Issue 42 | August 18, 2022
Dear Student Affairs Team,
Where did the summer go? As much as we always thoroughly plan and prepare for move-in, FDOC, FallFest and Weeks of Welcome, this time of year inevitably feels like the crest of a rollercoaster ride — and we’re now starting the exciting acceleration down. Some of us are holding on tight, squeezing our eyes closed, and others are screaming for joy and waving our hands in the air!
I hope fond memories of summertime fun, and some well-earned rest and relaxation, will help you navigate the busy twists and turns at the start of a new academic year.
I've loved stopping into so many of the activities our crew has diligently planned and staffed. And the student excitement is both palpable and contagious. I encourage us all to channel this energy and use it to drive our efforts to ensure a wonderful semester for our Tar Heel community.
On FDOC, we posted a video for our students that I wanted to pass along — see below.
We’re grateful for all you do to make the student experience so engaging and enriching. I wish you an exhilarating start to the semester as we reconnect with students new and old and host our many wonderful fall Carolina traditions. Hang in there … and keep your eyes peeled for any corkscrew spins ahead!

Carolina Union
Habitat for Humanity
The Carolina Union staff participated in a community service project with Habitat for Humanity as part of their annual staff retreat. The community service project is part of the justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) initiative that was created in 2020 due to the racial pandemic happening in our country. The staff in the Union are having conversations and participating in various programs and activities related to JEDI.
A Successful In-Person FallFest!
Congrats to the Carolina Union staff and all the Student Affairs staff who made the first in-person FallFest since before the pandemic a great success! Photos from this year's event will be added soon at

Editor's Note: Last week we mistakenly described FallFest as including student organization tabling. Organizational tabling will happen at SmallFest Aug. 22-26. Full details below.
SmallFest is a student organizations involvement fair Aug. 22-26, in the Pit from 11a.m.- 1p.m. SmallFest will offer tabling opportunities for new and returning students to connect with student organizations, get free food and Carolina gear and learn more about getting involved with student orgs and making the most out of their Carolina experience.
Campus Recreation
UNC Student Affairs and UNC Campus Rec have teamed up to bring you Wednesday Wags during Weeks of Welcome!

Bring your own dog and meet new friends at the Rams Plaza in front of Rams Rec Center and Chase Dining Hall, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
P.S. Check out our FallFest pics!
Campus Y
Campus Y Block Party

We’re kicking off this year with a big “block party”, collaborating with Weeks of Welcome to celebrate our return to campus and help connect everyone with service orgs and Y committees! there will be FREE hot dogs (& veggie dogs) snow cones, pretzels and popcorn as well as lots of games and cool crafts.

LGBTQ Center
Queer Fall Fest

We hosted Queer FallFest 2022 in the Upendo Lounge Aug. 15. Students were invited to swing by, say hi to the team, talk to student orgs, and grab free stuff.
Carolina Housing
Check out the Carolina Housing Blog

While our website and social media can tell you a lot about living on campus, our Carolina Housing Blog definitely has the inside scoop on Campus Life, Res Hall Tips and what life as a Tar Heel living on campus looks like.

Our amazingly talented Marketing Interns tell their own stories and share their experiences for all to benefit from! If your team has a topic that you want our residents to learn more about, or you just want to share some information that would be helpful for our residents on campus, email Mariam Azzam, assistant director of marketing.
New Student & Family Programs
2022 Weeks of Welcome

WOW is over two weeks of programs, experiences, and opportunities with the goal of helping new and returning students transition to and become part of the Carolina community, running from Thursday, Aug. 11 - Sunday, Aug. 28. Stay up to date on NSFP and all WOW events at Heel Life: our go-to site for events, organizations, and involvement at Carolina. Check out the WOW events here!
Student Wellness
New Weekly Outreach Initiatives

This semester Student Wellness is hosting new weekly activities to reach students with wellness info:
  • On our Healthy Heels Social Media channels, we will share Mindful Monday memes with tips and tools to stay well. 
  • Wellness Wednesdays will feature a wellness related activity in the plaza or The PIt,
  • Fun Friday social media messages will share fun-filled activities folks can engage with in and around the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area to continue to focus on wellness over the weekend. 

We encourage Student Affairs staff to follow Healthy Heels on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and let us know if there ways we can partner.
Off-Campus Student Life
The Good Neighbor Initiative, now entering its 19th year, was back in full swing on Aug. 11 and 12. We recruited dozens of volunteers to knock on 1,200 doors of both students and long-time residents in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Read a feature story about the program in The Well.
  • Mary Collins | Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. Mary started Monday and comes to us from UNC System Office.

  • Sarah Levine | Student Life and Leadership | Sarah is joining the company Wolfspeed as an Early Career Recruiter. Her last day was Monday, Aug.15.

  • Kerrenda Crandol |Student Affairs Communications | Kerrenda is joining the UNC Health Foundation as the Assistant Director of Digital Fundraising. Her last day is Friday, Aug. 26.

Send your Comings & Goings staff update to
We encourage you to join the Wellness Champion program, Carolina's network of wellness advocates, committed to fostering a greater culture of health across the university.

Wellness Champions commit to:
  • Dedicate up to 8 hours a month to focus on wellness planning and activities
  • Participate in monthly Wellness Champion meetings
  • Establish and lead a wellness committee in their school/division
  • Develop annual wellness program goals
  • Report progress each semester

If you are interested, sign up here by Sept. 10!
  • STUDENT AFFAIRS ASSESSMENT: The Assessment pages on the Student Affairs website have been updated with new information and resources to support staff in building capacity and planning assessment projects! Take a look, and make sure to reach out to Dr. Locke with questions or to schedule a consult.

  • UNC HR: UNC System employees who provide documentation of receiving their first COVID-19 booster by Aug. 31 will get an extra eight (8) hours of paid leave (prorated for part-time employees). This special leave is available for use starting Jun. 6, 2022, and will expire March 31, 2023.

Ali Ramirez | Ali was awarded the Professional Excellence Award as a part of this year’s Peer Recognition Awards presented by the Employee Forum. The Forum honored 13 employees, both delegates and non-delegates selected out of 185 nominations submitted.
Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Movies Under The Stars
Thursday, Aug. 18
High School Musical

Join UNC’s Arts Everywhere and Chapel Hill Community Arts & Culture for outdoor movies at The Forest Theatre! Movies are free to attend and will begin at sundown. Bring something comfortable to sit on. Learn more at
Friday, Aug. 19
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
The Pit
  • Free bike checks from The ReCYCLEry, Trek Bikes and River Mill Cycles
  • Free bicycle registration with UNC Police
  • Free bike lights, waterproof bike seat covers, and more!
Saturday Aug. 27
4 p.m.

Stop by the UNC NPHC Legacy Plaza before the HBCU Celebration Day against FAMU game to check out the plaza before its official grand opening on Saturday, Oct. 1.
Thursdays: September 8, 15, and 22

Chapel Hill’s local music streaming platform, Tracks Music Library, is bringing three free concerts to downtown Chapel Hill. The lineup include acts from the newest cohort on Tracks Music Library like folk duo Larry & Joe, rapper GODRIC, and DJ/producer VSPRTN.

Concerts will take place at the Rosemary & Columbia St. parking lot from 6-9 PM. Tracks Music Series is made possible thanks to Chapel Hill Community Arts & Culture and Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership.
Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter