Issue 28|November 18, 2021
A Message from the Vice Chancellor

Hi, Student Affairs Team! 
After a whirlwind of planning, and thanks to the assistance of many of you, we hosted a successful and informative day-long Mental Health Summit on Monday. We are grateful for the time and commitment that hundreds of folks — 752 total registrants! — invested to engage with us throughout the day. The student, staff, and faculty presentations were thoughtful, honest, and powerful. For those of you who were not able to attend any or all of the summit, video of all of the sessions will be made available for viewing soon.
In addition to the important insights that were shared, we discussed next steps — including launching the Heels Care Network, establishing Carolina as a JED campus, and planning several spring semester seminars to extend the campus-wide dialogue — that are central to our plans to support our community’s mental health and well-being. We look forward to continuing this work and sharing our progress.
Wishing all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving break next week!

Carolina People

Meet Russell

Russell Hobart is the Assistant Director of Climbing Programs in Campus Rec where he has worked for six years. He runs the climbing walls along with some of the more advanced climbing trips.

Campus Rec
Stay Active During the Holidays

The holidays are a wonderful time of year but they can be stressful. Did you know that exercise is a great way to reduce stress? Physical activity is important for your health and well-being, but finding time to exercise can be difficult especially during the holiday season. If you are looking for ways to be healthy and active, UNC Campus Recreation offers a variety of opportunities including recreation facilities, fitness classes and fun runs.

Student Affairs Communications
Resources for Students Remaining in Chapel Hill over Thanksgiving

For those Tar Heel students who find themselves sticking around campus this Thanksgiving, Carolina is offering a number of helpful resources. From turkey to trail hiking, we've got ideas to keep students fed and happy. Please share this information with your students, as appropriate!

Wednesday Wags

Special thanks to all the pups and their owners who have brought them in for cuddles as part of the Wednesday Wags series in The Pit. Check us out again on Dec. 1 for our last Wednesday Wags of the semester with University Career Services!
Buddy|Aaron Bachenheimer
Off-Campus Student Life
Nash | Jared Ward
Student Life & Leadership
Cayden | Alicia Freeman
Student Wellness
Student Affairs Development
Pantry Bowl to Benefit the Carolina Cupboard

Did you know more than 22% of undergraduate and graduate students here, at Carolina, experience food insecurity?       

Tomorrow is the first day of the Pantry Bowl where Carolina and NC State will compete to see who can receive the most gifts to their campus food pantry! Please join us to support this important initiative and and stay up to date once the site goes live on Friday.
UNC NPHC Legacy Plaza

Located on South Campus between the SASB North and South, the NPHC Legacy Plaza will create a positive environment for National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) organizations to unite in efforts to promote their fraternities and sororities while educating students about the history of these diverse organizations. Construction on the project started this fall and is scheduled to be completed by February 2022. Recent updates to the project include recognition column footings and pour of raised plaza concrete slab on grade, and stair footings.
If you didn’t already, please fill out this quick survey and let us know what wellness activities you might enjoy participating in this year. Thanks!

Let’s kick off the holiday season together with the Jingle Bell Jog Dec. 3! More details are listed in the events section. The Wellness Champions encourage all departments to send a team to join in this fun and healthy event. 
  • The Well: With holiday season approaching, check out the University’s holiday calendar to help you plan.

  • The Well: Join a listening session for faculty and staff today from 4-5:30 p.m. in Graham Memorial, room 039, for the opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have about incidents of prohibited harassment based on protected status — including anti-Semitic, Islamophobic or homophobic harassment — that have occurred within the University community.

  • The Well: Submit a proposal by end of day tomorrow for Carolina’s first Engagement Week, which will feature events, workshops and stories that highlight authentic, effective and sustainable collaborations between faculty, staff, students and community partners across North Carolina.

Bobby Kunstman and the SLL Team: Thanks to their event planning and providing support to student organizations promoting voter engagement, Carolina was recognized with the highest voter turnout award among ACC schools during the Nov. 10 Athletic Challenges Awards Ceremony by ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge. Carolina also earned a platinum seal, which recognizes campuses with a voting rate of between 80% and 89% among eligible student voters.

Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Friday, Dec. 3, 2021
  • 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Check In
  • 12 p.m. - Participant Meeting
  • 12:15 p.m. - Run/Walk Starts

Join Campus Rec for 31st Annual Jingle Bell Jog for UNC-Chapel Hill employees! This fun walk/run kicks off the holiday season by staying active. In previous years, over 300 members of UNC faculty and staff participate in the Jingle Bell Jog each year. The event promotes physical activity, health and well-being, and provides employees with the opportunity to contribute to the Glenwood Elementary Family Assistance Program by making canned food donations. In addition, pet donations will be given to the Orange County Animal Shelter.

Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter