Issue 38 | April 21, 2022
Student Affairs Team,
Following some great conversations this month with parents at our annual spring Parents Council meetings (thank you, Jenn and NSFP crew!), and as I prepare my notes for two upcoming Development events in Texas, I am reminded of the incredible breadth of the work we do with students and their families. Additionally, I have wonderful opportunities to hear from them how much your efforts mean to them. 
I hope you have a chance to hear their thanks and compliments directly, too, and I commit to passing these comments along and to celebrating your successes with you. Just this week, our Campus Health team received a wonderful, heartfelt video from several graduate and professional students, thanking them for the powerful impact our staff had on their Carolina experience. It was lovely to watch and a highlight of the day!
As we cross the finish line for another spring semester, please take time for pause for a minute and give yourself (and your colleagues) a pat on the back. You deserve it!
I’m so proud to be a part of this team and look forward to celebrating our students—and you!—in these final weeks of the year and the commencement activities ahead. Congratulations on another terrific year!
Meet Bettina

Bettina Shuford, associate vice chancellor for student engagement in Student Affairs, has worked at UNC since 2011. Following her recognition as a leading woman in higher education by "Diverse: Issues In Higher Education" for their Women's History month issue, the Daily Tar Heel sat with her for a feature story.

Carolina Union
LDOC: Wednesday,April 27
Carolina will once again be abuzz with festivities for Last Day of Classes (LDOC) celebrations on April 27. Games, food, films, giveaways and outdoor recreation are part of this year's LDOC fun-filled lineup for Carolina students. Students only need their One Card to ensure access to all events! 

New events are being added on Heel Life! Some highlights include:

We have posted some ways you can help ensure the safety and wellness of all Tar Heels on LDOC and throughout exams at the Heels Care Network website.
No matter how you celebrate LDOC, take time to reflect on the year, center your well-being and support your fellow Tar Heels.  
Carolina Housing
Spring move-out done the Tar Heel Way!! Don’t Ditch It! Donate It! Campaign
Each spring, Carolina Housing partners with the UNC Office of Waste Reduction & Recycling to make it easy for our resident Tar Heels to donate their unwanted, but still usable, items. Through the "Don't Ditch It, Donate It!" program, UNC has saved over 357 tons of unwanted items from entering local landfills.  We will be launching this campaign across our multiple social media channels shortly and we appreciate your support in helping us amplify this message.
University Career Services
Promote the Gen Z Students Career Expectations Survey to Your Students
The purpose of the survey is to understand the career expectations of students at UNC-Chapel Hill regarding expectations post-graduation with future employers. By completing the survey, students have a chance of winning a Yeti cooler.
New Student & Family Programs
Carolina Parents Council Spring Meeting

The Carolina Parents Council met April 8-9 for their Spring Reception and Meeting. The Spring Reception welcomed folks back to Chapel Hill and honored the graduating seniors, and their families, before May’s Commencement activities.
Saturday’s Spring Meeting showcased a block of educational programming and discussion that began with Amy Johnson and Jonathan Sauls sharing leadership updates. The keynote speaker was Leah Cox, Ph.D., Vice Provost of Equity & Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer. The meeting also featured a panel discussion, staffed by Amy, Avery Cook (CAPS), and Dr. Ed Fisher (Gillings School of Public Health).  
2022-2023 Grant Awards Vote 

The Council’s Business Session included a presentation sharing the funding decisions made at the Grant Awards Interview Day in February. The Council voted to approve all decisions made by the Executive Committee. By April 18, Grant Award applicants were notified via email of their application results.

Student Affairs Kickball Game

Thanks to everyone who joined us for the Kickball game. Special thanks to Campus Recreation for hosting us!

Friday, May 6: Save the Date! Campus Recreation Spring Fling

The Spring Fling is a 2.7 mile fun run or 1.5 mile walk open to all UNC-Chapel Hill Faculty and Staff. In previous years over 300 participants have completed the Spring Fling individually or as part of a departmental team. The event promotes physical activity, health and well-being and provides employees with the opportunity to contribute to the UNC Carolina Cupboard by making a canned food donation. In addition, pet donations will be given to the Orange County Animal Shelter. Donations will be collected at the event.

  • UNC Wellness Centers: Learn how to incorporate the best anti-inflammatory foods into your diet to reduce your risk of disease in a webinar on April 25 from noon-1 p.m.

  • Employee Forum: Nominate a colleague for the Employee Forum’s Rebecca Clark Staff Award for Moral Courage, which comes with a $2,500 stipend for the award winner, who will be recognized in a ceremony during University Day festivities. The deadline is midnight May 4.
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to

Thursday, April 28 |11:30 a.m.

Brought to you by OSHR Wellness, this event features tips and a cooking demonstration by LifeStyle Medical Centers. Katie Godin, RD, LDN will discuss the top health benefits of adding nutritious and delicious plant-based meals into your lifestyle this new year, such as the Vegetarian Spaghetti Squash Lasagna the will demonstrate.

Thursday, April 28 |12-1:30 p.m.

Please join us for a campus mental health update during the first reading day of exams. The conversation will be kicked off by Amy Johnson and Dr. Samantha Meltzer-Brody, chair of the Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Ed Fisher from the Gillings School of Public Health will share updates on peer support initiatives.

During the conversation, we will:
  • Revisit themes from the fall semester mental health summit
  • Examine efforts that have been made toward campus mental health including the spring mental health seminar series
  • Consider the next steps towards creating a community of care and compassion
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