January 6, 13, 20 & 27; February 3 &10
The Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) and NCSEA have teamed up to deliver a brand new web-based seminar series for you on the Design of Seismic Connections. This web-based Seismic Connection Design series will be delivered over six weeks in six 1.5 hour webinars by some of the industry’s best and brightest minds. Visit the website to view seminar dates, topics, and presenters.
Buy Now, Watch Later. Ends Today!

Access Popular Recordings—as low as $50 per webinar! Purchase today and watch within a year to earn PDHs.
The sale ends at 11:59 p.m. CST on December 20.
NCSEA recently hosted a discussion among representatives from various SEAs to better understand their thoughts and efforts on topics relating to existing building maintenance, inspections, assessments, and re-certification. Items discussed included the initial response to the Surfside collapse, how NCSEA can better support the structural engineering profession, how NCSEA can better support SEAs, and more.  

While NCSEA believes it's important to wait for the investigation into the Surfside collapse to be completed in order to understand causes and implement appropriate actions, NCSEA also has engaged in conversations happening now about what can be done in the meantime. This working group will be a forum for such conversations among our member organization SEAs and practicing structural engineers.
The group heard about activities in Florida, including the recommendations of a working group that included members of FSEA regarding re-certification programs that already exist in Florida (see more here).

The group also heard about activities in California, including recommendations from SEAOC stressing a focus on regular maintenance inspections rather than developing mandatory formal periodic or milestone inspections in California (see more here).

Representatives from other SEAs also provided updates on their efforts that will be shared when more details are available.
NCSEA is also aware of ongoing work by ICC and other industry groups on this topic and will be very engaged to make sure that the perspectives of our member organizations and of practicing structural engineers are considered. 
The working group will be holding additional meetings in early 2022. If you would like to participate, please contact Ryan Kersting, NCSEA Board Secretary (
Welcome to the next installment of Read.Watch.Listen: a monthly forum hosted by the NCSEA SE3 Committee to share and promote conversations on diversity, equity, and inclusion within the structural engineering profession. Each month, we will curate a series of articles, audio-visual and digital media to facilitate self-education in matters that affect our professional practice as structural engineers. Whether you choose to read, watch, or listen (or all three!), we hope you will join us in this important conversation.
As 2021 comes to a close, we are reflecting on the first full calendar year of Read.Watch.Listen! All of the topics explored this year are complex and stretch much further than the three resources we provide each month. This month, to help expand our understanding of some of these issues, we have provided three new resources, each pertaining to a different topic from 2021. We hope you will take this opportunity to revisit and dive deeper into these important topics! To review all of our previous posts, please pay a visit to the NCSEA SE3 Committee website.

Missed the previous issue? Check out the NCSEA SE3 Committee News and Publication page. Share your thoughts and/or recommended resources for the next issue at
In January, we explored what it means to hire for “cultural fit”, and how that common practice can hinder diversity, innovation, and growth. This article from the Kellogg School of Management dives further into the downfalls of hiring for cultural fit, and offers more strategies for improving hiring practices.
July’s issue focused on how to start a conversation about racial equity in the workplace, which can often be a difficult and emotional endeavor. In this interview, Raël Nelson James, of The Bridgespan Group, discusses this sensitive issue in the context of the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. She offers tangible strategies for employees looking to initiate racial equity work in their companies, from simple first steps to growing movements.
In April, we focused on ways to increase diversity in STEM Education, thereby increasing diversity in our industry. In this podcast, Kevin Edwards, PE, MBB, and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at Bechtel discusses his educational path to engineering as well as how to adjust the education system to increase diverse participation in STEM education and STEM careers.

The NCSEA Resilience Committee seeks to provide a multidisciplinary collaboration platform to formulate recommendations and innovations to enhance resilience in the built environment. In an effort to further the Committee’s goal to educate the structural engineering community on resilience approaches to planning, design, and construction, the following resilience-focused content addresses strategies, practices, and ways of thinking to meet the challenges of designing in a multi-hazard environment. Acknowledging that resilience-thinking is cross-disciplinary, the content highlighted will be from many different perspectives and disciplines intentionally.

A new online resource for resilience and sustainability practitioners has been made available by the International Coalition for Sustainable Infrastructure (ICSI), led by Resilience Shift, and supported by ARUP.

Infrastructure Pathways, a self-proclaimed “platform, and, in time, a community of practice, for making climate resilience part of day-to-day practice,” has an incredible depth of resource. It aims to “organize, explain, and link key existing information, guidance, and tools from hundreds of sources on climate-resilient infrastructure across the infrastructure lifecycle,” highlighting actions, terminology, and themes for promoting resilience and sustainability in the built environment. Connect with this highly impactful community of professionals and learn from this growing body of knowledge.

The Resilience Hub aims “to share best practices and build collaboration, momentum and new opportunities on adaptation and resilience.” One of the ways it seeks to accomplish this is through hosting a virtual hub online for knowledge sharing. Check out the library of more than 100 videos covering different aspects of resilience: infrastructure, water, climate finance, adaptation, the role of culture, young people, governments, the private sector, and more. These videos are now available to stream on YouTube. 

To advance the UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG11)—“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”—the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) leads the Making Cities Resilient (MCR) Campaign. This campaign encourages local government authorities to join MCR2030 by providing access to guidance focused on facilitating resilience planning and decision making. Its three-step roadmap to urban resilience supports cities on their journey to reduce risk and build resilience. On November 23, 2021, Incheon Metropolitan City became the first city in the Asia-Pacific region to be recognized as a Resilience Hub under the MCR2030 initiative. 

Kids home for winter break and looking for some STEMspiration? Check out these fun activities that can be completed by anyone: popsicle catapult, skewer structures, playdough ice cream, and more!
February 14–17, 2022 (In-Person in NYC)
January 31–February 24, 2022 (Virtual)
Give your career a gift this year with registration to the NCSEA Summit!

Gather with your peers and leaders in the field; recharge your creative juices and get the best in structural engineering education. Whether in-person in New York City or on our virtual platform, don’t miss the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and industry suppliers and make new and important contacts for your career. You deserve it!

Thank you to all of our sponsors and exhibitors for supporting the NCSEA Structural Engineering Summit. View the full list of sponsors and exhibitors.
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  • At least 25 high-quality, live webinars
  • A recorded library of more than 170 past webinars, available 24/7/365
  • An unlimited number of free continuing education certificates

Winter Book Sale from the
Institution of Structural Engineers

Save up to 35% on books; available in print or ebook versions. Includes popular titles such as Computational engineeringConceptual design of buildings, and the Eurocode manual series. Discount ends soon. Don’t miss out.