Issue 37 | April 7, 2022
Happy April, Student Affairs Team!
I hope everyone is recovering from the week’s excitement and lack of sleep due too cheering for the Carolina Men's Basketball team. A special thanks to Bobby and the SLL team for supporting Student Government in developing the student travel plans—and to both Bobby and Aaron for their resilience in traveling to New Orleans to support students and serve as our SA site leaders and ambassadors. 
With that whirlwind behind us, we can now turn our focus to all the activity that spring at Carolina brings. As we move into the extremely busy final weeks of the semester, it’s energizing to walk across campus and see the buzz of activity among our students, often a direct result of our engaging Student Affairs programming and initiatives.
Kudos to Terri and the LGBTQ Center for a terrific week of events during Pride Week at Carolina, featuring the theme "Imagine Liberation." (Stopping in the Pit to write a Letter of Liberation was the highlight of my Wednesday!) If you have a chance, it is not too late to register for the week's signature event this evening, "A Conversation with adrienne maree brown on Afrofuturism" at the Carolina Union.
In April we also honor two other major events: Asian Pacific American History Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Both are packed with activities in which we recognize the lived experiences of our students and raise awareness about ways to support our community and foster inclusion, belonging, and a culture of compassion and care. I hope you’ll have an opportunity to join in!     
Finally, in celebration of 2022 Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week, please take a minute to reach out to the grad and prof students with whom you work/interact to thank them for their contributions and recognize the special role they play in our Carolina community. And, most importantly, as we sprint toward the end of the academic year, please know how much your efforts are appreciated by all of your colleagues—and especially our students.
Thanks so much for all you do—and I look forward to seeing you out-and-about on campus!
Meet the Team: Community Directors

Community Directors (CDs) Annie Lundeen, Chase Coleman and Lindsay Knapp recently sat down to share there thoughts on what it's like to be a community director in Carolina Housing.

Dean of Students
Boot Print To Heel Print Grant

The Dean of Students office and the Carolina Veterans Resource Center are thrilled to be able to offer 10 $2,500 Summer Bridge Awards through the Boot Print To Heel Print grant this year. These need based awards are designed to supplement VA benefits and allow veteran students to focus on attaining their degree in a timely fashion. It is open to all veteran undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students. The application deadline is April 27, 2022 at 5 p.m.
Carolina Housing
Spring move-out done the Tar Heel Way!! Don’t Ditch It! Donate It! Campaign
Each spring, Carolina Housing partners with the UNC Office of Waste Reduction & Recycling to make it easy for our resident Tar Heels to donate their unwanted, but still usable, items. Through the "Don't Ditch It, Donate It!" program, UNC has saved over 357 tons of unwanted items from entering local landfills.  We will be launching this campaign across our multiple social media channels shortly and we appreciate your support in helping us amplify this message.
University Career Services
Student Engagement at UCS in March

Between career coaches and career peers, we had a total of 377 student appointments. For workshops, we had a total attendance of 179.
Promote the First Destination Survey to Graduating Seniors
The data UCS collects from the First Destination Survey helps the UNC-Chapel Hill brand stay strong, which helps us to continue to attract top students, employers, and other resources!
  • If you have accepted a job or are attending graduate school (or something else), then please take a few minutes to complete University Career Services annual First Destination Survey so that they can continue to collect and share this very important data with National Rankings Publications and Accreditation Agencies that keep UNC Chapel Hill’s brand strong! All personal information is protected, and results are only shared in aggregate form.  Please complete the survey so UCS can know your status and also enter you for a chance to win a $250 Amazon Gift Card and YETI coolers!
LGBTQ Center
Pride Week at Carolina, April 4-8

The LGBTQ Center is partnering with other on-campus and community organizations to host Pride Week at Carolina 2022 from April 4 through 8. This year's Pride Week theme is "Imagine Liberation."

Pride Week at Carolina is a partnership among the LGBTQ Center, student organizations, University departments, and community organizations to host events that center themes of history, inclusion, intersectionality, expression, and advocacy within Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) communities.

New Student & Family Programs
Orientation Registration is Now Open 

We launched registration for New Student & Family Orientation 2022 on March 31. First-year students and their families will register by May 15 and transfer students and families will register by June 5. For those interested or who need additional details, please see the links below. Additional transfer information will be added in the coming weeks. 

Carolina Family Weekend 2022 Announced 

Recently we announced that Carolina Family Weekend will be October 7-9. For those who have been here for a while, you may notice that this is NOT on a home football game weekend. We learned in our Family Engagement Survey that we have an opportunity to expand our family programming offerings and meet more needs, while making our programming easier to implement.
October 1 will be the Family Football Experience, in partnership with Carolina Athletics. Carolina families will be able to purchase a packaged experience, including a pre-game meal, to the football game that day. 
Stay on the lookout for a call to campus partners for submitting programs. If you have questions in the interim, please reach out to us!
The Wellness Champions Committee wants to remind everyone of the importance of taking time to focus on your own health and wellness. In that spirit, we are sharing some events that we hope you find helpful in supporting your total well-being.
Thursday, April 14: Kickball with Campus Recreation
Time: 12 -1:30 p.m.
Location: Hooker Field
Interested in a little friendly competition, movement, and some fun outside with your Student Affairs Colleagues? Join Campus Rec staff for a friendly game of KICKBALL! Please let us know if you plan to attend. We will create teams as people arrive. We look forward to seeing you there!
Registration is open now until Wednesday, April 13.

Friday, May 6: Save the Date! Campus Recreation Spring Fling
The tradition continues! Mark your calendars for this fun annual staff event. More details to come.

  • Arts Everywhere: The theme of this year’s Arts Everywhere Day, April 8, is “Grounded Growth,” which represents how artists and the Carolina community have grown during the pandemic — and the role of the arts through these times. Check the schedule and description of events.

  • Charla Blumell: Congratulations Charla for being inducted into The Order of the Golden Fleece! Founded on April 11, 1904, the Order of the Golden Fleece is the oldest and highest honorary society at UNC. Members based upon significant, lasting contributions to the University as reflected in scholarship, motivation, creativity, loyalty, and leadership in academic and extracurricular pursuits.
  • Rosemary Winn, Charles Streeter, and Alison Spannaus: A huge thank you for leading the efforts to revise the registration process for orientation.
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to

Thursday, April 7
5-8 p.m.
Carolina Union Auditorium

Hosted by student Mariel Eaves, this hybrid talk with writer adrienne maree brown covers how to use the philosophy of Black imagination and liberation as a path to the future. Followed by a reception with vegan and gluten-free food.

Thursday, April 28
11:30 a.m.

Brought to you by OSHR Wellness, this event features tips and a cooking demonstration by LifeStyle Medical Centers. Katie Godin, RD, LDN will discuss the top health benefits of adding nutritious and delicious plant-based meals into your lifestyle this new year, such as the Vegetarian Spaghetti Squash Lasagna she will demonstrate.
Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter