Strong And Healthy Legs, Veins and Circulation.
Back to School Special
Well summer is coming to a close and fall is on its way.  We pray you had a GREAT summer full of lots of activities, memories, and good health!  

We hope you enjoy the following article, it is long but it is full of great and practical information for real common medical problems. If you suffer from any of these issues we can help. Call to schedule.  Let's see if any of the products (mentioned below, or others) might be helpful for you! 

Kids are off to school in a few days, schedules will be changing and new challenges will come our way.  Back to School can bring us lots of memories, milestones,
and  unfortunately... health concerns.  Colds and flu season is coming, anxiety, fatigue, injuries, aches and pains and many more.   We have a great opportunity for you to combat these challenges, Click HERE to read about the special we have coming  September 12-16, 2016 .

We also have a fantastic workshop during that week.  
Vicki Artman will be here sharing valuable information on... 

"Back to School Lunch Ideas for the Allergy Conscious Child."  

This will be practical information for everyone wanting to incorporate new ideas and better options for our kids' lunchboxes.  

Call the office now to sign up, 503 981-1254 and bring a friend. Anyone attending one of our FREE public education workshops will be entitled to one free office visit.  

Strong And Healthy Legs, Veins and Circulation
Let's face it, once you are no longer able to walk properly, everything changes.  And by far the two things that cause the most leg problems leading to the inability to walk are circulation and joint problems.  Of these circulation is the most important because more people are disabled and die from circulation problems, especially in the legs, than from anything else.  But you can prevent these problems, ensure your ability to walk, reverse many leg conditions that rob you of your ability to walk, and remain independent and strong.  This article describes what you need to know and do.  

Leg Circulation Depends Upon Strong Vessels

Today scurvy is all but forgotten.  But millions of Americans are walking around with sub-clinical scurvy.  With this condition, there is inadequate nutrition to keep your blood vessels and their linings, even your tiniest vessels, your capillaries, healthy.  You don't get full-blown scurvy and die, rather you get pink toothbrush, eventual bleeding gums, tooth loss (90% of lost teeth are due to sub-clinical scurvy), excess bruising with stains on your skin, blood clots, increasing plaque, peripheral artery disease, coronary artery disease, varicose veins and hemorrhoids, leg ulcers, thrombosis, deep vein thrombosis, and eventually strokes and heart attacks.  Think not?  One person in America dies every single minute from a heart attack, one for every minute of every day, most attributable to unhealthy vessels.  

As long as you have inadequate nutrition in the form of the real vitamin C complex (not ascorbic acid) and its accompanying vitamin P complex (bioflavonoids), you will be at risk for all the conditions listed.  And if you have any of these problems, you will never overcome them with stents, bypasses, angioplasty, drugs or anything else except the real nutrition your vessels need. 

But you can heal and strengthen your blood vessels when the correct nutrition is used!  This nutritional healing is accomplished primarily in the linings of your blood vessels where collagen and fibrin serve as your blood vessel healers against  inflammation, tiny rupture, clots. plaque, and more.  And the nutrients that are absolutely necessary to activate proper collagen and fibrin activity are found in the real vitamin C complex with its vitamin P component (biolfavonoids).  

With any of these circulation problems, your best foods are fresh fruits and vegetables, and especially deep green buckwheat leaf juice.  This juice contains high quantities of vitamin C, P and in particular the most specifically effective bioflavonoid for your vessels, rutin.  I don't expect you to start juicing organic, deep green buckwheat juice.  Thankfully Standard Process grows it perfectly on their own organic farm, and processes it without heat or chemicals into a supplement with all its life force.  In any and all cases of circulation probelms, especially in the legs, you will need to take the amazing green buckwheat leaf juice (rutin) supplement, Cyruta-Plus (3-4 taken 3x daily) along with Cataplex C (2-3 taken 3x daily)

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

PAD is not a pretty picture.  When fatty deposits or clots clog your arteries and restrict blood flow to your legs, suffering can be great indeed, from pain and numbness to a wheelchair and even amputation. While physicians automatically think about stents and cholesterol-lowering drugs, and vitamin hawkers try to sell super-potent antioxidants that will "scrub your arteries clean," your thinking needs to be more basic and precise.  Here is the basic protocol and cure for people with PAD: 
1.  If you smoke, stop smoking.
2.  Start nutrition in the form of animal-based vitamin D (Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil), and vitamin C complex (not ascorbic acid) with boiflavonoids and rutin.  And for some reason with PAD, certain fractions of the vitamin D complex like D2, which are not available from the sun, are most important.  For that reason we use the food vitamin C, D, and bioflavonoid complexes in the form of Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil (1-2 taken 3x daily) Cataplex C (1-2 taken 3x daily), and Cyruta Plus (2-3 taken 3x daily).
3.  And then walk, walk, walk, walk, and walk some more.  Begin with a strenuous walking program as soon as possible.  Walk as far as you can before leg pain starts.  Then rest and walk some more.  Continue with this program as your nutritional protocol takes effect.  You will find you can go farther and farther over time before leg pains begin.  Eventually you will want to be walking 10-20 miles per week.  When you can walk strongly for two miles without pain, you will know you are nearing the end of your medically "incurable" condition of peripheral artery disease.  

Deep Vein Thrombosis, Cramps, Restless Legs. and Airplanes.

When I first heard that someone was suing an airline with the claim that the cramped seating caused him to suffer from deep vein thrombosis, I thought, only in America.  Since that time I've learned that more folks than I ever imagined must avoid flying for this problem and associated other problems like leg cramps and varicose veins.  I you have this problem, you can sue an airline, or you can solve your problem with adding years to your life and life to your years.  Here is how:
1.  Improve your circulation, especially to your legs.
2.  If you smoke, stop smoking.
3.  Start nutritional therapy to enhance your circulation, in the form of RNA, deep green buckwheat leaf juice, phosphoric acid, calcium lactate, wheat germ, magnesium, liver and more.
4.  And begin to walk,walk, and walk.  As for the nutrition, Standard Process has made it simple by including all the circulation enhancing ingredients into one product, Circuplex.  You will need to take 2-4 tablets 3x daily for at least 6 months.  

For Thrombosis:  When it comes specifically to veins and airplanes, remember the one miracle nutrient that comes from the Stone plant called Collinsonia Root.  It is actually an herb that acts to bring tone to your vessels and veins, the definition of the antidote to thrombosis during long flights.  You will want to take 2 capsules with a large glass of water before all flights.  And if your condition is particularly bad, or it is a particularly long flight, you might need another 1-2 capsules during the flight with a large glass of water.  On a daily basis, especially if you have varicose veins and/or hemorrhoids, 1-2 capsules daily, always with a large glass of water, will help you to restore the tone in your veins.  

For Muscle Cramps:  If your leg circulation problem takes the form of muscle cramps instead of thrombosis, be sure to feed your leg muscles before all flights.  Simply take Calcium Lactate (6-12) and Cataplex F (3-6), both by Standard Process, before or during all long flights. Calcium Lactate is the most easily assimilated form of calcium, and Cataplex F is unsaturated fatty acids with liver and a trace of organic iodine.  It serves to mobilize calcium to your tissues and muscles, rather than to your bones.  If you are one of the very rare individuals who is allergic to iodine, you will not be able to use Cataplex F.  Instead use one tablespoon of Omegaflo Hi-Lignan Flax  Oil by Omega Nutrition.

For Restless Legs:  The antidote for people with restless legs is to make sure that adequate calcium and minerals are supplied to the tissues and muscles of the legs.  This requires the best calcium product, which is Calcium Lactate (3-6 taken 2x daily), along with Cataplex F (2-3 taken 2x daily).  Cataplex F is known as the calcium middleman because of its ability to mobilize calcium out of your bloodstream to your muscles.  Since Cataplex F contains a trace of iodine, if you are allergic you will need a substitute (see previous paragraph).

If your restless legs problem occurs on long plane flights, take your dose before boarding and another dose during the flight as needed.  If your restless legs problem occurs at night, be sure to take 6 Calcium Lactate and 3 Cataplex F at bedtime.  And remember many people fidget, twitch, shake, and jerk at night and think that problem is restless leg syndrome when it is really just a vitamin B deficiency.  In these cases the riboflavin-rich portion of the B complex is needed at bedtime.  Use Cataplex G (6 tablets) before bed and see if it resolves your nighttime problems.  

Joint Pain and Arthritis

Most arthritis and lots of joint pain problems are structural in nature.  Do you know that when your joints are nourished and maintained in their proper positions, they will not wear out, become inflamed, or arthritic? Keeping your low back, hips, knees, ankles, etc., in proper alignment is not always easy.  And this is where a good chiropractor, osteopath, or other physical therapist comes in handy.  And remember, many legs problems begin in the low back.  if you can keep your low back aligned, you have  better chance of maintaining healthy legs.  

As you might imagine, if your joints lack the necessary nutritional building blocks to regenerate and heal, your joints will never get better, surgery or not.  When it comes to bones and joints, the nutritional building blocks are called the osteo-factor nutrients.  And they include little know nutrients like vitamins C, K2, P, D2, minerals, enzymes, co-enzymes, and more.  

You can get lots of these nutrients from one raw bone product called Calcifood by Standard Process.  In the form of wafers (3-4 taken 3x daily) or powder (use 2 tbsp in a daily smoothie), this product is actually raw bones with the marrow processed without heat or harsh chemicals to maintain all the nutritional life force found in raw bones.  

