spike is right in our own hands – we must continue to adhere to established guidelines that will help slow the spread of the virus.

In an effort to make South Miami an even safer place for all, the City Commission this week voted during a Special Meeting to strictly enforce rules designed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Resolution includes the enforcement of the appropriate wearing of masks and appropriate social distancing in public places, in all buildings in the City, and in businesses as well.

Resolution Details:
  • Masks must cover both the mouth and nose in public unless there is no opportunity for being closer than 6 feet from another person (other than for people who cohabit the same living space).
  • Masks also must be worn at all times when entering and being within any building located in the City (other than inside a person’s residence).
  • Businesses that are not in compliance with the Resolution will be given a citation. Further violations will result in the business being prevented from operating for 96 hours.
  • Businesses must mark all aisles that are less than 10 feet wide as one-way and provide marking every 6 feet within the building, including the “front of the house” and “back of the house,” in order to identify a 6-foot distance that will prevent people from coming within 6 feet of one another.

All business owners must post guidelines regarding facemask usage and social distancing on the front doors of their offices or establishments.

Time to Act
It has become apparent that the relaxation of the state restrictions on interactions between people has created an environment where many people are disregarding safety precautions by failing to wear masks and socially distance themselves from one another. This, in turn, is believed to be a leading reason for the rapid rise in coronavirus cases.

In fact, as recently as June 18 and 19, the state of Florida saw the highest numbers of cases thus far: 3,207 and 3,822 cases, respectively – eclipsing the previous recorded high by more than 35 percent.

Summer is here, and while we may be tempted to celebrate the season with friends and family, we must not let our guard down – individually and as a community.

The full Resolution may be requested from the City Clerk.