The Curricular Approach: Where Are We Now?
by Bettina Shuford, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement
After returning from the Institute for the Curricular Approach last month, our UNC-Chapel Hill team confirmed that we are indeed on track with the development of a Division-wide Curricular Approach. A special shout out to Dr. Coop Roberts Cooper for serving as a faculty member at the Institute and for the active participation of the following colleagues who joined me at the Institute — Brian Lackman, Jordan Jackson and Shahnaz Khawaja.
Over the course of the summer and fall semester, departments were tasked with conducting an audit of “all things” known as strategies that influence student learning within their unit.
In follow-up to the audit, the steering committee is holding a retreat in December to review the submitted strategies from across the Division to determine where there are potential gaps or overlap, as well as opportunities for departments to collaborate around a learning goal or outcome.
Fraternity and Sorority Life
Celebrating the Legacy of "The Divine Nine at Carolina"
Last Friday, Oct. 28, Carolina dedicated the NPHC (National Pan-Hellenic Council) Legacy Plaza, which pays homage to the nine UNC NPHC member organizations and their members.
Veterans Week Events
The Carolina Veterans Resource Center (CVRC) has planned a week of campus events to honor Veterans Day, Nov. 11. From a Veterans Day ceremony with the ROTC, to a keynote speaker on Nov. 9, the CVRC has collaborated with partners from across campus to engage our veterans and military affiliated students. Learn more.
The Campus Health staff celebrated Halloween in spooky style this year! Clockwise, starting from upper left: The CLUE group consists of Primary Care Providers:
Dr. Ruth Lotz; Dr. Kyle Tamminga; Dr. Joseph Cefalu; Jean McDonald, NP; Amy Rodriguez, PA; Dr. Jenni Emery. The Witches are selected Pharmacy staff:
Julie Feimster, Pharm D; Olivia Schad, Pharm D; Lauren Terhune, PharmD; Emily Hardy, Pharm D Candidate; Amy Sauls, Pharm D; Mare Garland, Pharm Tech. In the large group picture: the Spice Girls are selected Patient Accounts staff (Vicki Warwick, Nakia Atkins, Kim McCown, Angela Pierce, Jennifer Flanagan); Ken Pittman is the Unicorn on the left; Chance Robinson is the farmer, and Meghan Hart is the furry creature. And in the left-hand corner: Serena is Dr. Naima Stennett,Primary Care/Sports Medicine Provider.
New Student & Family Programs
Parents Council Grant Awards
Have you or someone in your department come up with an amazing idea? Is there a need that you have, where meeting that need would enhance and improve the Carolina student experience?
Consider applying for a grant award! The Council funds several awards, up to $50,000, each year to bring these new ideas to life in the following academic year. Applications close Dec. 9, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Understanding Your Emotions
Identifying, exploring, and discussing emotions – how they make us feel, think, and behave – can help us gain perspective, increase a sense of control and minimize the impact of stress.
Swim Stroke Clinic: Nov. 12
UNC Aquatics is offering a unique opportunity for you to sign up for a 20-minute time slot to have your swim strokes evaluated and videotaped by an instructor. Learn more and register here.
Jingle Bell Jog: Dec. 2
Join us for the a 2.7 mile fun run or 1.5 mile walk open to UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and staff. All participants will be eligible for prize drawings and awards will be given to the most spirited team and the team with the most creative costumes. Collections will be taken for Carolina Cupboard and local animal shelters. More info and registration here.
Outdoor Gear Rental
The Outdoor Gear Rental program is up and running after a hiatus due to the pandemic. Learn more about how you can rent tents, backpacks, and more, here.
Queer Sense: A 20th Anniversary Podcast
As part of our 20th anniversary celebrations, the Center will release a podcast called "Queer Sense." This podcast follows the Center's Director, Terri Phoenix (T or he/him), and our Assistant Director, J Stockett (she/her), as they explore the queer histories unique to UNC-Chapel Hill's campus and their influence on the formation of LGBTQ Center. If you are interested in giving an interview for the podcast, please fill out the interest form by 11:59 p.m. on Nov.18. Questions? Contact us at or (919) 843-5376.
Survey: Living Room of Campus
The Carolina Union is conducting research on how we can make the Union feel like the living room of the campus.
Please help us share this survey with students so we can get feedback on how we can make the Union a space where students feel comfortable, welcome and supported. More information.
Student Life & Leadership
Carolina United: Applications Extended!
Do you work with students who are passionate about social justice and making a difference in the world? Carolina United is a great opportunity for students to learn how to engage in inclusive leadership and intergroup dialogue. If you have students you would like to formally nominate to apply, send their names and UNC emails to Natasha Young for an individualized nomination letter to be sent, or direct them to the application in Heel Life.
AWARD NOMINATIONS: The mission of the ACPA College Student Educators International Mid-level Community of Practice (MLCOP) is to support the needs of mid-level professionals in higher education. MLCOP is currently taking nominations for five awards that recognize Mid-Level Professionals. If you would like to recognize a colleague who has worked in the field for more than five years (and who is not a senior student affairs officer), consider nominating them for a MLCOP award! More information. The deadline is Nov. 11.
SURPLUS OPEN: Although it closed during the pandemic, UNC Surplus is open again! The Surplus Property Retail Store is open to the public 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. It closes for lunch each day from noon-12:30 p.m. Learn more about the treasure you may find there!
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Upcoming HR professional development opportunities for faculty and staff include:
- The Art of Just Writing: Creative Non-Fiction and Fiction Project Planning on 11/8 and 11/11
- Working as a High-Performing Team on 11/9
- Records Management 101 on 11/9
- and more!
VOTING 101: What You Need to Know to Vote in N.C. From same-day registration to finding your polling place, here are tools to help you cast your vote before or on Election Day.
Enjoy some show tunes sung by students in the musical theater troupe Pauper Players tomorrow during a free First Fridays concert noon-12:30 p.m. in the Hill Hall rotunda.
Learn from TIAA CEO Thasunda Brown Duckett during a fireside chat about diversity and inclusion advocacy, her experiences as one of only two Black female CEOs of a Fortune 500 company and financial literacy and wellness in communities of color. The event will take place at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 9.
Experience “Broken Theater,” a new work by Bobbi Jene Smith that melds live dance-theater, music and cinematic beauty Nov. 11 and 12 at 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. General admission tickets $10-$15.
Take advantage of self-compassion meditation sessions provided by the School of Medicine and dedicate time to self-nurture. Mindfulness and self-compassion meditations assist with stress reduction, mental flexibility, and resilience. Sessions are 30-minutes every Monday led by Jonny Gerkin. The sessions have been occurring since 2015 and are open to all UNC-affiliated staff, students, researchers, clinical trainees and faculty. Learn more and register.
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