Issue 49 | Dec. 1, 2022
Farewell to 2022
This is the last staff newsletter of 2022! As we wind down the fall semester, we are wishing everyone a happy and healthy Winter Break. Cheers to all, and we look forward to being back in your email in-box in January 2023!
Student Affairs Development
Pantry Bowl Thank You!
Thanks to those of you who contributed to the Pantry Bowl, where for the second straight year, NC State, Carolina and our supporters came together to reduce food insecurity on our campuses. From Nov. 20–27, the Wolfpack and the Tar Heels competed to see who could receive the most gifts to our respective food pantries. While the Wolfpack squeaked out a victory in number of gifts, the Tar Heels raised more money to support Carolina Cupboard and their amazing work! Because of your passionate response, both food pantries exceeded their gift totals from last year. Even better, the Carolina Cupboard will receive an additional $10,350 from Mark Stone and generous Carolina supporters.
Welcome David Obergfell
On Monday, Dec. 5, we are excited to welcome our new Executive Director of Student Wellbeing and Violence Prevention/Senior Prevention Strategy Officer David Obergfell. He will be based out of the VCSA suite in the Owl building. We’re enthusiastic about the leadership and considerable expertise David will bring to our team and the University. We hope you will offer him a warm welcome to the Student Affairs team.
Carolina Veterans Resource Center
Red, White & Carolina Blue Graduation
Join the CVRC for the Red, White & Carolina Blue (RWCB) Graduation Ceremony on Dec. 9 at 6 p.m. at our location on 211 Branson St. Each year, the Dean of Students and the Carolina Veterans Resource Center invites all military-affiliated graduates to the RWCB Graduation, where veterans, active duty service members, National Guard, Reservists and commissioning ROTC cadets are celebrated. Highlights of our May 2022 ceremony can be found in our newsletter.
New Student & Family Programs
Parents Council Grant Awards

There is still time to apply for a Parents Council Grant Award! Have you or someone in your department come up with an amazing idea? Is there a need that you have, where meeting that need would enhance and improve the Carolina student experience?

Consider applying for a grant award! The Council funds several awards, up to $50,000, each year to bring these new ideas to life in the following academic year. Applications close Dec. 9, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

For more information:
Campus Rec
Jingle Bell Jog: Dec. 2

Join us for the a 2.7 mile fun run or 1.5 mile walk open to UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and staff. All participants will be eligible for prize drawings, and awards will be given to the most spirited team and the team with the most creative costumes. Collections will be taken for Carolina Cupboard and local animal shelters. More info and registration here.
MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID TRAINING The Student Affairs Professional Development Committee is hosting Mental Health First Aid Training Dec. 14 and 15 from 9 a.m. to noon via Zoom. Register here.

ULEAD APPLICATIONS: University Leadership Education & Development (ULEAD) application period is now! The ULEAD program develops highly skilled and motivated leaders to meet the challenges of higher education’s changing environment. Participants learn from our world-renowned faculty, outside experts and each other. See the ULEAD web page for eligibility, program calendar, past projects and more. Applications open through Friday, Dec. 2.
CAROLINA CARES, CAROLINA SHARES: The UNC-Chapel Hill’s 2022 Carolina Cares, Carolina Shares (CCCS) Campaign is underway in support of the North Carolina State Employees Combined Campaign (SECC), which raises funds for charities across North Carolina. Historically, Carolina has been the largest contributor in the SECC, with last year’s pledges totaling $446,182 and helping over 800 charitable organizations across North Carolina carry out their mission.
HOLIDAY AND LEAVE REMINDERS: With fall and winter holidays approaching, remember that employees can request to exchange the paid Spring Holiday (Good Friday) or Winter Holidays (Christmas) for another religious holiday within the employee’s religious faith. See the Alternate Holiday section of the Holiday & Holiday Pay Policy for details, including approval requirements and TIM instructions.
MINI GRANT CALL FOR PROPOSALS: The UNC-Chapel Hill Peer Support Core launched a Call for Proposals for mini-grants that advance peer support at Carolina. Applications will be accepted between Nov. 7, 2022, and April 30, 2023, and will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
See PlayMakers Repertory Company’s beautiful, smart and funny adaptation of Jane Austen’s “Emma” Nov. 16-Dec. 4.
The Employee Forum invites you to bleed Carolina blue at the annual Holiday Carolina Blood Drive 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 7 at Fetzer Hall.
How To Make Sure a Loved One Is OK Over the Holidays (And Take Care of Yourself)

The News & Observer talked with experts, including UNC's own Dr. Crystal Schiller, a clinical psychologist with the UNC Department of Psychiatry, to learn how to best handle tough situations this holiday season.

Here’s how Schiller suggests you help a loved one struggling over the holiday season:

  • Find a quiet place to talk: Don’t have this conversation at the holiday table. Find a moment of quiet and ask those broad “How are you doing today?” questions to see if your loved one is interested in a conversation.
  • Listen actively: Ask questions to paint a picture. If something difficult happened in your loved one’s life, you can ask appropriate questions to learn more about the hardship they’re facing.
  • Ask for an action step: Instead of saying “Is there anything I can do to help?” you can ask “What’s one thing I can do to support you?” Make sure you hear their request and follow through. If you’re not in a position to help them out, but you notice they’re struggling, you might talk with them to learn who else can be a source of support for them.

We featured the full story, along with some other helpful tips on
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