For more severe cases you will need the entire spectrum of osteo-factor nutrients for anywhere from 4 months to a year or more.  

Growing Pains

When rapidly growing kids develop joint pains in their hips, knees, ankles, feet, etc., we call it "growing pains".  The real name is sub-clinical rickets, a disease thought long gone from our society.  Most rickets was caused by a combination of calcium and vitamin D deficiencies.  With growing pains, the problem is primarily a calcium deficiency.  

If you have kids or grand kids with this problem, be sure to give them Calcium Lactate by Standard Process.  A normal dose for a rapidly growing young teenager is 3-4 tablets taken 2-3x daily.  Make sure they get out in the sun.  And if they are an indoor teen, also give them Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil (1-3 taken 2x daily).  To treat kids with a calcium deficiency with painkillers and worse is criminal.  Give these kids what their joints need to grow and stay healthy.  You will be amazed.  

Weak and Frail

And finally we come to a problem facing 50% of our seniors over age 70... when you are just weak and frail, due primarily to lack of exercise, deficiency of adequate quality protein in the diet, insufficient water intake, and/or nutritional deficiencies.  Some in the medical profession call this a disease, sarcopenia.  In these cases there are no shortcuts. You must stop smoking, start taking a protein supplement, get off the couch and walk, walk, and walk more; improve your diet, and take a good whole phytoceutical supplement.

For protein take Protefood (1 capsule with each of 3 daily meals).  This will provide added protein and amino acids your body needs to get strong again.  To regain your strength, take the most premier multi-nutritional product I know of, Catalyn, first produced by Standard Process in 1929, and still selling gangbusters after more than 80 years without any advertising.  Remember that the nutrients you see on the label of Catalyn are only the major nutrients.  They are low dose because they are utilized by your body from 50-100 times better than other multivitamins..  Catalyn contains the nutrition from liver, yeast, carrots, wheat germ, pea juice, alfalfa, lecithin, oats, mushrooms, and much more.  

And finally, to get stronger, feel better, regain a strong walk, go up and down stairs like when you were younger, to become more independent, and to actually turn back your biological clock, you must exercise.  You can start with walking as in the prescription for Peripheral Artery Disease.  But best yet it to begin strength training.  This is weight lifting, and it benefits all people, even those in their 90's in ways that seem almost impossible.  

If you really want to turn the clock back, join a simple gym.  Get a copy of the book, The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution by Hahn, Eades and Eades. In this book you will learn how to lift weights without hurting yourself, only once every 5 days, and for only an hour each time.  i guaratee that in 3-6 months, you will become a differrent person, bounding instead of hobbling about.  

To get younger, healthier, and stronger, you need to get and keep your legs, veins, and circulation healthy and strong.  Drugs and surgery will fail.  These are the protocols you need to once again feel like that younger person inside you.  These protocols will help you:

*Get and maintain strong legs
*Enhance your circulation and improve your arteries and veins.
*Help you overcome peripheral artery disease, varicose veins, thrombosis, and deep vein thrombosis.
*Allow you to beat restless legs syndrome, growing pains and sarcopenia.
*Keep you moving, out of a wheelchair, and out of a nursing home.
*Help you once again feel like that younger person inside you, to climb stairs, walk briskly, and be stronger and more independent.  

Get started today.  Follow the protocols and use the products that really work.  You will finally begin to grow younger and stronger, rather than older and weaker.  

Cyruta Plus: 3-4 taken 3x daily
Cataplex C: 2-3 taken 3x daily

Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil: 1-2 taken 3x daily
Cyruta Plus: 2-3 taken 3x daily
Cataplex C: 1-2 taken 3x daily

Circuplex: 2-4 taken 3x daily for at least 6 months
With varicose veins and hemorrhoids... add... 
Collinsonia Root: 1-2 capsules daily with large glass of water

With Thrombosis... take your dose before all flights
Collinsonia Root: 1-2 capsules with large glass of water.  If needed, take 1-2 capsules during the flight with a large glass of water
With Muscle Cramps... take before or during all flights 
Calcium Lactate:6-12,  Cataplex F: 3-6 
With Restless Legs... take your dose before boarding and add another dose if needed during the flight. 
Calcium Lactate:3-6 taken 2x daily,  Cataplex F:2-3 taken 2x daily

Health Alert 30 Ryan Court, #100 Monterey, CA.  93940

Standard Process 
Product of the Month


Catalyn was the very first supplement Dr. Royal Lee formulated.  Read HERE for more information on this wonderful product.  

A vitamin is: "...a working process consisting of the nutrient, enzymes, co-enzymes, antioxidants and trace minerals activators."

-D. Royal Lee